Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SHR vs. OMG Game #4

OMG vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #4
Reverse Lanes

Rengar Alistar
Janna Ryze
Twitch Jayce

1. Lee Sin 2. Zilean
3. Maokai 2. Lucian
3. Thresh 4. Khazix
5. Corki 4. Nami
5. Twisted Fate 6. Mundo

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
I feel that Maokai is going to the weaker one in this lane, however, both being tanks it will not matter all the much. Maokai should be able to farm up, even push Mundo into his tower, however he will not be able to kill Mundo and should Maokai go for a trade, he will have less sustained damage than Mundo, who can stick to Maokai with his cleavers. Maokai should look to farm in this lane, and push Mundo back, trying to deny CS at the tower while avoiding any major fights with him. Maokai will scale into his tankiness earlier than Mundo anyways, and should make sure to not give Mundo an advantage.

Mid -
Twisted Fat is going to be looking to ignore Zilean almost completely. Getting to the point of one or two shotting creep waves will be Twisted Fates goal, able to clear the wave and then run into hiding for roams or ganks with his ultimate. If Zilean tries to harass, then TF can stun/Wild Cards to keep him at bay or trade evenly. Should look to lock in a stun card anytime Zilean uses his speed up.

Bot -
An even match-up in the both lane. Corki/Thresh can turn the lane in their favor if Thresh can land a good hook, allowing Corki to guarantee his Q and get off solid damage from his other sources. Corki will have to save his dash to dodge Nami ultimate/bubble though, otherwise the trade will end up in SHR's favor, due to the sustain of Nami. At 6, Corki will need to poke down SHR's duo and watch out for Lucian being extremely aggressive with his burst into ultimate.

Jungle -
Lee Sin vs. Khazix, not much to say about it other than its even, with the difference being more early power for Lee Sin and better scaling for Khazix. Lee Sin should look to gank for any of his lanes really, all of them offering follow up potential. Keeping Mundo down will probably yield the best overall results though and should be focused if possible.

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Mundo is actually going to be stronger in this lane, but not by a whole lot. Mostly Mundo will be looking to farm, wait till level 6 and Spectre's Cowl, and then he can start to really bully Maokai, as his regen and magic resistance will be high enough to ignore most of Maokai's damage while Mundo's sustained damage will be high enough to all-in Maokai and push him out of lane. Should really look to punish Maokai as soon as possible, as Mundo will take longer to provide as much benefit in a team-fight, even if he can win the 1v1.

Mid -
Zilean is kind of countered in this match-up, not by getting pushed out or killed by TF, but mostly by being ignored by him. Zilean will be able to farm pretty freely, however he will be unable to keep TF from farming or ganking with his ultimate. Zilean should just look to hard push, going for TF's tower, which will be the best way to keep down TF's options.

Bot -
Lucian/Nami will be running into an even match-up, but one that they will eventually out last with sustain, so long as they don't take uneven trade damage. Lucian will have to save his dash to dodge Thresh hooks, or Corki Q's if he can dash and still keep Thresh's hook blocked by creeps. Nami will want to save her bubble for protection, while helping Lucian get damage off her E. At 6, all-ins will be more effect for them, and they should seek to try to bully OMG's duo before Corki can poke them down.

Jungle -
Lee Sin vs. Khazix, not much to say about it other than its even, with the difference being more early power for Lee Sin and better scaling for Khazix. Khazix is not going to have much opportunity for ganking, unless a lane is heavily pushed forward. With mid most likely playing safe, and bot lane running even, Khazix should farm and look to protect Mundo or gank a pushed Maokai.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Play solidly. Use Twisted Fate to get picks in the mid-game and turn it into a lead. Picks on bottom lane will lead to dragon and more gold advantage. 5V5 team-fight with a solid lead.

OMG have a pretty solid team this go around. Strong early and mid-game from Lee Sin/Corki. Great gank ability in the mid-game with Twisted Fate, and tons of pick potential with Thresh/TF/Maokai to follow up snare. Their team-fight is strong with lots of lock-up and CC as well as a solid tank, poke and burst. The sustained DPS is a bit of a problem, however with all the lock-down that they have, it is less important than in game 2. OMG should be able to poke safely with TF and Corki, if SHR try to engage, OMG can easily hold off Mundo and then lock-down Khazix if he goes in. As long as OMG do not get punished early or make mistakes, they should be able to move into a stronger mid-game and take it to the win.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Outplay OMG and get a lead to be able to make use of the Zilean ultimate and power through the lock-down of OMG.

