Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - OMG vs. FNC Game #2

Fnatic vs. OMG Game #2
2v1 Lanes, OMG top

Yasuo Lee Sin
Irelia Alistar
Zilean Loss

1. Rumble 2. Khazix
3. Nami 2. Thresh
3. Kog'maw 4. Ryze
5. Syndra 4. Lucian
5. Elise 6. Zed

Lane Match-ups – Fnatic

Top -
Rumble has a rough time against Ryze as Ryze is able to easily harass him. Rumble must wait until level 2/3 before he can even attempt to fight back. Must land harpoon and slow Ryze to keep him in Flamespitter range if he tries to snare Rumble. A hard lane for Rumble, he will need to just survive until level 6 and his power-spike before trying to fight Ryze.

Mid -
Long range farm will be the name of the game for Syndra, staying away from Zed and taking down the creep waves as fast as possible, forcing Zed against his tower. Good stuns from Syndra can turn the lane in her favor and once level 6 hits can lead to a kill. Syndra must be careful of when she uses her ultimate though, as Zed can negate a good portion of it with his own ultimate if he is not locked up. Syndra can attempt to stun Zed as soon as his ultimate places him next to her, at the very least knocking him back a bit to prevent some damage. Mostly going to be a farm lane for Syndra while she looks for picks onto Zed or around the river area.

Bot -
I really love Nami into Thresh, it really provides a lot of safety for the lane and allows for sustain. FNC's duo will lose early though, and Kog'maw must be wary of Thresh hooks. Nami can protect Kog'maw through heals and bubbles, as long as she times it right against Lucian. Use the bubble as a prevention or zoning tool if necessary, until Thresh hook ends. Focus on trying to farm, and once the levels come in and the first backs, FNC should be able to start getting solid poke down onto OMG's duo while avoiding all-in fights.

Jungle -
Elise will be stronger than Khazix early, and should look to take advantage of this. Particularly a gank onto top would be strong if Rumble is not too low and Ryze is pushed, otherwise mid and bottom both have the ability to set up or follow up a gank with their own CC.

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Ryze is a lot stronger than Rumble early on and should look to abuse this fact. Constant harassment will put Rumble behind and as long as Ryze is able to dodge harpoons, should be able to do so without fear of retaliation. At level 6 he must be aware of Rumble's all-in power and respect it. Beware of ganks from Elise.

Mid -
A tricky lane for Zed, while still being even. Syndra has the advantage of range and push potential, as well as the long ranged stun. Zed must do his best to farm while dodge the skillshots of Syndra. If he is able to, he has greater trade and all-in potential, especially once level 6 comes into play. The key will be to avoid harassment though and get to level 6 without being put behind. At this point Zed can attempt to all-in Syndra, but must be respectful of her burst as well. Using his ultimate to dodge a chunk of Syndra's can be huge.

Bot -
Lucian/Thresh are a stronger bully lane from levels 1/2 and should really look to punish FNC's duo lane from the start. Get early damage onto Kog'maw and continue to get the damage, preventing him from ever being at even HP with OMG's duo. This will keep him on the back foot, and create greater kill potential if Thresh lands a hook. As the levels progress FNC will be able to fight better so OMG need to be aware of this.

Jungle -
Khazix will eventually out-scale Elise and should look to hard farm, especially to level 6. Attempt to mirror her, but wait to counter-gank and be aware of the possibility of her sieging turrets with a lane.

Team Composition/Strategy – Fnatic

*Win Condition – Get picks in the mid-game and properly use the power of Rumble's ultimate. Gain a lead, and move into the a zone control/siege/disengage play-style.

Fnatic have a team that is great at getting picks, sieging turrets, and disengaging. They need to make it to the power-points of Rumble and Kog'maw in the early-mid game without falling behind and then turn their gears on. OMG lack a solid form of engage and can only fight with a Thresh hook, or by brute force. As long Fnatic does not get behind, they can transition into their teams strategy in the mid-game.

With Elise/Syndra/Nami Fnatic have 3 ways to catch someone in a bad position, and can then chain CC for the kill without having to dive in. Rumble and Nami have great disengage if OMG try to brute force an engagement, after which Fnatic can turn around and return to their objective control or tower siege knowing OMG have expended their tools while Fnatic still have great pick ability. Kog'maw is great at the turret siege to make this type of play possible, and all of Fnatic's members get even greater power in the choke points of the jungle. As long as Fnatic do not fall early, they can take control in the mid-game.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Get an early lead with the lane bullies and hold onto it, scaling Ryze into the late-game before Kog'maw can. Split-push with Ryze and Zed, forcing Fnatic to split up.

OMG have a team that is really lacking in engage as well as poke. Their team is not very strong in the 5v5s, only has Thresh for pick potential, and is pretty bad at tower siege or defense. The saving grace, however, is that OMG's team is strong in the early game and will be able to bully from the start. If they can generate enough of a lead, Ryze and Zed can split-push and force Fnatic apart, taking away the strong siege/pick/disengage that they have. If they get to this point, then OMG can slowly pick Fnatic apart this way.

