Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - C9 vs. ALL Game #1

Cloud9 vs. Alliance Game #1
2v1 Lanes, Cloud9 Top

Ryze Tristana
Lee Sin Alistar
Maokai Zilean

1. Khazix 2. Kog'maw
3. Lucian 2. Elise
3. Rumble 4. Nami
5. Syndra 4. Kayle
5. Janna 6. Xerath

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Khazix should come out on top.

Mid -
This lane will mostly be a farm lane, however if Syndra is able to land her stun, she can get some free harass onto Xerath. At level 6, kill pressure will definitely be on Syndra's side, should she be able to reach Xerath. Need's to be wary of Elise ganks. The double stun will give kill pressure onto Syndra.

Bot -
Very strong bully lane. Should seek to trade and harass Kog'maw extensively in the early stages. Janna shield + Lucian Q and passive will really put the hurt onto Alliance's lane. Lucian should always keep up his dash once Nami picks up bubble, and only use it to dodge Nami ultimate and bubble stun. They should be able to take the lead early and hold onto it. Elise ganks should be fairly escapable and not the biggest worry.

Jungle -
Khazix can be bullied or even killed by Elise in the early levels. Upfront damage and stun will give her the advantage in a 1v1 fight, as well as spiderlings preventing isolation damage. Khazix should look to farm as much as possible while keeping an eye on where Elise is at. If possible, get mid or top a kill and make sure to counter-gank top if Elise heads up that way.

Lane Match-ups – Alliance

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Khazix should come out on top.

Mid -
A farm lane for Xerath. Should try to get any poke he can onto Syndra while making sure to avoid getting stunned by her. Keeping his range, Xerath should be under very little threat unless he gets hit by the long range stun of Syndra, allowing her to close the gap. Farm farm farm and get ready for the siege game that will be happening mid and late game. An aggressive slow into an Elise gank will be the best option if Elise does come mid.

Bot -
Kog'maw/Nami will be bullied around by C9's duo. There is a much higher damage output on C9's side in the early stages and Alliance must respect that. Play safe, and use Nami sustain to keep Kog'maw farming. If at anytime Lucian uses his dash, Nami should place Tidecaller's Blessing onto Kog'maw and he should use his range increase to tag Lucian, Nami should then bubble Lucian, allowing for good solid harassment to be put down onto Lucian. Early sweepers to make sure the lane bushes are clear would be ideal for getting Elise into a lane bush for a gank, utilize the chain stun her and Nami can provide.

Jungle -
Elise is slightly stronger than Khazix in a 1v1 early on. If possible, try to find him at a creep camp early on and bully him out. Prevent him from being able to help the lanes, and then move to gank top. Getting an early kill on Rumble onto Kayle will help the top lane tremendously. Just make sure Khazix is not in a position to counter-gank or else it is highly likely C9 will come out on top.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Condition – Use the powerful mid game spikes to control objectives and gain a lead. Snowball this lead into tower pushes and the win.

Cloud9 have grabbed themselves very comfortable champions that are very strong at group fights in the mid game, from level 6 on. They will seek to use this power advantage to put lots of pressure on jungle objectives, primarily on dragon, and win fights there. By winning these early mid-game fights, they can snowball that lead into lane advantages and skirmish power. Cloud9 should seek to push down lanes in their own match-ups with Khazix adding in that extra hand to get kills or push Alliance out of lane so that C9 can take turrets.

Team Composition/Strategy – Alliance

*Win Condition – Survive lanes without getting too far behind. Scale up and move into a tower siege style of play once Kog'maw reaches his Trinity Force and push down turrets, keeping C9 on the defensive.

Alliance's team is setup to tower siege. With 3 ranged champions, 2 psuedo ranged champions, and the long range skills of Xerath and Kog'maw, Alliance have very strong potential to focus on pushing down towers. They need to make sure to not fall too far behind in the lanes and to be very careful about the small jungle skirmishes and the teamfights around dragon. When it comes to jungle objectives and dragon control, Alliance need to make sure they have very solid warding and use the poke of Xerath and Kog'maw before engaging or getting engaged upon.