I think this is going to be a tough one for SHR. SHR only have Nami to provide any kind of lock-down where as they are going into four champions that have some kind of CC. Zilean ultimate is going to run into the problem of bringing someone back up into a bunch of CC. SHR are going to have to outplay OMG to win. They do have some good tools for this. Zilean speed-up, good disengage, some resets, and a big tank, but it just doesn't seem enough against targeted CC of OMG, and the lack of any poke from SHR. SHR are going to have to be the ones engaging, but they are doing so into so much CC. Mundo is going to have to take the brunt of OMG, once again, and hope that Lucian/Khazix is able to do most of the work, as Zilean is going to have a rough time and probably be stuck bombing Mundo. If SHR can get an early lead anywhere, they should back off and take dragon before Corki's power-spike sets in. Generate some early gold to get Mundo into an item. Honestly, going to be a rough match for SHR.

Game Notes -

I feel that this game is going to be decided by either the top laner or the duo lane.

OMG are able to get a three buff start. SHR did not need to give this up, however they likely assumed that SHR started at their red buff.

SHR's duo is dominating OMG's duo.

OMG move to 5 man SHR's blue when Mundo's TP is down. OMG take the fight, but make a crucial mistake by not killing Lucian and turning on him when he resurrects. Instead of letting it be a 1 for 0 or 2 for 0, the fight goes 2-1 in OMG's favor, but Lucian is able to grab First Blood.

OMG catch out Zilean when he leaves lane, Twisted Fate ultimate coming up huge again.

SHR make a 3 man dive onto bot lane, but with just the Nami bubble, its not enough to quickly secure a kill. OMG TP and ultimate in, turning the fight into a 4v4 when Zilean joins as well. The whole event backfires and OMG are the ones who end up getting a kill.

OMG take a free dragon, being ahead and at a power-spike with Corki.

TF and Maokai get a catch on Zilean, SHR collapse and a small fight breaks out that goes 1 for 1, but it does let Lee Sin steal SHR's blue buff.

OMG are in complete control of this game. With a gold lead and with many more tools in their pocket than SHR.

OMG get some more picks and a small fight near the bottom T2 turret. OMG get 2 kills, and Lee Syndrome kicks in to give SHR 1. SHR do rush and get dragon after this though, a good play.

I was wrong about this game being decided by top/bot. Twisted Fate is the one controlling this game.

OMG start to run their 4-1 split-push, with Twisted Fate working to chip down turrets.

SHR try to engage a fight at the mid T2 turret while Twisted Fate takes bottom, but they can't quite get the fight they want, and OMG disengage and then turn around to take the fight themselves.

Not sure what SHR can do at this point. They don't have any tools to be coming back from behind. I'd almost want to see Lucian pick up a vampiric scepter and just split-push. Otherwise, they just have to hope for a rotation mistake by OMG and a pick, or a team-fight at Baron. Hell even an insane 5 man push on the bot lane totally ignoring OMG and going for a base trade would be worthwhile. Standard play is just going to get SHR a loss at this point.

OMG have the opportunity to 5 v 1 push the middle inhibitor for SHR but instead chase Zilean for days.

The game is pretty boring and has been for awhile. OMG are slowly winning and have almost nothing to fear. There is no more tension in this match.

End Game Notes -

This game was pretty boring. SHR's team composition really dictated their loss. They had almost 0 tools to use in this match. Unlike the previous match where Mundo was great, it was with Lulu, and it was into a team that had little lock-down and no front-line. The plan was no where near as good as it was into OMG's previous team.

What Star Horn Royal should have done -

Not pick Zilean. He's been bad in every role in most games. Having Zilean, as noted by the casters, they picked their mid lane too early and the Twisted Fate counter-pick really made Zilean useless in this match. In fact, if SHR had not prioritized Zilean, SHR could have picked up Thresh.

Inside of the game, SHR had to get an early lead and keep it. Their team had so very few tools for doing anything and only 1 champion who had hard CC. I hate to say it was a loss form champion select, but it really was. SHR set themselves up for failure. Weaker pick potential, weaker poke, weaker engage and disengage, weaker play potential, weaker team-fight. The only thing they have going for them, is some very, very minor late-game scaling potential.

I'd like to have seen SHR say, screw it, we are in trouble, lets do something crazy. Go for the super fast/deep push and 4 man a lane swap all the way to the inhibitor turret from the start. SHR had to do something early, as they really got a bad game from champion select.

Going forward, I'd say ban out Twisted Fate, or at least plan to counter-pick him (a rougher task on blue side). Get rid of him, pick up a strong early-game team in all lanes, and get that early lead that SHR know how to win with.

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