Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - C9 vs. SSB Game #1

Samsung Blue vs. Cloud9 Game #1
Standard Lanes

Zed Yasuo
Alistar Lee Sin
Maokai Zilean

1. Thresh 2. Ryze
3. Elise 2. Khazix
3. Tristana 4. Syndra
5. Nidalee 4. Morgana
5. Jayce 6. Lucian

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Nidalee is going to have a rough time against Ryze. While Nidalee can out-sustain Ryze early on, its going to take quite awhile to overcome the damage that Ryze is able to put out. When it comes to full trades or all-in's, Ryze will come out on top, unless Nidalee can land a spear to mark him with Hunt. It's gong to be a tough match for Nidalee, and only get tougher as Ryze scales into the mid/late-game. All in all, a losing lane for Nidalee, but one she will be able to sit in and farm, in relative safety.

Mid -
Jayce against Syndra is an interesting match-up, and one that can be even. Jayce has slightly longer range and a much faster projectile to hi Syndra with, while having the ability to fast push against her, as long as he is willing to get in range of some of her skills. Primarily, the lane will be one of farm, and attempted long range harass. If Syndra uses her stun and misses, Jayce can go for the all-in or for trade damage, having a lot more potential against her when she cannot stun. Ultimately, farm, poke with Shock Blast and go all-in when the stun is down. Once level 6 comes into play, Jayce will have to be a lot more careful, as Syndra's kill potential skyrockets.

Bot -
This lane is very weak against C9's. Tristana gets bullied easily by Lucian, and if Morgana hits a binding, that will only result in even more damage being put down onto her. With Thresh somewhat neutered in his ability to influence the lane, because of Black Shield, it puts this lane in an even weaker position than if C9 had not grabbed Morgana. I'd suggest a lane swap, and a fast push to facilitate moving into the poke/siege composition that SSB has.

Jungle -
Elise has a stronger early-game than Khazix and can look to invade his jungle, as long as she is backed up by her laners. Using spiderlings to prevent Khazix isolation damage will be key, and any delay Elise can cause against Khazix will be useful. For ganking, bot and top lane will offer the best options, even though they are not very strong ones, with shutting down Ryze and helping out Nidalee coming up as a clear favorite.

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
Ryze has the advantage in this lane, throughout all stages of the game when on even footing. Early on Ryze can trade easily with his spells, dealing more damage than Nidalee can heal for. As long as Ryze can dodge spears, particularly by sitting inside of the creep waves, he will come out on top in any trade or harass situation. As the lane progresses, the advantage he has will only grow until Nidalee is no longer able to challenge him. The only time that Ryze would be vulnerable to Nidalee, is if he gets hit by a spear, so dodging these should take priority over anything else. Just watch out for Elise gank, as the stun could lead into a Nidalee spear.

Mid -
Syndra's toughest time in this lane is going to be pre level 6. Syndra can farm from a safe distance, keeping creeps between her and Jayce. She should focus on simply Csing until level 6 and hold onto her stun until then. Syndra and Jayce will have similar poke/fight potential, but if Syndra's stun is ever down before level 6, then Jayce has the ability to all in her. Once level 6 hits, kill potential lies with Syndra and she should seek to be a strong bully in the lane while staying away from Jayce's poke ability.

Bot -
C9's duo is much stronger than SSB's lane. The bully potential of Lucian against Tristana is very strong while Morgana is able to provide lock-down and protection against Thresh, preventing SSB's only chance of turning the tide of the lane. C9 should make sure to get the 2v2 lane and just bully them from level 1, and transition into the strong mid-game of Lucian before Tristana can scale-up.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to out-scale Elise, however the early-game can be rough if Elise takes over his jungle. Help from the laners if this happens will be useful. Even with no help though, Khazix can avoid Elise while getting enough camps to reach 6, and be able to then fight on even terms with her. As for ganking, the best bet will be top with Ryze against Nidalee with bot lane coming up second.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Get lots of poke down onto C9 before fights and force C9 to back off or fight with low HP.

SSB have a team almost completely focused on poking. Jayce and Nidalee have very long range and very hard hitting poke. If they every land both their Spear and Shock Blast on the same target, that target will essentially be removed from a fight. Samsung Blue have to concede the early game to Cloud9 and survive until the mid-game, roughly the 18-20 minute mark, before SSB's team composition can really come into effect. At this point, SSB will need to group up as five and start to siege objectives as a full team. It might even be better to try some extremely early sieging and go for the 5v5 turret push as early as 9 minutes, but will be risky to try that. Once SSB come together as a team, they should play the turret game, almost completely ignoring C9's team and avoiding any team-fights. Push one turret after another and generate a gold lead that can be snowballed into a win from turret gold.

I would love to see a lane swap and fast push with SSB's team composition. 3 man or 4 man fast push in the lane swap and take out at least one turret to move into the siege push earlier than normal.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Condition – Snowball mid and early-game power-spikes into a gold lead and the win. Get picks with Ryze/Syndra/Morgana for extra gold and to create number advantage.

