Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - EDG vs. AHQ Tie-Breaker

Edward Gaming vs. AHQ E-sports Club Tiebreaker
Standard Lanes

Fizz Zilean
Twisted Fate Alistar
Thresh Ryze

1. Maokai 2. Zed
3. Lucian 2. Lee Sin
3. Braum 4. Rumble
5. Rengar 4. Jinx
5. Kassadin 6. Leona

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Rengar to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Lee Sin damage will be much higher.

Mid -
Kassadin will have a hard time early in lane against Zed, however as Kassadin will be going to lane with a ton of sustain, he should be able to farm well enough. Will be pushed back by Zed, but should be able to use his AA empowerment to get CS under turret. Expect a fairly passive lane until 6, but even then Kassadin should be very safe against Zed, Rift Walking away if Zed tries to go all-in. Kassadin should look to get his CS and scale up, and do his Kassadin thing and use his mobility advantage to move around the map.

Bot -
Far superior duo lane. EDG need to make sure that they find the 2v2 lane. Lucian/Braum will decimate Jinx/Leona. Lucian is 5x the bully Jinx could ever be and Braum/Leona do somewhat of the same thing in lane with Braum able to do damage w/o commitment. Find this lane, destroy it.

Jungle -
Rengar should farm up, get his 6 and then make plays. He will be weaker than Lee Sin early, by a little bit and there is not much in terms of gank opportunity aside from top lane, which can be turned around by a counter-gank. Best for Rengar to farm and let his lanes do their thing, keeping an eye out for special chances if they should arise.

Lane Match-ups – AHQ E-sports Club

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Lee Sin is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Zed will have a bit of a null match-up against Kassadin, going equal on farm in the early game and being unlikely to kill Kassadin once level 6 hits. Zed will have to find a way to circumvent Kassadin and make plays elsewhere. This match-up will be all about who can have the most map presence, not who can dominate the lane.

Bot -
Entirely inferior and picked into EDG's duo lane. MUST get away from it and find the 2v1 lane. Under no circumstances should AHQ's duo lane end up against EDG's lane until ultimates come into play, at the very least. Jinx is easily bullied by Lucian early on and Braum/Leona provide the same power, with Braum able to harass from range. Avoid avoid AVOID the duo lane.

Jungle -
Plan for the lane swap, make it happen. Control the strong side of the jungle and deny Rengar access so that his ganks will be more predictable. Gank opportunities are mostly none existent unless a lane is already low. Look for these, but otherwise farm and protect from Rengar.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Generate small skirmishes early and take advantage of Rengar's ability to find picks and Kassadin's mobility. Turn an even match or a lead into strong 5v5 fights and roll through AHQ's team.

EDG have drafted a very brawl-centric team composition with a mobility focused mid-game and a heavy team-fight late game. Lucian and Braum will be a ton of power to the early-mid game and EDG should use that to bully during this time. Kassadin and Rengar will offer great jungle skirmish potential with their mobility and pick potential. Kassadin and Maokai will scale into extremely strong late game power. EDG just have to go even or take a small lead and they should be able to force skirmishes and bully down objectives in an almost brute force method early on and continue to grow a lead on well scaling champions. FIND THE 2v2 LANE.

Team Composition/Strategy – AHQ E-sports Club

*Win Condition – NONE.

It's only a half-joke. The team AHQ has drafted is quite bad, especially picking Lee Sin, Zed, and Jinx which only won them the last game against AHQ because of AHQ's mistakes. These were not successful champions for AHQ nor did they properly play them so I'm not sure why they expect them to this time around. On top of that, they have picked a support who has very little to offer Jinx, essentially kneecapping an already weak in lane ADC.

*Actual Win Condition – Run 2v1 lanes until ultimates or first items come out. Use the power spike of Rumble at Dragon during the dip of Kassadin and Maokai.

AHQ has to avoid the 2v2 lane or else they might as well be play man down. There is nothing their lane should be able to do against Lucian/Braum and so they need to avoid it like the plague. Find the 2v1 lane and just deal with it. Farm up and get to your team ultimates and maybe wait until first items come out, then EDG has to throw all of their eggs into Dragon fights and getting their gold lead there. Honestly without a large gold lead, this team composition has almost no chance of winning.

Game Notes -

AHQ's duo lane is completely pushed back as the inferior lane along with the potential pressure from Rengar as both teams traded blue buffs.

Rumble goes too aggressive slightly too early, losing a gank opportunity.

Lee Sin gets a good gank on bot lane, burning Lucian's summoners, however AHQ's duo must back after, low on mana and hp. Return to lane even father behind.

