Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB vs. LMQ Game #2

LMQ vs. Samsung Blue Game #2
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Zed Zilean
Yasuo Thresh
Lee Sin Alistar

1. Nami 2. Maokai
3. Jarvan 2. Twitch
3. Rumble 4. Rengar
5. Kog'maw 4. Janna
5. Orianna 6. Kassadin

Lane Match-ups – LMQ

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Jarvan is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Orianna will have an easy time against Kassadin and needs to make sure to not let Kassadin get free harassment. Getting in lots of auto attacks and chasing Kassadin after he tries to harass will be key to keeping him down and pushing him out of lane and away from CS. Should keep ball movement to a minimum so as not to let Kassadin build charges and keep it close for easy and quick returns on any harassment or CS attempts. Should be confident in winning an all-in fight as well. Just be wary of the lockdown and damage from a Rengar gank. Once chalice comes into play, farm hard and fast.

Bot -
Another lane that is superior to Twitch/Janna. LMQ should make sure to find the 2v2 match-up and bully as much as possible. Nami slow on top of Kog'maw range should get good harass and potential bubbles onto Twitch. Huge bully potential and sustain, culminating in a great poke advantage at level 6. Building Trinity Force first will also allow Kog'maw to fight all-in's against Twitch's level 6 and BotRK. Solid ganks with Jarvan, and good disengage against Rengar.

Jungle -
Jarvan should have the same farming potential as Rengar with a slight edge in the ability to get into ganks over Rengar. At 6 however that will shift and Jarvan will start to have a hard time, especially against SSB's composition. Kassadin being able to escape, Maokai being the tank, and Janna having the knock-back. Jarvan is really looking to be a ball delivery system and trap Twitch in with Rengar ultimate.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Rengar to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of counter ganks, as Rumble/Jarvan will have high damage.

Mid -
Kassadin will have a rough time against Orianna, depending on how she plays. Should expect to lose the lane and use spells primarily to CS and just live through Orianna's poke. Wait out till 6, then start to harass Orianna and Rift Walk out. Make your plays around the map, not in lane.

Bot -
A weaker lane by far, really need to seek out the 2v1 lanes so Twitch can get rolling. If forced into the 2v2, defensively farm. Potentially go for a kill at level 6, hoping to get the surprise, be ready to flash Nami CC and give it everything you've got. Get help from Rengar as soon as he hits 6 too.

Jungle -
Farm to level 6 ASAP. You will not be able to help out mid or top during the early game, not very well at least. Should seek to hit 6 fast, and possibly catch out Rumble with the dual CC of Maokai. Once 6, make plays for Twitch to get him ahead.

Team Composition/Strategy – LMQ

*Win Condition - Team-fight 5v5 and use the power-spikes of Kog'maw/Rumble along with the dips of Maokai/Kassadin to control and take early dragons and turrets. Take this early lead and continue to shove into SSB with their greater team-fight composition.

LMQ have a very heavy team-fight composition. At anytime that their ultimates are up they have huge synergy and power in a 5v5 fight, able to combo them together to great effect. As an added bonus, their team has a great power-spike in Rumble and Kog'maw, both at level 6 and at their first item spikes. LMQ need to use these timings to control dragon and to force team fights. LMQ also need to be wary of Twitch getting ahead and of Rumble falling behind. SSB will seek to make picks with Twitch. The best way to stop this is to make sure that LMQ gets the 2v2 lanes, making it much harder for Twitch to get farm since LMQ have the stronger lane, and making sure that Rumble is able to get experience in the 1v1 lane.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Use the high mobility of the team to create picks around the map. Split-pushing and jungle control will be huge. Do not engage in team-fights with LMQ unless severely ahead. Scale into the late game with Kassadin and Maokai.

