Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - EDG vs. AHQ Game #1

Edward Gaming vs. AHQ E-sports Club Game #1
2v1 Lanes, AHQ Top

Fizz Ryze
Lee Sin Zilean
Twisted Fate Alistar

1. Maokai 2. Lucian
3. Rengar 2. Khazix
3. Zed 4. Talon
5. Twitch 4. Nidalee
5. Thresh 6. Blitzcrank

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Maokai should have a safe time top. This lane is fairly passive. Nidalee will try to harass with auto attacks and spears but Maokai will be able to sustain as long as he does not get hit by spears and hunted by Nidalee. Maokai should not attempt to harass Nidalee, just farm safely and only fight if Nidalee tries to go all-in. Danger point will be when Nidalee picks up Trinity Force, but Maokai should have started scaling his Rod of Ages at this point.

Mid -
A very volatile match-up, if either champion gets ahead the lane will shift heavily into their favor. Zed should get as much poke as possible. At level 2 Zed could have the all-in potential and use it to push Talon out of lane or at least away from the creeps. At level 6 the match-up becomes a game of chicken with their ultimates, whoever uses theirs first most likely losing the fight. Any damage brought in by the junglers will help shift this match-up.

Bot -
I want to say that the lane is somewhat even, EDG having the better support in Thresh but with AHQ having the bully potential in Lucian. As long as Twitch is able to avoid getting grabbed, EDG should have a slight edge in this match-up, however getting grabbed may just spell disaster for EDG's duo lane. Get farm safely, try to trade as best as possible with Lucian, and dodge hooks. Thresh will need to play a big role in harassment, as him getting hooked can still let Twitch trade with Lucian.

Jungle -
Rengar will go even with Khazix on farm, if they both focus only on that. However the gank potential from Rengar can be stronger, granted his goes in with his Snare up. Rengar should look for early plays with Maokai, and then switch into bot lane plays once his ultimate is online.

Lane Match-ups – AHQ E-sports Club

Top -
Nidalee has a nice safe lane against Maokai. She will be able to harass him, out-sustain him if they fight trades (until she is out of mana), and will have kill potential if she can land a spear and Hunt Maokai. Will have her highest pressure point as soon as she picks up Trinity Force. Must be aware of early Rengar ganks. Being pushed up too far around level 2-4 could result in her getting caught by the CC and slow of Maokai/Rengar.

Mid -
A very volatile match. This lane will swing very heavily from the first kill/forced back on. Talon must respect that Zed will take an early lead at level 2, and accept it. From level 3 on, the match-up will be a bit of a toss up. Zed will have the greater poke potential as well as being able to trade evenly with Talon. Creep damage will be on Zed's side, as Talon must go onto Zed to get down his harassment, while Zed does not. Early help from Khazix can really shift this match-up. Level 6 will be a game of chicken, whoever uses their ultimate first and tries to fight will most likely lose. Talon however, can combo Zed and then ultimate out. Dealing some damage and fast clearing the wave before moving elsewhere.

Bot -
An even lane, sort of. I really find Blitzcrank to be inferior to Thresh in most ways, however Lucian is a bigger bully than Twitch. Blitzcrank will have to stop Thresh from harassing Lucian too much while Lucian gets the trade damage onto Twitch. A solid hook from Blitzcrank onto Twitch can turn the lane completely, but a hook onto Thresh could proved deadly for Lucian. All in all a tense lane that really rests on the hook of Blitzcrank.

Jungle -
Khazix should really just farm. There is not too much for him to do in these lanes. Look for one that is pushed and gank from behind, but do not waste too much time. Get quick farm, and then a ward or two to try and mirror Rengar and be ready to provide counter-gank opportunities.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Create small skirmishes and quick picks around the map during the early to mid game and turn that into a winning lead.

EDG have a good team for getting picks and winning small skirmishes in the mid-game. Rengar/Twitch can stealth in to get picks while Zed is able to finish off the caught champion with ease. As long as EDG goes even in lanes, once the first items come out for Twitch/Rengar, EDG can start looking for kills in the jungle or by sneaking into lanes with stealth. EDG must then take this lead and use it push down AHQ, who cannot split-push against EDG if they are behind.

Team Composition/Strategy – AHQ E-sports Club

*Win Condition – Make it out of lanes with the ability to split-push. Dismantle EDG with 1-3-1 split-push.

