Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - OMG vs. NWS Game #2

OMG vs. Najin White Shield Game #2
2v1 Lanes, NWS Top

Alistar Zilean
Lulu Irelia
Thresh Lee Sin

1. Ryze 2. Zed
3. Janna 2. Khazix
3. Lucian 4. Braum
5. Rengar 4. Corki
5. Jayce 6. Nidalee

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Ryze has the advantage in this lane, throughout all stages of the game when on even footing. Early on Ryze can trade easily with his spells, dealing more damage than Nidalee can heal for. As long as Ryze can dodge spears, particularly by sitting inside of the creep waves, he will come out on top in any trade or harass situation. As the lane progresses, the advantage he has will only grow until Nidalee is no longer able to challenge him. The only time that Ryze would be vulnerable to Nidalee, is if he gets hit by a spear, so dodging these should take priority over anything else. Just watch out for Elise gank, as the stun could lead into a Nidalee spear.

Mid -
Jayce is at the advantage in this lane. He has range and poke over Zed, while still be really strong in the all-in's or the damage trades. Jayce should look to farm and keep the lane pushed, try to deny Zed farm by getting him low and forcing him to back. Build up your tear and damage and move into the mid game siege with your team. It would be advised to bring exhaust, as this will be a huge deterrent when Zed reaches level 6 and should win the fights in this situation. When exhaust is down, a good knock-back should keep Zed from being able to deal enough damage to get the kill.

Bot -
Lucian/Janna is pretty standard, shield Lucian and have him use his bullying ability to push Corki out of lane/keep him low. Lucian will have to be careful though, as Corki can bully back, especially if Braum is able to get his passive off. A lot of this lane will come down to, how well Lucian can manage his harassment ability, against not getting stunned by Braum's passive. Can expect either the lane to go farm heavy, or end up with a lot of little trades, with Lucian/Janna coming out on top when dodging the skillshots of OMG. At 6, the all-in potential grows for NWS, especially if Lucian can dive in for his burst followed by his ultimate to keep Corki back. Lucian should save his dash for dodging, Braum's Q or ultimate.

Jungle -
Rengar should look to farm until 6. There is not much in terms of gank opportunities before hand, except for maybe on Nidalee in the top lane. If she is pushed against Ryze, then there will definitely be an opportunity. At 6, any lane will offer great gank potential, with bottom lane being the weakest, but also having a huge amount of damage to offer for him.

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
Nidalee is going to have a rough time against Ryze. While Nidalee can out-sustain Ryze early on, its going to take quite awhile to overcome the damage that Ryze is able to put out. When it comes to full trades or all-in's, Ryze will come out on top, unless Nidalee can land a spear to mark him with Hunt. It's gong to be a tough match for Nidalee, and only get tougher as Ryze scales into the mid/late-game. All in all, a losing lane for Nidalee, but one she will be able to sit in and farm, in relative safety.

Mid -
A bit of a volatile match for Zed. He is fighting against a ranged champion who can poke and who is also very strong in trades and all-in fights. It will be hard for Zed to harass Jayce, but should be able to keep up in farm. The lane will change once Zed gets his ultimate, as he will now have kill pressure, however Jayce's ability to fight back is really strong still, especially if he nabs Exhaust as a summoner. Zed will need good shadow play to keep on Jayce against his knock-back. This lane will require more work from Zed.

Bot -
Corki/Braum are fairly even against Lucian/Janna, however their damage is harder to hit. Hitting Corki/Braum Q's are going to of utmost importance in this lane, as all of NWS's damage is going to be guaranteed. If OMG are able to hit Lucian with Braum's passive, and are able to proc it, then that will offer a huge swing in the lane, as the damage will be at least if not more than half of Lucian's HP. Throughout the laning phase, it is going to be tense, but if OMG can keep Janna shielding defensively, then OMG can come out on top in this lane. At 6, Corki should use his poke to soften up NWS's duo lane, before going all-in with Braum's CC and protection.

Jungle -
Khazix should be looking to farm mainly, and then mirror Rengar at level 6. Getting wards into Rengar's jungle around the 6:30 mark will be amazing for finding out where he is headed. Before then, the best opportunity is going to be top, if Ryze is pushed, or on bottom lane against Janna. Khazix will really need to keep good knowledge of Rengar, if he wants to be able to provide the lane presence that Rengar can at 6.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Brawl and 5v5 fight. Poke with Jayce until an opportunity to engage or fight shows up.

OMG have a strong fight comp, that also has the option to poke with Jayce. The itself is strong at particularly anything, other than brawling in small skirmishes and 5v5 fights. This team composition fits OMG's chaotic fight and deep dive style once a fight starts. Outside of some strong mid-game play and the late game scaling of Ryze, they have that strong poke when teams are tentative to engage.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Condition – Get more poke than OMG and prevent them from being able to all-in until there is an HP advantage. Turret siege as soon as the lanes hit 6 and when Jayce is stacking his tear.

I don't like the NWS team this match. It was looking decent until the Nidalee pick. I feel that Ryze can stay even or beat her in lane, and will only get stronger in the split-push as the match goes on. Nidalee also does not offer a solid response to Jayce. NWS could have picked up Maokai and had a strong mid-game fight team with 4 members diving in and Corki allowed to blast OMG from range. As NWS's team stands, they have to poke, and be able to out-poke Jayce, who is much easier to land hits with than Nidalee. NWS do have 2 members who can poke though, where as OMG only have Jayce. NWS's team lacks good disengage though, Braum only able to do so much, and normally only on 1-2 targets. NWS are going to have a hard time poking down OMG when they have weak disengage and OMG have Ryze to TP from behind and Rengar to stealth engage. I feel that NWS should fast push in 2v1 lane swap, and move into their siege/poke team almost immediately upon hitting level 6, with Zed potentially swapping to split-push then. Corki/Nidalee should be able to keep Jayce away from creeps at the low levels and he will not have the damage to wave clear properly yet.