SSB cannot really fight against LMQ's team with this composition, not 5v5 anyways. SSB are suffering in terms of power-spikes from Kassadin and Maokai as well as having an inferior 5v5 composition. SSB need to split up LMQ's team and keep them split up. The longer SSB can delay team-fights and the game the better. They will not win a straight-up 5v5 until they can out-scale LMQ. Try to get the 2v1 lane so that Twitch can get to his Blade of the Ruined King ASAP and use him/Kassadin/Rengar to make picks around the map while avoiding a full LMQ team.

Game Notes -

Once again SSB initiate a lane swap, negating their weak lanes. LMQ do not properly respond and SSB get 3 buffs.

LMQ force dragon, barely getting it and making it out.

No reason for Orianna to be this out of mana at level 3.

SSB not freezing top lane, lets Rumble TP top after SSB have 4 bottom and pick up the wave exp.

Jarvan is decently behind now though, having only 1 buff and spending the time at dragon.

SSB get knowledge of the pink at LMQ's blue buff.

Rumble/Nami aim Twitch when a level 2 Janna is much closer.

SSB making good focus on the top side where they have the number advantage. Allow the bot lane to freely farm and freeze.

SSB try to capitalize on Orianna's lack of flash, but get baited into a trap when they chase too far.

Kog'maw pushes the bot lane into the turret while this happens, denying the farm to SSB and burning Maokai's TP (gets canceled).

LMQ react late to dragon, getting to the fight after dragon goes down and from 3 different split-up angles. Rumble completely whiffs his ultimate (mis-click) and LMQ lose the fight. SSB gets 2 kills onto Kassadin. Several problems with this fight.

Rengar tries to gank bottom lane, misses his Bola.

Jarvan is top lane waiting in the top bush, waits way too long and misses the dive opportunity, loses a lot of time.

Orianna tries to catch Rengar, misses her ultimate. No reason for her to have used it, could have gotten more secure ball movement to secure or hold onto her ultimate.

Twitch is left alone all game so far.

LMQ trade top turret for bot turret, then move as 4 men to bottom to take their 2nd turret.

As soon as LMQ took the tower, they should have backed up in preparation for the dragon. Kog'maw completing his Trinity Force and then moved in to fight for dragon. Instead they do not and take too long to get ready for dragon, giving it away for free.

A great engage by SSB nets them 4 kills for 3. Great ultimates from Jarvan/Rumble/Orianna save LMQ from getting destroyed. However they lose the fight as Twitch is not locked up and is free to come in and clean up the fight.

All of SSB's kills are on their carries. 4 on Kassadin and 4 on Twitch. This really hurts LMQ as both of these champions can assassinate members of LMQ (and do).

Improper warding and some sloppy backs and movements give over 2 kills to Twitch top.

SSB will start to run a psuedo 1-3-1 split-push. More of a 1-1-1-2 with Janna and Rengar running around the jungle and from lane to lane and Kassadin being highly mobile from the mid lane.

LMQ get a great team-fight when Twitch goes crazy and flanks alone, getting blown up instantly. LMQ gor 3 for 1 and get dragon.

At dragon however, instead of running together while low, Orianna runs towards mid from dragon instead of towards bot and gets picked off by Kassadin. Janna wastes exhaust.

Seeing SSB go aggressive, LMQ predict Rengar trying to engage and back off. LMQ then turn and catch Twitch again, blowing him up and winning the fight 2 for 1. LMQ are doing great to take him out and win fights, but Kassadin is getting stronger and stronger, and cannot be locked up by LMQ's team.

Nami bubbles Maokai for no reason. Nothing comes of it, but it puts it down for LMQ if SSB had gone in.

LMQ try to get mid tower, and miss it by 1 hit. Kog'maw tries to get the last hit but puts himself in a very bad position at the front of his team and gets caught. This really really costs them (MAJOR POINT of loss) LMQ get Aced, only picking up 2 kills. LMQ needed to retreat through the jungle, and Kog'maw should not have tried to get that last shot.

