Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - SHR vs. EDG Game #2

Edward Gaming vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #2
2v1 Lanes, SHR Top

Rengar Maokai
Yasuo Zilean
Fizz Alistar

1. Ryze 2. Rumble
3. Lucian 2. Lee Sin
3. Zed 4. Orianna
5. Khazix 4. Janna
5. Thresh 6. Twitch

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Ryze is a lot stronger than Rumble early on and should look to abuse this fact. Constant harassment will put Rumble behind and as long as Ryze is able to dodge harpoons, should be able to do so without fear of retaliation. At level 6 he must be aware of Rumble's all-in power and respect it. Beware of ganks from Elise.

Mid -
Zed has a skill match-up against Orianna in the mid-lane, though I'd give the match-up a slight edge to Orianna. Zed is going to have to dodge Orianna's ball movements while weaving in his own harassment. He must also be aware of the auto attacks, as Orianna's does end up adding up. Before 6, focus should be on keeping up in farm, and potentially going for a trade/all-in if Zed can get Orianna to send her ball far from her. Once 6 is reached, Zed has more potential for the all-in. After using his ultimate, it may be wise for him to toss his shadow behind Orianna, dashing back to his R shadow when she tries to ultimate, and then back to the W shadow after, dodging out on a good amount of damage and CC. If Zed can get ahead, he should take complete control of the lane, however if he falls behind, there will be little he can do against Orianna.

Bot -
This lane is somewhat even, under the condition that Thresh does not land his hook or get a good flay. Lucian can bully out Twitch, but Janna will be able to give Twitch the shielding he needs to get stacks of poison up, and trade evenly with Lucian. The match-up swings though, when Thresh comes into play, if he can land a hook onto Twitch, or even walk up and get a solid flay, the damage trade is going to be huge, and EDG's duo lane will come out way ahead. As the lane progresses, this need for a hook/flay becomes even greater, and nets even more rewards. Once level 6 comes into play, there is even more bully potential for Thresh/Lucian, however a sneaky Twitch stealth can make for a lot of damage is not stopped by Thresh. If Lucian believes in Thresh, (which he of course will here at worlds) then Lucian can focus on bully Twitch into submission.

Jungle -
Khazix should look to farm, and then focus his efforts on Rumble. Keeping Rumble down will be key for this match-up, letting Ryze keep up with him in the mid-game and allowing Lucian/Zed to dominate in the mid-game without have to worry as much about Rumble.

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Rumble has a rough time against Ryze as Ryze is able to easily harass him. Rumble must wait until level 2/3 before he can even attempt to fight back. Must land harpoon and slow Ryze to keep him in Flamespitter range if he tries to snare Rumble. A hard lane for Rumble, he will need to just survive until level 6 and his power-spike before trying to fight Ryze.

Mid -
I tend to like this match-up as Orianna, though it can be a risky one. Orianna has a lot more options in this match-up, able to farm safely, light bullying, super aggressive, or heavy tower pushing. The ball is really in Orianna's court in this match-up. Skilled enough, she will be able to weave in Auto Attacks and ball movements in between Zed's Q harass. Orianna should never stray too far from her ball though, if Zed tries to go all in with his shadow, then she needs to be able to bring it back quickly to fight back. As long as Orianna can dodge harassment, and is ready for Zed's all-in, then she should come out on top in this match-up. At 6 it becomes a little bit more risky, as Zed gains more kill/movement potential, but a well played Orianna can still beat him. If Orianna ever gets behind though, Zed will be able to control her very well.

Bot -
Twitch/Janna can fight against Lucian on even or better terms, however when Thresh comes into the picture, things get really rough. One hook or flay can spell disaster for SHR's duo lane, and with Twitch not having a natural escape, it is pretty likely that Thresh will hit more than one during the laning phase. Getting the 2v1 would be very good for Twitch, as it always is, but will hamper Rumble. If they do choose the 2v2, then be defensive, and farm, wait till level 6 and then try to make a really big play with a surprise stealth attack. Even if the laning phase goes rough, Twitch can always make a surprise roam into one of the other lanes.

Jungle -
Lee Sin should focus his attention on protecting mid, and attempting to gank Ryze to give Rumble a strong lead. Once level 6 is reached, Lee Sin should look for play making against Ryze as well, with a second option on Thresh in the bot lane.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Win game, win lane. Split-push in 4-1 and 1-1-3 and look for small skirmishes in the mid-game. Avoid getting picked by Twitch and the strong 5v5 of SHR

EDG have strong lanes this time around, with mid and bottom able to bully or at the very least keep the lane in the middle or pushed. As the match moves past the lanes, EDG will have great skirmish potential with Ryze/Khazix/Zed, even Lucian if he can be in a fight w/o drawing a 5v5. Thresh and Ryze can also find picks with the double CC. Mostly though, EDG should wait till the mid-game and put a lot of 2/3 man pressure onto SHR's neutral objectives. Trade the first dragon for a turret or two and avoid big team-fights. Even a small lead will offer EDG the chance to split-push with good effect and doing so will prevent SHR from using their AoE 5v5 fight.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – 5v5 team-fight and get solid AoE damage down with their ultimates. Get picks with Twitch.

