Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - C9, Main Page

Cloud 9

Top – Balls
1. Win – Rumble 0/0/7
2. Win – Ryze 2/0/5
3. Loss – Lulu 2/4/5
4. Loss – Ryze 2/5/5
5. Win – Kayle 1/2/4
6. Win – Rumble 4/5/12
7. Loss – Nidalee 1/7/2

Jungle – Meteos
1. Win – Khazix 2/0/1
2. Win – Lee Sin 3/1/5
3. Loss – Khazix 2/2/2
4. Loss – Jarvan 1/4/8
5. Win – Khazix 4/1/2
6. Win – Khazix 6/1/6
7. Loss – Elise 2/4/1

Mid – Hai
1. Win – Syndra 3/2/2
2. Win – Yasuo 4/1/4
3. Loss – Talon 2/7/4
4. Loss – Zilean 4/3/8
5. Win – Xerath 1/1/5
6. Win – Zed 6/5/10
7. Loss – Talon 1/9/0

ADC – Sneaky
1. Win – Lucian 3/0/3
2. Win – Tristana 5/0/5
3. Loss – Tristana 3/4/1
4. Loss – Lucian 5/3/4
5. Win – Lucian 1/1/5
6. Win – Corki 3/2/7
7. Loss – Corki 4/3/2

Support – LemonNation
1. Win – Janna 0/0/8
2. Win – Janna 0/1/10
3. Loss – Nami 0/4/3
4. Loss – Morgana 0/4/8
5. Win – Morgana 2/2/5
6. Win – Janna 0/2/14
7. Loss – Janna 0/2/2

Banned Against Banned By
Zilean – 3 Ryze – 2
Alistar – 4 Lee Sin – 5
Tristana – 1 Maokai – 2
Zed – 2 Kayle – 1
Maokai – 3 Khazix – 1
Syndra – 2 Alistar – 2
Rumble – 2 Zilean – 2
Ryze – 2
Thresh – 2

Group Stage Notes -

C9 has a rough time on red side during picks/bans but their blue side is amazing. They did however, grow through the matches on their red side picks/bans.

C9 should be able to take away a lot of learning and a lot of confidence from their group stages.

They have showcased their strategic map prowess and how strong it is against teams.

They should take note of the other group stages, and even of Kabum vs. Alliance's second match and how much, not playing into the brawl centric matches that occurred throughout most of group stages, is effective. In fact, TSM death ball comps, Kabum fast-pushes, and C9 map movements avoiding teamfights all proved extremely effective and should be looked at as potential strategies to deny the Asian teams their preferred and practiced methods of play.

When Cloud9 show up, they show up. But sometimes they have some pretty rough flub matches.

C9 need to believe in their intelligence and ability and they can go far.

Ban balls Rumble.

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