AHQ want to pull off a 1-3-1 split-push composition. There composition is a little weak for this, as their 3 man lane has weak wave clear/disengage. Nidalee and Talon, however, are really strong as split-pushers and if they can get ahead in lane can completely control the game. AHQ must get these two lanes ahead and unless they can get both of them ahead, their team will fall hard against EDG. Rengar makes it really hard to split-push as 1-4, and Zed/Maokai being good split-pushers themselves, if AHQ cannot get ahead early, they will lose and lose hard.

Game Notes -

Good read by Talon knowing Zed's aggression was a tell for Twitch being mid.

AHQ send their duo top, moving Blitzcrank bottom and leaving Lucian against Maokai top when they see the lanes. Later on they switch them to standard lanes.

Khazix sits on a ward, could have gone in right away. Trading his time for Maokai's time.

Rengar waits top for a gank, many chances to try to catch the snare but wants the perfect engage, however Lucian reads Rengar being there by Maokai's play.

Nidalee almost kills Maokai in a 1v1. Both burn flash.

Talon behind quite a bit in CS.
Blitzcrank gets a hook onto Twitch, however it was not the right play. AHQ's duo had level 7/6 to both level 5's in bot lane. Blitzcrank had the positioning to run up to Twitch and punch him, saving his hook for catching Twitch after lantern or flash. Was a good play, and almost got the kill though.

Khazix ganks a pushed Maokai and AHQ take first blood.

AHQ having burned their flashes when Blitzcrank got a hook, are now very vulnerable for the Rengar gank. Twitch having stayed, is able to help out with the gank and EDG get 2 kills and then take dragon.

Zed gets a solo kill on middle.

EDG get another kill on Lucian, Rengar being in position to gank as soon as they get back, wards having been cleared during the dragon take.

EDG make a great read on a gank incoming top, and are there to counter it with 4 members.

EDG now have a lead, it is going to be really difficult for AHQ to get their split-push composition going.

EDG start making the skirmish plays they need in AHQ's jungle, extending their lead.

A hook from Blitzcrank allows AHQ to collapse and get several kills, Zed gets their bot turret though.

Blitzcrank tries again to hook, instead of just getting the knock-up punch and then hook. Loses AHQ a kill and potentially the dragon.

AHQ do good poke around dragon, but decide to go in against EDG who is ahead, and Talon not being in range for the start of the fight. AHQ essentially kill themselves, giving EDG a 4 for 1 and dragon.

EDG are so far ahead right now, AHQ cannot fight them with their weaker team-fight champions. Meanwhile, Zed can split-push and defeat Talon or Nidalee in the split.

AHQ cannot do anything at this point, other than try to ignore EDG and play the map, staying away from AHQ's team.

EDG are playing the slow, starve game. They know there is nothing AHQ can do to comeback and that EDG's team will only grow stronger as the game progresses, even if the gold lead shrinks. EDG will take it slow, get objectives and try to get picks while they wait to end the game.

EDG could take the game quicker, by forcing down towers and AHQ's base, however there is no real rush for this. The counter point though, is that AHQ could commit themselves to the split-push and just stay away from EDG as they try to bait baron.

The slow play and vision control of AHQ's top jungle eventually pay off in EDG getting picks and kills and then baron. It did take 3 Rengar ultimates though before it happened.

Item Notes -

Talon fully builds Hydra. This is not optimal for Talon. Tiamat is enough followed by even higher damage from building BF Sword into IE or Pick-axe/Long Sword into Last Whisper.

End Game Notes -

EDG take way too long to close out this game. But AHQ do nothing in this time.

AHQ, having lost the game early, need to recognize this and do everything they can to put EDG on the back foot. Go hard in the split-push and trade objectives, do everything you can to split up EDG and try to find an advantage in their mistakes.

What AHQ should have done -

They had to win early, plain and simple. They opted into a 1-3-1 split-push composition and in these compositions you have to get ahead, and you have to use your split-push. If you get behind, there is nothing you can do in a team-fight. You have to sacrifice the team-fight and get what you can elsewhere. A few misplays by Blitzcrank and AHQ fighting when they did not need to at dragon solidified their loss.

In picks/bans it felt like AHQ went in without a solid plan and just happened to get Nidalee and then made a shallow plan around that. If you are going to go with a 1-3-1 split-push, your 3 man team needs poke/wave clear/disengage. Corki, Nami, Janna are huge for this and are much better picks for the duo lane in this composition. I would have loved to see Corki picked up and then pressure First or Second dragon while Nidalee does her magic on top lane.

On a complete composition change. I dislike seeing teams play the split-push game against Zed. Zed is just, really strong in this situation. When Zed fights another split-push assassin, he almost always comes out on top, however when a team opts away from this and plays a different style of composition, say siege or protect compositions, it really shuts Zed down.

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