Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - NWS vs. ALL Game #2

Alliance vs. Najin White Shield Game #2
2v1 Lanes, KBM top

Nidalee Rammus
Thresh Alistar
Zed Maokai

1. Zilean 2. Ryze
3. Lee Sin 2. Tristana
3. Irelia 4. Khazix
5. Kog'maw 4. Janna
5. Ahri 6. Lulu

Lane Match-ups – Alliance

Top -
Irelia will get bullied by Ryze early and will be reduced to surviving and farming. It will be rough for a while, but being lower than Ryze will keep his kill potential almost non-existent during the low levels, as well as providing Irelia with an easy way to set up a gank through the long duration of her stun. Once Irelia reaches and 6 and picks up a Sheen, she will have more control over the lane than Ryze. Her all-in onto Ryze will be superior while Ryze is scaling up with his tear/catalyst. Every opportunity after this point should be used to push Ryze out of lane and potentially kill him. Jungle ganks from Lee Sin will be extremely potent and should be a priority.

Mid -
Ahri vs Orianna is a very even match-up. Both have good wave clear and decent kill potential on each other. Ahri will have to rely on Charm to get harassment off and then quickly back off after it wears off. Ahri has a stronger burst and fast trade ability and needs to use it. Once 6 hits, going all-in can be effective, but she must dodge Orianna's Shockwave, which is harder than it seems it would be for Ahri. If Ahri goes all-in and misses her charm, she will lose to Orianna who has much higher sustained damage.

Bot -
Slightly better match-up for Alliance. The lane will go even for the first few levels, as Janna can stop most if not all of Zilean's damage while Kog'maw cannot trade too hard until he gets a few levels. As the lane continues though, it will shift in the favor of Alliance who will have higher trade potential and range with Kog'maw. At six, and once Kog'maw picks up Sheen, Alliance will have a very large advantage over Tristana/Janna.

Jungle -
Another Lee Sin against Khazix. Farm and look for opportunities. The best will be with Irelia against Ryze around the level 4/5 mark. Lee Sin should feel confident in having the stronger/even lanes that means he will come out ahead, even in a counter-gank.

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
Ryze can bully Irelia, though it might not be so wise. With Irelia lower than Ryze, it will put Ryze at risk to be ganked easily by Rengar. Harassment should only be done when he knows that Rengar is on the other side of the map and must be wary anytime his presence is not accounted for. Be especially mindful of low hp ranged creeps and the ability of Irelia to double gap close in those situations. If possible, try to keep the wave slightly on NWS's side of the river, giving more time to chase Irelia in a gank, since she has built in tenacity to deal with Ryze CC, and because Ryze will need a short escape route if he gets ganked.

Mid -
Against Ahri, Orianna will have an even lane. Farm should go even as well as wave clear speed and trades. The only thing Orianna needs to do is dodge charms. As long as she can dodge charms she has stronger bully potential and with her sustained damage can take down Ahri. However, getting charmed will let Ahri put on a huge amount of burst and possibly kill her.

Bot -
Tristana/Janna will be ok in the first 2-3 levels, being able to trade evenly and get farm, however as the lane progresses it will only get harder and harder for NWS to do well in this lane. More burst and longer range will allow Alliance to start to bully around level 3. Once level 6 comes into play, and the first back, NWS's duo will be in real trouble. Kog'maw will be able to get free poke while also having the stronger all-in with Zilean ultimate in his back pocket. Lane swap would be advised.

Jungle -
Khazix will need to focus on farming, get past the stronger point of Lee Sin. Look to mirror his movements and counter-gank. Potential gank opportunity on top lane, but must make sure Lee Sin does not counter it.

Team Composition/Strategy – Alliance's

*Win Condition – Get rolling early and use the mid-game power-spikes of every member on their team to create a gold lead and map advantage. Snowball this into a win.

Alliance have drafted a team that has a very strong mid-game spike. Irelia, Kog'maw, and Ahri will all get consistently stronger from level 1 on up until the very late game. Once the lanes start to gain power, Alliance can shift that into objective control and pressure, especially with the Trinity Force spikes of Kog'maw and Irelia. The mid-game power needs to be used to pressure all over the map, taking vision control and denying NWS vision. Without vision, Ahri will have prime opportunity to get picks in the jungle. Lee Sin will also supplement this teams power, by being able to provide very strong early game ganks.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Condition – Survive the early and mid-game and get to the late game.

