Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SHR vs. OMG Game #1

Star Horn Royal Club vs. OMG Game #1
2v1 Lanes, SHR Top

Alistar Rengar
Maokai Lee Sin
Janna Ryze

1. Zilean 2. Thresh
3. Jarvan 2. Khazix
3. Irelia 4. Rumble
5. Tristana 4. Twitch
5. Orianna 6. Jayce

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Irelia should be running into an even match-up in this game. She will be able to sustain through at least some of the large amount of damage Rumble is able to provide, while being able to trade/burst him better than he will be able to on her. The trade is, Rumble's sustain will be higher, and Irelia will have to make sure not to sit in Flamespitter. As long as she is able to make it past the first few levels, this match should start to turn way into her favor, especially around level 6. Good use her dash and creep manipulating can allow her to escape after her trade damage, or to dodge out of Rumble's ultimate. Irelia can look to get a Hexdrinker first, though it will delay her Trinity Force it will give her huge safety and strength against Rumble.

Mid -
Orianna has to be careful in this match-up. It is one that she can win, or even dominate, however its quite fragile. Orianna's ability to duel and to respond to trade damage is strong, and against Jayce, as long as she can survive his trade/burst, she can put out much more sustained damage and win the 1v1. The counter to this, is that Jayce has great poke and can get Orianna into kill range with 1 or 2 good shock blasts. Orianna will have to hide behind creep waves while farming with her ball. Ball movements are going to be a little tricky, as Orianna will want to try to harass Jayce with it, however when the ball is far from her, Jayce will be able to have a safer all-in or trade damage. In the end, Orianna should focus on farming, and wait for an opportunity to capitalize on Jayce making a mistake. Carrying Exhaust will really drain the kill potential from Jayce as well.

Bot -
Tristana/Zilean is quite a weak lane. While Zilean can provide decent harassment, he offers no protection Tristana until level 6, and with Tristana being weak in lane, these two do not really work together as a bot lane duo. SHR should look for the lane swap, and keep it going until both are level 6. The downside to this though, is that Thresh is a much better roamer and will be able to provide more presence around the map if the 2v1 lanes occur. If the 2v2 lanes do happen, then SHR's duo will have to be very careful about Thresh, as they have weak ability in any trade/all-in compared to Thresh/Twitch. Even at 6, they will be at the disadvantage. SHR's duo is really going to need to just play safe, and transition to team-fighting at an earlier than normal point.

Jungle -
Jarvan will have a stronger early-game than Khazix and should seek to use it. Every lane has an opportunity for him to make a play, as no lane has any natural escapes. Irelia will make the best lane to gank, as the double CC will work wonders against Rumble. As level 4/5 is reached, Jarvan should really be seeking to burn a Flash in one of the lanes if they have not already been burned, and then return at level 6 for the guaranteed lock-down and very likely kill. If Jarvan is able to make his presence felt this match, he can really shift the lanes into his team's favor.

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Rumble should be having an even match-up with Irelia, especially early on, though it will start to shift around level 5/6. Rumble will need to use his Flamespitter to deal as much damage over time to Irelia, potentially pushing her off of creeps early, to compensate for the stronger all-in damage that Irelia has. Making good use of Rumble's ultimate will be key after level 6, and he must make sure that Irelia cannot dash away from it using creeps. If Rumble can get a lead, then he should be able to take the 1v1 with his double Mpen items, however even when ahead he will be very susceptible to ganks and will need to pay close attention to them.

Mid -
Jayce will have a slight bit of control in this match-up, even though he may lose trades or all-ins. The potential for Jayce lies in his poke and his lack of need to engage onto Orianna. Just farming and trying to get Shock Blasts onto Orianna will be enough to control the lane, or at least keep it as a farm fest. If Jayce is able to get enough poke down, and/or Orianna or her ball are in a bad position, Jayce can head in for more harassment and trade damage. If Orianna's ball is in bad spot, Jayce can hop in and knock-back Orianna, getting mostly free damage due to the travel time of Command: Protect. At 6, Jayce will have to be more careful, but will still be able to safely farm and keep control.

Bot -
Thresh/Twitch can pretty easily dominate their lane, mostly because of the power of Thresh against SHR's duo. From level one he should be seeking to get down harassment or even cause a full on engagement. After level 1, any hook can be followed up for solid trade damage, especially as Thresh is simply able to take more damage than Zilean, and Twitch will be able to provide more than Tristana. OMG's lane has full control in this lane, on top of having Thresh, who if the 2v1 does occur, will be able to provide more help than Zilean around the map.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to be able to offer a lot less this match than Jarvan will be able to. Luckily, his lanes, other than top, are stronger and safer than their lane opponents. Khazix should look to farm and scale up, getting to 6 where he can poke well with Jayce. While farming, he should pay attention to the top lane, as Rumble is going to be the most vulnerable to a gank.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Make it to late game and then win.