Kassadin takes a lot of damage trying to defend middle while his team collapses. A great Rumble ultimate shuts down Twitch and LMQ are able to kill Kassadin and Maokai for a 2 for nothing.

LMQ rush Baron and are able to take it down without contest.

LMQ are doing a beautiful job of forcing fight after fight, preventing SSB from wearing them down in split-pushes and assassination picks.

LMQ rush mid again, as Twitch and Janna are bot, but they are able to recall in time. LMQ have 2 pink wards as they siege to watch out for Twitch.

Kassadin hops in trying to engage but is immediately stopped by Nami wave. Denying Rengar ult as well. LMQ return to take the turret, but aggressively use their ultimates incorrectly and do not get a combo onto Twitch. Allowing just enough damage from Twitch for Kassadin to blow up Kog'maw.

SSB get an Ace for 1 kill and dragon. Kassadin now has a Deathcap and the damage will simply be too high for LMQ to deal with anymore.

SSB get another catch in mid, get an Ace for 0 and turn that into baron and an inhibitor. Safer play, but I think they could have ended the game.

SSB try to get pick in the mid lane onto Kog'maw, but go in 2 vs 5 and both SSB members get killed, only burning Jarvan ultimate. LMQ then rush and take the mid inhibitor of SSB.

LMQ almost catch Kassadin but he is Kassadin. Rumble burns ultimate to try to catch him, but it does almost nothing. Rumble ultimate is now down for SSB to make moves.

Orianna burns her ultimate trying to catch Janna, the support. Janna burns flash, but now SSB know they can easily push in with that ultimate down. SSB use the opportunity to pressure mid, knowing LMQ can't engage successfully. Luckily for LMQ this results in nothing lost.

Jarvan slides towards Janna, and separates himself from his team. This lets SSB engage onto the back-line of LMQ freely. LMQ's focus gets split. Rumble ultimate is only used on Twitch, who flashes away, while 3 people are in the middle of LMQ's back-line. Rumble should have used his ultimate to focus on the AoE potential in the group, letting Jarvan keep out Twitch. SSB get the Ace for 0 and win the game.

Item Notes -

Janna grabs a Mikael's against only Nami Bubble. An Aegis/Locket would provide much much more safety against LMQ's team and would have been a better buy.

Nami also picks up Mikael's instead of Aegis/Locket, more useful than Janna's, but still providing minor use.

Orianna builds Liandry's as her 6th item. And while its not a bad choice, I do feel Rylai's would be the much better choice. More AP/HP providing higher burst damage, which LMQ want to kill Twitch, and the extra slow is just icing on the cake.

End Game Notes -

It's unfortunate that LMQ had such a bad start. Not finding the 2v2 lane, the mis-click on the Rumble ultimate, and then a few mistimes on early dragons really set LMQ behind and let Kassadin get past his weak stages.

SSB, specifically Twitch, made bad positioning mistakes in 5v5 fights and LMQ really capitalized on it and were able to come back into the game.

A few missteps in retreats from LMQ get them caught and give up some Aces.

Both teams made several misplays, however LMQ's was mainly in the early-mid where as SSB made them mid-late game.

What LMQ should have done -

I almost want to say nothing, but that of course would not be true. LMQ's biggest problem was in their early game. LMQ really need to sniff out the lane swap and deny Twitch farm as much as possible. LMQ would then have a huge mid-game spike with Rumble and Trinity Force Kog'maw while Kassadin and Maokai would need to scale up. There was such big difference in power early, but LMQ did not play it properly from the start.

On top of that, two points in game really shine. One, the fight at the second dragon when Rumble mis-clicks his ultimate as well as using it too early. That fight was too scattered by LMQ, not being prepared to be in position as a group.

The second point, is in the mid tower push when Kog'maw turns around greedy for the turret and gets caught. LMQ should have backed off through the jungle instead of down the lane, and forced SSB into a funnel in which their 5v5 teamfight would have been so strong.

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