SHR's team composition is pretty simple here, but will require a great amount of skill and positioning prowess. SHR want to 5v5 team-fight in the mid-game and the late-game to utilize their strong AoE ultimate damage. Orianna pulling EDG together for Rumble and Twitch to unload their damage onto. That's the nutshell of SHR's team. Get to dragon, win fights. When dragon is down, try to find picks with Lee Sin and Twitch. Wait for the next dragon. Fight back if EDG try to 5v5. Hopefully shut down Zed before he can split-push.

Game Notes -

A catch attempt in mid by EDG goes a little too deep and Ryze is forced to flash away when SHR collapse. Trade goes Ryze flash for Janna Exhaust.

A great rotation by EDG has them blocking SHR from moving 3 people to the bot turret, and forcing SHR to give up on the bottom turret.

Twitch gets out of getting caught by Thresh by holding still until the hook is thrown.

EDG are up a tower, but having sent their duo lane top, they lose dragon but get the top turret and save their own.

EDG make a 5v3 dive at the top T2 turret and get First Blood + 1 kill and the top T2 turret. The death turret comes into play only 8 minutes into the game.

EDG are doing a great job of rotating ins small groups and pushing SHR around.

A push mid by EDG pulls the TP from Rumble and the ultimate from Orianna. EDG use several flashes, but do get an Exhaust and TP.

Lee Sin burns way too much time up top, looking for a gank onto Ryze.

EDG with the stronger power at the moment, and the back timings scattered by SHR, EDG take a free dragon.

SHR try to collapse onto Lucian, but another Lee Syndrome, this time from SHR gets Lee Sin killed and causes Rumble to ultimate to try to make something of this initiation, but essentially wasting his ultimate. EDG turn around to chase SHR. A great shock-wave by Orianna, but there is nothing to follow it up. EDG get another kill onto Rumble and continue to chase, but they are all very low now and SHR turn around and Twitch gets a Quadra-kill. The entire fight goes 3 for 4 when it should have been 2 for 0. And all 4 kills are onto Twitch.

Zed tries to 1v1 Twitch, but Twitch with his BotRK and with SHR collapsing are able to turn it around into a kill on Zed and push on the bot turret, drawing EDG off of the mid turret.

EDG take dragon as SHR take middle turret.

EDG try to take a 5v5 fight, but they should not even be attempting this. They have the weaker 5v5 fight and with Twitch getting so far ahead with his quadra earlier. SHR go 4 for 1 and head to Baron. SHR get baron, but it takes too long and EDG are able to catch them low and kill 3 for 0.

Janna and Orianna try to catch out and 2v1 Zed, but Zed is able to kill Orianna and escape.

Game is very tense now, as EDG are slightly ahead, but SHR have the stronger 5v5 and with Twitch possibly being strong enough to 1v1 Zed.

A nice Janna Tornado catches Ryze when he is too far up from the mid turret and SHR are able to deal tons of damage and push him out, allowing them to take the mid turret.

SHR rotate to the top T2 and catch out Khazix in the process, Lee Sin and Twitch killing him. Zed goes for the kill on Twitch and is barely stopped by Janna shield and ultimate. Zed ends up dieing and SHR move to go get the dragon.

Zed split-pushes up to the bot T2 turret, but stops when he reaches it, even though SHR are on the other side of the map. Zed really should be pushing the turrets instead of dilly dallying in the jungle.

Zed is finally at the T2 bottom turret when SHR start Baron. Zed cannot make it there in time so he should be pushing the bottom instead of running to the fight, getting there after Baron is down.

SHR chase down EDG after taking baron and are able to out 4 for 2.

EDG setup a trap but Lee Sin properly tosses his Q into the bush from max range.

SHR throws down the equalizer under the inhibitor turret on bot lane, to force EDG off the turret, and to separate. Twitch goes crazy and super dives in, but is able to kill 2 and live. SHR keep the push up and win the game.

Item Notes -

Janna builds Mejai's when she should be building Mejai's against Thresh and Ryze, letting Zhonya's and QSS that SHR build later be used for Zed ultimate.

End Game Notes -

Once again EDG play better at the start of the game and generate an early lead. But they end up throwing it by being over aggressive and ruining their team composition once again.

SHR need to realize that, rather than winning the game on their own power at the moment, they are winning off of EDG's mistakes. SHR are using their team compositions properly though.

What Edward Gaming should have done -

Once again they didn't play their composition properly, or rather they didn't play against SHR's composition properly. They did great in the early-game and even during the start of the mid-game. EDG really had control of the map and of the game. However, over aggression in a chase gives Twitch the quadra kill when EDG could have just peeled off with the 2 kill advantage. Unfortunately they do not, and Twitch getting 4 kills and reaching his BotRK before Zed, really shuts down Zed's ability to split-push, which he could have done extremely well if this had not had happened.

After this, it was really rough for EDG to come back, and they never truly did. They try to split-push with Zed and it gets shut down until he picks up his BotRK later. But then they are team-fighting against a team they cannot beat. When SHR were doing Baron, Zed needed to just split-push, trade objectives, and delay until Ryze gets stronger, however Zed runs to the fight, and EDG lose another, way after Baron is taken. Zed should have just taken the bot lane while his team delays SHR. Need to properly play compositions.

Going forward, I'd like to see Orianna just be banned out. Don't pick it and don't let SHR get her. If EDG can continue their early-game plays and dominance, they can win as long as they respect and understand their team composition and SHR's composition.

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