Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SHR vs. OMG Game #2

OMG vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #2
Reverse Lanes

Rengar Alistar
Janna Ryze
Maokai Zilean

1. Lee Sin 2. Thresh
3. Rumble 2. Lucian
3. Corki 4. Khazix
5. Jayce 4. Mundo
5. Morgana 6. Lulu

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Rumble should be fine, if not stronger in this lane match-up, but it will be close. Rumble can bully Mundo early, getting good slows and flamethrowers, however as the lane progresses it will be harder for Rumble to bully Mundo, especially when Spectre's Cowl comes into play. Rumble should look to bully as much as he can, and transition into a stronger mid-game before Mundo can take over the lane.

Mid -
Jayce should be even against Lulu, able to farm and get his poke off. He will have to worry about Lulu's harass though. If Jayce is in range, and notices Lulu's shield and Q are down, he can hop in to do a good amount of trade damage and then knock her away without taking much in return. Things will get trickier at level 6, when Lulu gets her ultimate, but Jayce should still feel safe enough to farm and harass without worrying about being killed.

Bot -
Corki/Morgana are going to be pretty even against Lucian/Thresh lane both Corki and Lucian provide comparable trade/harass and both Morgana and Thresh need to hit their skillshots and shield their carries. There is outplay potential on both sides, as a faked hook can lead to Morgana using her Black Shield wrong.

Jungle -
Lee Sin should look to make plays against Mundo early on, as he is vulnerable to ganks, while moving to mid with Jayce at 6.

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Mundo is going to get a bit bullied early one, Rumble having high sustained damage from the get go. Mundo however, should be safe enough to get his farm, or even just cleaver farm if necessary. As the lane progresses, Mundo will have an easier and easier time, especially when level 6 and first items come into play. Spectre's Cowl and Spirit Visage will give Mundo an edge against Rumble and he will then be able to start bullying Rumble in the lane.

Mid -
Lulu is going to be fairly safe against Jayce, able to farm and attempt to get off her harassment. She should try to hide behind the creep wave, to stop Jayce from poking her. The all-in potential is going to be on Jayce, especially before 6, but Lulu does have the ability to whittle him down with some well timed shields and Q's. If she does not also get poked, then eventually Lulu may be able to go in for the kill. Most of her influence is going to outside of the lane though.

Bot -
Corki/Morgana are going to be pretty even against Lucian/Thresh lane both Corki and Lucian provide comparable trade/harass and both Morgana and Thresh need to hit their skillshots and shield their carries. There is outplay potential on both sides, as a faked hook can lead to Morgana using her Black Shield wrong.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to need to protect Mundo in this match-up, make sure that he does not get dove early and fall behind. Outside of protecting Mundo, making a gank onto the bot lane and going for Morgana can be successful.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Win the mid-game with the power of Corki/Jayce/Rumble. Snowball that into a win. Siege and bully turrets if a lead is generated.

A very similar team to last game, lots of early and mid-game power. OMG will want to make plays early with Lee Sin, especially onto Mundo, as he is weak to ganks and even dives. The turret sieging power will be a little bit weaker, with Khazix/Lulu having strong wave clear on SHR's side and OMG having a little less control without Khazix. There is still a lot of bully power for OMG at turrets and at objectives though. It will be a lot harder for OMG to dive with Lulu/Thresh on SHR's team. Eh, much of the same for this game as last. Get early dragons, make early skirmishes and ganks to take the lead and snowball from there.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Be a big old strong front line and outlast OMG's damage.

As strange as that tagline is, it has its truth to it. Mundo will be huge when backed up by Lulu. Insane HP and regen coming out of him. Mundo is going to be able to outlast whatever damage OMG can put down. As long as Lulu and Lucian stay safe they should be able to take OMG in a straight up fight. The quick dash of Lucian will get him out of Rumble's ultimate while Khazix can wait for the right moments to leap in for resets. Thresh can get very good solid picks for his team as well. I like this composition against OMG. It's like saying, Rawr, I'm a giant wall coming at you, see if you can take me down. With the sustained damage of OMG being a little lacking, SHR are looking to reach a point where they just out last through what OMG are able to provide.

Game Notes -

A solid hook onto Corki earns SHR a ton of damage onto OMG's duo and actually pushes them out. OMG send the duo top to avoid the SHR lane now. Mundo gets a nice little lead because of this and SHR follow OMG to the top lane.

Again OMG's duo run to the bot lane. We end up with Lucian alone up top and a 5v4 near the bot lane. Quickly turns into a 5v5 and a big skirmish. SHR are able to push OMG back, and get more CS onto Lucian while denying Corki. The CS difference has grown to over 20.

When OMG show their duo top again, SHR take the dragon as OMG take the top lane. OMG taking top with Lee Sin does give the red buff steal to SHR.

Big skirmish over the Blue buff of SHR ends up with Thresh getting a hook, and the fight goes entirely SHR's way. First Blood to Lucian and +1 kill to Thresh.

OMG are able to take their second turret, the middle when SHR back to shop and heal.

Mundo goes to check and clear the red buff, but Lee Sin is there with Rumble having just taken it. I think Mundo walked past the pink ward without seeing it.

SHR's duo puts so much damage onto Corki and Morgana, but Jayce being nearby stops them from taking the turret or diving. It does let SHR get 2/3 damage onto the mid turret. Jayce leaves bottom to protect mid and SHR take the bottom.