Great play by Maokai saves him from a turret dive by Rumble.

Lee Sin does dash in when Rumble gets the slow on Maokai, does not know there is a ward.

Jinx goes to ward, but unfortunately goes too far through their blue jungle and gets caught by Rengar who is already there. EDG then take the dragon, and bot turret.

AHQ respond and 3 man gank Maokai. EDG return to bot lane after dragon and take another kill on Jinx and a kill onto Leona. AHQ's bottom lane is insanely behind.

EDG move to pressure AHQ's top jungle and turret, but are backed off when Zed 1v1's Lucian, who for some reason EDG left alone in the mid-lane to fight Zed. This does slow down EDG for a bit and lets Jinx get some much needed CS.

Zed gets caught out in the river, gives EDG the opportunity to take top.

EDG get Dragon, just being so far ahead but this time Zed does take top in response.

EDG make a good rotate to catch out Rumble, but Rumble is able to turn it around and gets 1 for 1 trade, killing Kassadin in a 3v1. AHQ collapse with EDG ultimates down and with Lucian, their most fed member, no where near the fight. AHQ end up getting 3 kills for Rumbles death.

EDG try again to make a play in AHQ's top Jungle, but their dive attempt is shut down by Rumble and Leona. AHQ go 4 for 1 even when 5k gold behind. EDG are doing the one thing they should not do, dive into AHQ in small areas and without their full team, letting Rumble and Leona create massive damage.

AHQ are still ahead by a good 3.5k even after 2 solid team mistakes. That's how far behind AHQ were from the Bot lane power.

One thing to note, that is even while losing these fights, Maokai and Kassadin do have Rod of Ages that will continue to stack.

EDG slow down their play, realized they are going too deep and start to take a more steady approach to the match. AHQ are still too far behind and have not reached the point where Jinx evens out and cannot make their own moves.

AHQ pressure mid when Maokai is top and Lucian is bottom, but are unable to put any real pressure even when just against Kassadin and Braum.

EDG do again push too deep but they play it much better, getting a kill. They escape and split up, which does get Kassadin killed.

With Rumble and Zed ultimate down, EDG find a 4v4 team-fight in middle and get 2 kills for 0, with nothing to stop Lucian he is able to wreak havoc in this. EDG take mid T2 after.

EDG back to an 8k gold lead, just need to control the map and continue to grow a lead and scale Kassadin and Maokai into the late game. Jungle wards and Baron baits can lead to picks for EDG's mobile team.

*Note that all members of EDG have a Negatron Cloak or Negatron Cloak item, realizing that Rumble is causing them the most problems so far.

EDG force AHQ into a Baron fight, playing the 50/50 smite war. It does come out with EDG on top, taking Baron and only giving up 1 kill for the Ace. EDG take mid inhibitor. This was a dangerous Baron force. EDG would have most likely taken the team-fight win, but there was no guarantee on the Baron. If AHQ had gotten the Baron, then EDG would have lost more members. This does however, open up the game for EDG who now have mid down and a massive gold lead.

At this point, EDG just need to do more map control, clear waves and dragon, then move on to AHQ's base and brute force it down.

Which they do, EDG brute force down the bottom inhibitor turret. The damage from the turret and the need to kill it do cause them to go 4 for 4 with Lucian able to take both mid and bottom inhibitor after the fight.

End Game Notes -

How to lose in champion select the game.

EDG made a lot of mistakes, playing into the only way AHQ could fight back. Lucky for them they were already so far ahead.

Zed did well and so did Rumble for AHQ, but their bot lane was just destroyed this match and it made it so AHQ could do nothing but be defensive all game.

What AHQ E-sports Club should have done -

Redo their entire champion select. AHQ essentially lost the previous match against EDG using Zed/Jinx/Lee Sin and Rumble/Leona do even less with these champions than Thresh and Kayle do. There is 0 team synergy in this composition and 0 synergy in their bottom lane. They really just needed an actual strategy and an entirely different composition.

AHQ could have played Janna or Nami, pulled out Syndra in mid lane and that would have been huge. Find the 2v1 lane, fast push and then move to mid and take it down fast as well then use the pick potential and power spike of Rumble to control dragon. Honestly I can't stress how they needed to change their champion choices, especially Jinx/Leona.

With the champions they had, they NEEDED to get the 2v1 lane. It was absolutely essential for them to dodge the 2v2 lane and AHQ made 0 attempt to do so and it really just, lost them the game from level 1. Even if they had gotten the 2v1 lane, they needed a gold lead and would have had to make strong plays mid-game with Rumble to take dragon gold and get a lead. Their team was just not one that could fight from behind, or even when at similar gold.

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