I generally would like the SHR team composition. They have great late-game strength, good engage, a solid amount of safety with Zilean and Orianna, and some mid-game power with Irelia and the Orianna/Jarvan combo. There is a lot of potential in this composition, however against OMG's team, it's going to almost be like trying to hold back an avalanche. OMG's team is so mid-game focused and so great at tower cracking compared to SHR's defenses, that I'm not sure that SHR can hold on to the late game. SHR are going to need to find a lead early, be it through aggressive ganks or some well managed lane swaps. Get Irelia strong early will be important as she is the mid-game power of SHR. Immediate ganks onto Jayce with Jarvan 6 will be good too. It's just going to be hard for SHR and they have to work to win this match-up.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Use the mid-game power-spike to control the map and take neutral objectives, transition into tower siege/brute force to take them down then back off. Turn objectives into a gold lead.

OMG's team is very strong in the mid-game. All of their champions are much stronger than SHR from roughly the 10-20 minute mark, aside from Irelia who is even with Rumble. OMG will need to use this window of time to bully SHR around. Take dragon, take fights to the neutral objectives of SHR, and force SHR to fight. When there is nothing up to take in the jungle, then move to towers. As 5 OMG can bully SHR off the turrets. Poke with Jayce, disengage with Rumble or even toss his ultimate at the tower to force SHR away while they kill it. The name of the game is, bully SHR and do not let up. Get a lead and the snowball it to the win. SHR will need quite awhile to catch up, even if at even gold with OMG.

Game Notes -

SHR are taking a guess at where OMG are after seeing them pass a ward. We get a blue buff dance 5v5. Nobody wants to back off. Eventually OMG are able to get the blue buff, but Thresh almost pays for it. OMG come out ahead with blue buff and 1 summoner.

Rumble barely survives a top lane dive. SHR's duo do shove him out of lane though and force him to use his TP and Flash. If Zilean's Ignite had been up, most likely there would have been a kill.

SHR move their duo to the bot lane, now that Tristana can grab a pick-ax, and with the TP advantage that Irelia has. Irelia is really far behind Rumble right now though.

Thresh properly saves his hook, after using flay, for when Zilean uses the flash. Thresh goes down, but OMG are able to pick up 2 kills for 1, and burn Irelia's TP for no gain. (Where was the Tristana Rocket Jump away).

OMG head to dragon when Rumble's TP is back up and they take it without contest. Rumble Teleports bottom to try for a bad engage and ultimate. Rumble sticks around a bit longer than expected and when Jarvan ganks for SHR it goes bad and OMG take 3 kills for 1.

OMG go to harass the blue buff of SHR, but its already down. Lucian is able to bait SHR into a fight though and OMG are able to go 2 for 1. Trading better again and OMG take both top/mid, completing the removal of SHR's outer ring of turrets.

An attempted Dragon steal by SHR ends up with them giving up 4 kills to OMG.

OMG turn to start their tower bullying. Jayce and Khazix poking while Lucian knocks on the turret.

SHR make a last ditch effort engage, but it is when Irelia has backed off to heal. I think its because Jarvan got himself caught that he decided to go in, otherwise it was just bad. SHR were low and had no hope of winning that fight. It ended up with OMG getting 2 kills and the turret and then Baron. If the coffin was nailed before this fight, now its been buried 6 feet under. OMG have Baron, 11k gold lead, which is 30k to 41k, over 30% lead. Game is over. OMG will just brute force their way to the win.

End Game Notes -

OMG got a leg up early, and rolled with it. Their composition was just that much stronger early on and with Irelia get shut down by the lane swaps, OMG had all the control they could want.

What Star Horn Royal should have done -

Not pick such a heavy late-game composition. It would work better with say, Lee Sin/Nami or Janna/and Maokai/Irelia. This would give some stronger mid-game power whose weakness to a stronger mid-game focused team could be overcome by 5v5 synergy. The whole composition they fielded just felt wonky and had to have a good early-game to have any chance of succeeding.

Oops on that level 1. SHR really got screwed by it and everyone but Orianna behind. SHR ran head long into bad fights after this, perhaps to try to recover, understanding that they needed to, or just for bad choices. Who knows.

Going forward I hope SHR just, laugh this one off, look at the compositions and how out-matched they were, and move into a more solid composition next round. Flesh out that support pick, and a different jungler, at least with this team composition.

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