Game Notes -

Fnatic saw OMG enter their top side, and have not seen them leave, they know what OMG are doing.

Fnatic take wolves before Blue, making it harder for OMG to know when their buff respawns.

FNC attempt to take an early dragon, but are spotted out by a ward and stopped by OMG. A bit of wasted time by FNC.

FNC now move to get the 2v2 lanes, letting Rumble get the experience he needs and bypassing the weakest point of FNC's duo lane. It does however put both lanes, slightly behind their counterpart.

I feel like Khazix showed himself by dancing in the bush on the mid lane gank attempt, not sure though without access to the replay.

FNC's duo lane is able to take control of the duo lane.

OMG could have taken dragon after forcing Syndra to base. They have what could be a 5 man dragon with Elise up top, Rumble not yet 6, and Syndra pushed out.

A very deep dive by OMG earns FNC First Blood, just barely in a 1 for 1 trade. Rumble TP's into the fight, but does not get anything out of it and backs in a terrible spot. Rumble just lost so much and gave OMG a kill and dragon.

Great flash over of Nami's bubble by Ryze earns OMG a kill. Trade goes 1 turret and 1 kill for 1 turret. Rumble does get a lot of damage onto the top turret.

Chaotic team-fight/pick happens mid, and they trade 1 for 1.

OMG have a solid lead now and use it to bully down mid. Rumble is the farthest behind at the moment and it is hurting Fnatic. However if anyone is going to be behind, Rumble can do the most from it.

OMG try to flank FNC but a great Nami disengage and Rumble ultimate turn the fight around. FNC go 1 for 1 but are able to chase and get 2 more kills.

OMG take dragon and FNC pull the trigger too late to stop it and too early to have a proper fight. Syndra saves the day though, helping the fight go 3 for 2 in OMG's favor instead of 3 for 0.

Item Notes -

The double Hex Drinkers from Khazix and Zed are great against FNC's team.

Thresh is properly going for an early Aegis.

Ryze and Zed both have a solid lead and OMG should start to run a 1-3-1 split-push spreading Fnatic thin or trading 2 objectives for 1. A little bit hard for Zed to do this against Syndra though. Should look to find Rumble while Ryze fights Syndra.

Syndra shows her strength against Zed when she hits her stun. Both get away through with both ultimates used.

Zed dives 2 turrets deep against Kog'maw, they both kill each other, but it draws the rest of Fnatic away from dragon and OMG take it.

Not much goes on at the moment, OMG are still using Zed to split when they should be using Ryze, especially against Syndra. With a 1-3-1 being even more successful.

Fnatic, knowing OMG are trying to bait Baron, get positional advantage and push straight down mid. OMG make the call to take Baron while Fnatic push through and take the mid inhibitor. This is one of the best moves a team can make when behind, trade objectives and OMG made the wrong call letting this happen. Fnatic get 2 turrets and an inhibitor for Baron. FNC retreat into the jungle, where OMG cannot chase them, and they get dragon as well. OMG do take the mid T2 turret though.

Now Fnatic make an interesting call, which might have been based on a positioning mistake, however they realize it is the best call they have at the moment. OMG push through mid and take the inhibitor, diving to force Fnatic back, but Kog'maw is pushing bot, takes the T2 and inhibitor turret on OMG's bot lane.

Overall trade is Baron + 2 turrets + 1 inhibitor for 4 turrets + 1 inhibitor + dragon. Fnatic gain huge map advantage and come out with the larger gold trade.

Fnatic's 3 threats now all have a way to deal with Zed's ultimate.

OMG siege Fnatic's mid inhibitor, but Fnatic are able to get a pick and chain their CC, taking out Khazix and stopping the siege.

OMG try for Baron, but are pushed off by Fnatic. There is really no reason for OMG to be pushing for the Baron, they need to use their split-push potential. Fighting Fnatic at Baron is going to be extremely dangerous.

Ryze gets impatient and flashes in way ahead of his team and straight into the cc of Fnatic. Though he gets some decent damage down, he is brought too low to fight, before half of OMG's team can even respond to his aggression. Rumble and Nami ultimates allow Fnatic to chase, and get a kill, having hp and man advantage they are able to take OMG's mid inhibitor while a mass of minions attack OMG's bottom inhibitor. This pressure form the minions gives Fnatic a little bit of safety and for some reason OMG just ignore this giant wave.

OMG push mid, and FNC get caught out, OMG get the middle inhibitor. OMG just completely ignore the bottom wave for so long and minions kill the inhibitor while OMG take baron.

FNC take the top T2 turret while OMG take dragon. Smart move, map control is much better than gold at this point in the game.

Fnatic are making some crazy map rotations, but it is forcing OMG to respond to them rather than pushing into Fnatic's base. Doing a great job of delaying for inhibitor respawn.

The game is extremely tense at this point. 1 fight can determine the outcome of the game and with few wards available both teams are playing safe and waiting for opportunities.

Fnatic does sneak Baron this time around though, and Zed takes Fnatic's mid inhibitor.