SHR are doing great, keeping up a lead and having the strength in their ADC. Dragon is up, but Mundo and Rumble both need to shop first, hopefully Mundo can get his Visage before Corki can get his Trinity Force. That would give SHR full advantage over dragon. A big fight starts at Dragon, but Lulu is split form here team. OMG turn and chase her, disengaging from SHR. This earns SHR 3 kills for 1 and they move back to dragon and get it. Rumble getting behind Lulu to trap here was very good.

The split up of SHR is the only reason why OMG won that fight though.

Morgana goes for a deep ward, way too deep, and just gets caught and killed for free. Don't solo ward people.

The lantern save by Thresh comes up huge.

SHR need to back off for a little bit, get that Deathcap on Lulu and Statik Shiv on Lucian before fighting again. This will help them through the current power-spike of OMG.

Morgana is going for Zhonya's instead of Mikael's. I expect/hope this to bite OMG in the backside.

OMG split up trying to get fights on both sides of the mid lane, but they find them 1 by one instead of as a group and SHR are able to push them away and get one kill, both teams collapse. SHR stay to fight even with lower HP bars and less poke. The fight ends up going in OMG's favor 4 to 3 and OMG get dragon. The fight was really really close and you can't honestly fault either side for it.

SHR get caught at their red, right when they respawn and OMG get 2 for 0 this time around.

OMG are starting to generate a lead, but it is only 3k and their power-spike timing is going to start to wane soon.

SHR decide to send everyone top, able to avoid the wards off OMG and they are able to get a pick, killing Lee Sin in his jungle and are able to finally get the top outer turret.

OMG try to get a sneaky Baron, but they get caught by a Scrying Orb.

Thresh flay saves his life against Lee Sin, tossing Lee Sin to the side as he gets kicked. Sends Thresh safely over the wall. Super slick, most likely an accident, but if not, amazing. This burns both Lee Sin and Rumble ultimates.

OMG make a good call to go for Baron, but SHR respond fast enough and OMG do not back off quick enough. We get to see the wall that is Mundo/Lulu take over and chase down OMG. SHR get 3 kills, move to Baron, get another kill when Lee Sin tries to steal it, and then SHR get Baron. The gold has now swung into SHR's favor, and OMG are falling off their power-spike and Mundo is hitting wall status.

OMG take dragon while SHR dilly dally near mid. Free dragon for OMG when it didn't need to be.

SHR do some good rotating between top and mid and are able to take mid without a fight, then push top, drawing out ultimates from OMG, and waiting for OMG to back off after. Top T2 to SHR.

OMG have nothing to be able to deal with Mundo, they just do not have enough sustained damage.

OMG try to get back to the siege play, but its just too late. They would need to be able to siege for a good 2 minutes to do enough damage to Mundo to turn a fight into their favor.

OMG try for Baron again, but SHR bring the same fight to OMG. However this time they are able to split Mundo from his team, and to get him to use his ultimate to get in. The wall is not really there. Both teams get away low. SHR push mid to force a delay in OMG going to Baron. SHR delay enough time to get their ultimates back up, and OMG try again, and get pushed off. With SHR having their ultimates back up, they are able to take Baron, but get stuck in the bit against OMG, whose ultimates have come back up as well. Fight goes 3 for in OMG's favor, but SHR are able to get the Baron so overall win for SHR and with Khazix still up they go and sneak dragon.

OMG try to fight at SHR's T2 bottom turret, but Mundo is able to be this huge deadly front line and SHR are able to slowly move towards OMG and eventually catch them, kill Rumble/Morgana and then push all the way into the bottom inhibitor and take it.

OMG should just dive into the fight middle, when Mundo is pushing top, its their only hope, but they try too late and lose 2 members before a fight even begins and SHR are able to push for the win.

Item Notes -

I heard you like Mikael's to stop hooks? Must have heard wrong.

End Game Notes -

I heard you like to throw pebbles at walls?

This game was just Mundo getting way too big simply because of how late the game went and with OMG lacking sustained damage, Mundo was able to be a moving wall to crush OMG with his team following behind him.

The Baron fight was the clinch that gave SHR the game.

SHR did a good job of staying close to even for most of the early-mid game and were able to make it to the crushing late game.

Item choices by OMG, going for that mid-game spike with no eggs put into high DPS late-game helped to make Mundo unstoppable.

What OMG should have done -

Push harder and longer. They really needed to use their power-spike to take objectives and get into SHR's base, not to spend their power-spike time brawling in the jungle and making even or barely winning trades. If OMG has just, focused on turrets, they could have rotated around the map, creating a solid gold lead during their power-spike and then have moved to say Baron or even an inhibitor siege. They gave SHR too much time to scale up. This the problem with a brawl play-style. Even if you come out ahead, your enemies get the gold they need as well. Unless you take like 4-1 or X-0 then its just not worth it. You can get you gold other ways, without giving up any to the other team. If OMG had just sieged, they could have taken turrets, prevented SHR from getting gold by keeping them under a turret, and eventually gotten gold themselves from objectives. This style extends the power-spike of mid-game teams and decelerates the scaling of late-game compositions. Of course if you do brawl and get big wins, then you can get a lead that can't be overcome, but it is a risk that is unnecessary.

Having said that rant. OMG didn't throw the game, as they had not won yet, but handed the game over to SHR by getting greedy at Baron. They didn't back off of the TP, and they didn't properly clear wards. That pink ward in the corner? Why? It offers nothing but less vision range. This was OMG nailing their own coffin this time around.

Going forward, I know OMG won't stop the brawl and won't focus on objectives when they need to, but they really should. I expect them to run something very simlar, and they hoenstly should, they are winning the mid and early game. Don't let SHR get Lucian, take Lucian, ban Corki since OMG have the blue side, or visa versa. Keep that very strong ADC to yourself and away from SHR.

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