Cloud9 have a very strong team, especially in the mid-game once the level 1 ultimates come into play. As long as Cloud9 can prevent SSB from coming together and turret sieging, then Cloud9 should have the stronger team in this match-up. Syndra and Morgana both have solid ways to start off a fight with a pick, or just get a long ranged pick and chain some CC for the kill. SSB's team can't fight in a 5v5, so even just one binding or one Syndra stun will be enough to start an engagement. Ryze can also flash snare to start things off and be that front-line powerhouse that he is. The one thing that Cloud9 need to not do, is get stuck at turrets under siege. Get strong wards and be prepared to flank and take fights to more open area's like dragon. If C9 can get ahead, then they should have the game in their hands by rotating through SSB's jungle until they find a pick, fight, or open turret to kill.

Game Notes -

No idea what SSB were doing at the start. They had full vision of C9's top jungle and never saw a member head in. They should have been expecting the invade on their red instead of walking into it.

Nidalee hops in to attack Ryze but does so without Hunt up and into a minion wave. Forced to flash herself out to safety.

Nidalee saw the ward go down top, but Elise still tries to gank from the bush with the ward.

A great read by C9 predicting Thresh warding gets C9 their third kill.

Ryze TP secures the kill bottom (though he doesn't touch it) and turns into a free dragon for C9. SSB do take the top turret though.

SSB spend a ton of resources to take out Ryze in the top lane.

With how far ahead Lucian is, C9 focus on bot lane, getting another skirmish going 2 for 1 and drawing out the TP from Nidalee.

SSB get a catch on mid and end up 3v1 at the mid turret, however they do not push to take mid turret, big mistake.

Even with the early focus on Ryze, he has kept up and is the best split-pusher in this game.

For the second time, Syndra gets caught in the middle by Thresh, due to improper warding. SSB are still unable or unwilling to take something from this point of power play. They are delaying any play for Tristana to catch-up, however it is only hampering SSB as C9 are able to extend their lead, and Ryze is also a super strong late game champion.

Cloud9 properly play their composition by pressuring mid and bottom, forcing rotations through SSB's jungle and getting catches and picks, ends up generating an ACE for 0 C9 as well as the bot T2 turret. Game should now be 100% over. C9 just need to do the same thing with mid/top and pressure the next dragon and baron.

Mid T1 is still up for C9 when SSB could have taken it a long time ago.

C9 get a good pick onto Elise, and a huge TP from Ryze secures the fight and a kill. Chain CC ends up just barely killing Tristana as well.

Two awkward ward positions do give SSB vision of Baron.

Game stalls for a bit, C9 not making any strong moves. Really need to start pressuring Baron and SSB top inhibitor turret and middle to facilitate picks.

A pick generates a Baron attempt, however C9 are forced off. SSB could have kept baron low and forced it, however they get a bit greedy trying to get kills and get caught and picked off. SSB trying to force the fight, as a much weaker fight team, end up paying dearly for it, getting ACED, giving up Baron, and only getting 1 kill.

Syndra finds a 1v1 kill onto Jayce and C9 push down SSB's mid inhibitor using Baron.

C9 now shop, and then move towards bot lane to push. Even with SSB landing good poke and getting most of C9 to half HP, a flash snare by Ryze allows C9 to dive and kill 2 on SSB, get the inhibitor and push for the win.

Item Notes -

I really dislike the early Sheen from Nidalee. In this composition she needs higher AP/CDR for the poke/siege. The last thing SSB's team wants to do is have a team-fight and Nidalee will not beat Ryze in a split-push.

End Game Notes -

SSB got behind from level 1 from a silly play.

SSB did not properly play their composition until around the 18-20 minute mark. They played scared, with Deft so low on Tristana even though the crux of their composition was Nidalee/Jayce and Tristana was more of a late game fall back.

C9 did take awhile to get back into the rotation/pick after dropping it after getting the top T2 turret.

What Samsung Blue should have -

Play a different composition. This poke composition really does not fit SSB. They take a bit too long to get into the mindset and they like to 5v5 fight, when a poke composition like this needs to be running away and focusing objectives not fighting.

In the game, SSB should have grouped earlier and said, whelp Tristana is screwed. They wait so long to do anything to try to get Tristana to catch up, but she is never going to catch up when behind a much stronger ADC, and against a team that is not only able to kill her, but able to control the map. Tristana will get items, but the overall gold difference is only going to grow. They had the opportunity to take mid early, and never did, and then they could have moved this into push/siege with good wards.

Going forward, SSB need to remove Syndra and Lucian. Syndra is by far Hai's best champion and has to be removed to throw him off his game and Sneaky just played, so strong on Lucian. Look for lane swaps, as C9's bottom lane is looking truly dominating.

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