Game Notes -

An early ward in the river lets NWS know about early dragons, and when OMG enter/leave NWS blue side jungle.

OMG are letting Nidalee get some lane experience while Ryze is taking experience from the jungle.

OMG is the one to fast push the bottom lane and then switch to 2v2 in the top lane. OMG get the advantage from the swap, getting that NWS turret for free.

Zed loses a lot of time trying to find a dive onto Ryze, but diving Ryze with Zed/Nidalee is a bad prospect. Rune prison to stop Zed, flash to dodge Nidalee spear to prevent Hunt. Zed is falling far behind Jayce.

NWS start Dragon for who knows what reason. They are behind, Ryze has a closer path than Nidalee as does Jayce over Zed, OMG have the stronger team-fight, and NWS decide to take dragon damage. There's 0 reason for them to even be trying this. OMG are able to get First Blood +1 kill, and dragon, where as NWS just get 1 kill.

OMG return top as their duo to take the top turret while the other 3 members of OMG push middle.

The more I watch Zed in the World Championship, the less I like him in coordinated team play. More and more he seems super weak compared to most every other mid lane we see.

Case and point, he gets completely shut down by Janna in a 2v2 and OMG collapse to go 2 kills for 1 and get dragon after.

NWS do finally come together to siege mid turret. It's about 5-8 minutes later than I would have liked.
NWS move a bit to far forward and take some good Ryze damage. They need to focus on hitting the turret during the waves. OMG are able to defend middle, only having the tower take half damage. The siege is just too late and with OMG having a 4k gold lead.

Zed tries to 1v1 Ryze and does not even come close. OMG send 2 bottom to help Ryze, was not needed. NWS dive the mid turret, and get a 2 for 1, just barely, but do not get the turret, though Nidalee is able to get the turret up top.

Rengar show's his power against a poke comp, especially one that has weak disengage. Rengar starts a fight against NWS, catching Khazix, getting 2 more kills, and then taking dragon.

NWS really don't have to much they can do at the moment. Behind and can't poke, behind and can't split, behind and can't team-fight. Playing the best poke their team composition can, a 1-4 siege, leaves them super vulnerable to Rengar and Ryze engage.

NWS try to make the best of a bad situation, sacrificing Zed for Jayce, and then pushing mid with their poke, they do get the turret, but OMG are able to engage and get 2 kills.

Game will most likely be pretty boring from this point on. OMG will siege turrets and poke with Jayce till they whittle down a turret. NWS can get all the poke they want, but they can't engage and can't fight in 5v5. Even if NWS come out on top in the poke war, they will have lost turret damage, and HP, and will be unable to chase OMG when they decide to back off. This happens exactly at NWS T2 bot turret.

As dragon respawns, both teams start to move towards it. Rengar tries to engage but Khazix W is able to slow and stop the engage. A poke fight occurs at dragon while Rengar takes it. Turns into a smite fight, and OMG win, was a desperate, but needed chance for NWS to take. OMG chase NWS after, not letting them escape, and with no real disengage, NWS are eventually caught and forced to flee for days. Eventually OMG catch Zed and Nidalee, but Zed is able to trade kill, fight goes 2v1. Could have gone way worse for NWS.

I wish there was more to say here, but NWS just can't do anything. I mean, the best they could try to do is a 2 man split-push in a side lane while NWS turret defend with 3. That would probably be their best option.

OMG are able to find a fight, and take the mid inhibitor.

OMG do Baron, but Khazix is able to be a hero and steal the Baron. Still does not change the landscape of the game though. OMG can still play how they have been and just realize they need to be slightly safer. They still have the inhibitor down to apply pressure while they take side lanes.

^Repeats itself again. OMG should be being a bit safer with these Barons. 2 more times after this and NWS may be able to fight.

OMG muscle down the top and mid inhibitor or NWS, even though NWS have baron.

Too be honest, there isn't much of a reason to watch anymore, unless you want to see The Hunt quest get completed.

End Game Notes -

I don't have much to say here. NWS's composition was just bad against OMG's and they didn't take the risk they had to early to try to make it work.

Also that dragon attempt, just awful.

OMG do need to do a better job at not letting Baron go 50/50. If the match had been closer or the team compositions different, it could have really hurt OMG.

What Najin White Shield should have done -

Gone with an engagement/fight comp by picking Maokai instead of Nidalee and creating this sort of, 4 man wall that Corki could fire from behind. NWS could have taken the fight to OMG, rather than fighting this poke war with bad disengage, and a much weaker team-fight. The Nidalee pick just made me sad x.x

In the game, NWS needed to do something to take over the game super early. NWS let OMG be the ones to fast push, take the first turret, and open up the map. NWS needed to respond with their own fast push, getting some gold flow across the team, taking out a turret to open up the map and minion control, and then push for the siege, IMMEDIATELY when Corki hits 6, before Jayce can get strong poke. NWS had to work with the base damages that Nidalee/Corki could provide while Jayce and Ryze are building up their Tears.

Going forward, I want to see NWS drop the Zed, its not working at all, and have Save get on a champion that will really help the team, not just what he wants. NWS need to pick a strong early-mid game composition and get a lead again like the first game. They play great when ahead, but really bad when behind.

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