NWS have once again drafted a very late game focused team. They will have to survive the power-spike of Alliance and concede neutral objectives at times so as not to let them get too far ahead. Early wave kill potential from any of NWS's member will be useful in slowing down the tower push progress of Alliance. NWS have their work cut out for themselves, surviving lanes with disadvantages and making it past the heavy mid-game power of Alliance. If they are able to, they can defeat Alliance in the late game.

Game Notes -

Look at the super solo queue style start. Irelia is not even near Lee Sin in case of an invade.

Irelia gets level 2 first and is able to put great harass onto Ryze, trading damage while Irelia has way more potions to sustain.

Instant reaction flash from Ahri away from Khazix saves her from possibly dieing, or at least from being forced out.

Lee Sin is in place, looking for a gank onto Ryze, and is perfectly ready for the counter-gank. Lee Sin holds onto his second part of his Q until after Khazix flashes. Alliance gets First Blood.

Orianna is really bullying Ahri.

Lee Sin buys Mobility Boots with the FB money, and it gets him another gank and kill in the bot lane.

The Mobility Boots pay dividends as Lee Sin is able to lane gank Ryze in the top lane, Irelia able to set it up with her dash and stun.

Kog'maw gets a snipe at the tower, killing Tristana off guard.

The early Lee Sin power has really been used amazingly, snowballing all the lanes.

NWS try a desperate Dragon, and Alliance collapse 5v4. A great kick and steal from Lee Sin get the dragon and the team also gets a kill and chase NWS back to base. ALL take mid and bottom turret. Completing the destruction of NWS's outer ring.

*NOTE – What is Kog'maw doing.... He left base without completing his Trinity Force. The combine cost is 3 gold >.>'

Alliance are very far ahead already. 6K gold at 14 minutes. Alliance will start to siege turrets, and look for picks with Ahri and Lee Sin during rotations.

Kog'maw picks up a very early Negatron Cloak. I really like this as the majority of NWS's damage is magic, even Tristana's burst, at this point and will keep him safe while they already have a big gold lead.

Vision control allows Ahri to find a pick onto Khazix in his own jungle.

Ahri going Deathfire Grasp first is the right choice in this match, as just shown. Alliance want to find picks and with the lead they have, 1 charm will lead to a kill.

Alliance continue to rotate between top and mid, while Kog'maw stays on bot lane alone, pushing. This means all the lanes are stronger than their counterparts and Alliance will be able to maintain the control over all 3 lanes, and just need to wait for a rotational opportunity.

As Kog'maw/Zilean/Lee Sin take dragon, Ahri delays in middle, running away with her ultimate, however she makes a sneaky play when hiding in the side bush, picking out Janna and annihilating her.

Irelia could have TP'ed in to the mid lane ward, and chased down NWS, but they do not.

With rotational play, Alliance bait NWS into a fight, and are able to get 2 kills for 0, and push NWS away for the free Baron.

Alliance are able to clear the final T2 turret and start to push into the base, however a great Orianna Shockwave pushes Alliance off and forces them to shop.

Alliance return to play the map and get a catch onto Ryze. Alliance do flub here a bit, they have a 5v4 and could dive and force there way into NWS's base. They are playing a bit too safe, but they are very very ahead and NWS need another 10-15 minutes to start to fight back.

With a new baron, Alliance start to siege NWS's base again, this time to success, taking bot inhibitor and then making a great Lee Sin play in mid to take the mid inhibitor and the game.

End Game Notes -

GG Shook on Lee Sin. Snowballed all 3 lanes. NWS do not have proper wards to stop him, and the early Mobility Boots really get him into the ganks.

Alliance did take a bit of time to close out the game, but they did reach the point of no return and won a Perfect Game.

What Najin White Shield should have done -

After the first 8 minutes? Not much. In champ select, they should not have let Alliance get Lee Sin and Irelia, their best champions for those roles. They also could have not played a full-scaling team and picked up a more mid-game focused champion in 1 or 2 of the roles.

In the game, NWS made some sloppy plays, ganking top predictably without knowing where Lee Sin was, and then playing over confident against a Lee Sin who got First Blood.

NWS tried to take a dragon, which is somewhat the right play, they had to do something, but it was more up to ALL to lose the fight at this point than for NWS to win it, and NWS solidified their loss here.

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