Baron lets Fnatic push up mid, negating their downed inhibitor. Now Fnatic get to use the power of their comp and just fish for picks while sieging. Mikael's is used on Khazix, Fnatic are able to burn that and now get more opportunity. After a long siege, Fnatic are able to get a kill on Thresh and it earns them the mid inhibitor and the ability to push and take the bottom inhibitor. The very first baron trade comes up huge here, as it lets Fnatic take the second inhibitor.

Fnatic call OMG's bluff and charge top lane AFTER OMG take Fnatic's mid inhibitor. OMG could have base raced this with Ryze TPing in and I believe, won. Instead they recall and catch Fnatic and kill 3 for 0. OMG need to just rush middle right now and win, sending 1 back to deal with super minions, instead they try to find the last 2 members of Fnatic, but Nami and Kog'maw set a great amazing trap, killing Zed and freaking OMG out. OMG lose both Nexus turrets and gain nothing from that catch.

Fnatic now take another Baron, since OMG have to clean out their base.

This is the power of opening up the map rather than team-fighting. Fnatic have given themselves more options and rotation ability, and have used it greatly.

Fnatic push into OMG's base and its all about picks now. OMG give up 2 inhibitors. Fnatic take buffs, delaying a little bit for super minions to reach OMG's base and getting Kog'maw red.

FNC are being a little to aggressive at the bottom inhibitor, especially with Syndra ultimate down. They should be delaying for super minions and waiting for the ultimate to come back up. Unfortunately, they don't and Kog'maw gets dived on as he gets too close. Fnatic had the win right here, if they had just waited more patiently instead of trying to force the inhibitor, they could have had Syndra's ultimate up, and super minions pulling OMG away. OMG has no Nexus Turrets.

OMG push mid for the win, Zed dies to a Nexus turret and then Syndra and Kog'maw can push them off.

So now Rumble Teleports to top lane to try to kill the Nexus, this is a great play. I almost wish however, that he had sold all his items and bough Phantom dancer and BF Swords to attack the Nexus, since this is an all-in play anyways, or even sold his chain vest for a Zeal or Sheen or something for more building damage.

Fnatic are unable to find Khazix in time and he is able to recall and as we know if you watched the match, Rumble should have used his ultimate at the Nexus, on creeps and not on the fountain and Khazix. Fnatic try so hard and are 10 hp short of killing the Nexus.

OMG get baron and then delay until their inhibitors are back up. OMG will then push mid.

OMG dive, lose a member, but are able to buy enough time to take 2 of Fnatic's inhibitors.

FNC try to now push mid, desperately in a 5v4, but get flanked and thus the game ends.

Item Note -

2 Scrying Orbs come into play in the late game for both teams, as no one is able to buy wards with 6 items. Thanks for the point out Jatt.

End Game Notes -

There is almost too much to say than can be said. This game was amazingly fun to watch.

It was however, filled with mistakes and some team composition misplays.

There were several times during this match that both sides could have won but did not.

What Fnatic should have done -

First let me say, Fnatic played the map amazingly in the mid and late game. They were able to take a losing match, and completely put OMG onto the back foot. They turned the game around, by trading objectives and by opening up the map.

Having said that, the game turned into OMG's favor from a very early point. Ryze got a big lead over Rumble with the lane swap movements and this carried over into early-mid game movement. Especially when Fnatic tried to force some fights, but were picked off after some bad engagement attempts. From here, specifically after the second dragon, Fnatic had lost control of the game. They did a good job of drawing it out, and then brought it back in their favor later on with amazing strategic play.

I won't harp on the 10 hp Nexus, there was things Rumble, Syndra, and Elise could have done differently to get that 1 hit. However, Fnatic had the game won before this point. When they had 2 inhibitors down and were pressuring the third, all they had to do was wait. Super minions would have forced OMG back to defend the Nexus that had 0 turrets, and then Fnatic could have taken the inhibitor. Instead they try to take it before minions can make it a simple task and get caught out with Syndra ultimate down. This is probably the biggest misplay that Fnatic make all game and it turns an easy win, into a loss.

What OMG should have done -

Yes, it needs to be said. OMG should have won this game at several points, and never let Fnatic back in. Their win rides on Fnatic messing up two key situations where as OMG messed up many.

First, OMG played their split-push composition all wrong. They sent Zed against Syndra who already had a Zhonya's and had Ryze sit with the rest of the team instead of split-pushing himself. OMG could have easily ran a 1-3-1 split-push and pulled Fnatic apart, never letting them get back in the game.

OMG made some awful trades this game. Baron for inhibitors and at one point BOTH Nexus turrets. They also let Fnatic open up their bottom base, to take the mid inhibitor of Fnatic after theirs was already down.

On top of this, there was two points where OMG could have pushed into Fnatic's base and won. The first when Fnatic was pushing OMG's top lane, OMG had to position to base race and win. Secondly, after they catch Fnatic in the top lane, they run around searching for Kog'maw/Nami instead of just pushing Fnatic's Nexus turrets and Nexus in a 5v2.

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