Game Notes -

A slow invade from Cloud9 gain them control of Alliance's red buff and switches to 2v1 lanes.

C9 pushes hard top while Alliance freeze bottom.

Nami backs early and heads mid, moving back to bot/dragon.

C9 takes top while Alliance take dragon.

The early turret kill will send C9's duo bot lane with an item advantage, forcing Alliance to back and shop themselves.

The turret down top gives C9 map control and makes Kayle pushing much more dangerous.

Collapse by Rumble as Elise steals blue ends up burning her flash.

*Note – look at how many players have HP pots.

Strange back time for Kog'maw, especially with dragon timer. Janna backs to grab Mobility Boots and wards for dragon and Kog'maw backs shortly after, C9 walk to dragon and take it out freely.

Elise goes very early Sight Stone, loses out on fight/gank potential. I feel the Sight Stone is a weak pick this early on, if Alliance was not going to fight for the second dragon.

Cloud9 put a lot of pressure onto Alliance's blue buff, end up hoping it over the wall with Syndra, notice the position. Blue does not leash.

Cloud9 gets the third dragon in trade for top turret. Alliance try to take top T2 as an additional response, but Rumble uses ultimate to keep things clear. C9 push mid, Alliance try to engage. A great pre-emptive flash by Syndra keeps her from getting slowed by Nami wave and then stunned by Elise after. Elise goes too aggressive and flashes for a cocoon that would not have mattered and gives up first blood, and gives C9 the opportunity to take mid turret.

Xerath gets a great catch onto Syndra, bringing her very low. A sneaky ward gives vision of Syndra backing and Xerath snags the kill with his ultimate. Earns Alliance the bottom T1 turret.

Elise is still lacking a completed item. Build is all over the place.

C9 push the lanes as a group, looking for a fight with their better mid game team fight. Get stopped at turrets, but the pressure does keep Alliance on the defensive. When dragon spawns, C9 get it without contest once again. Alliance respond by taking C9's mid tower.

C9 pressure and Rumble ultimate forces Alliance off of their mid T2 turret and C9 takes it down, but must retreat after.

C9 continue their slow control of the game, pressuring Alliance and slowly building a larger gold lead.

A great aggressive catch due to vision control by C9 does not kill Alliance, but brings them all low, allowing C9 to take Baron and get a catch onto Xerath.

C9 quickly push mid and take down the turret and inhibitor.

C9 will now pressure bottom, the best inhibitor to take when mid is down and you have Baron buff. C9 have successfully turned their mid game advantage into a snowball control lead. Working their way into Alliance's base.

With 2 inhibitor's down for Alliance, C9 cycle through lane management to keep the pressure on Alliance and keep them in their base, gaining pressure and vision throughout the map.

C9 draw Alliance out of their base into the top jungle, and then collapse, not allowing them to return to base to stop the super minion waves.

Item Notes -

Elise's build is all over the place. Partially built towards Frozen Heart, pieces of Ancient Golem, and a Sight Stone that they Alliance is not using offensively. Elise does not end up with a single completed item, outside of Mercury Tread, for the entire game.

End Game Notes -

Cloud9 used their power spikes extremely well and took several dragons, building up their gold lead, and then using the power it offered them to continue to pressure Alliance.

Elise built really badly and was never really a factor in this game.

Take note of how low of a kill game that this one was. This match was the first real NA vs. EU match and it played on styles that NA and EU use that the rest of the teams in the World Championship rarely see or use. Slow, purposeful, controlled matches are rare to see from the Asian teams and I feel that they are a potential wrench into Asian team playstyles.

What Alliance should of done -

Elise built badly, and this really was an issue. She got extremely outplayed and built terribly. I would have liked to have seen a different jungler than Elise. I feel she is very weak at the moment, unless built into a heavy siege, chain CC composition. With Elise though, I would have liked to see Alliance react to the fast push of C9 up top and done the same on the bottom lane. They had the opportunity with Elise and Kayle at bot lane golems and 0 defenders on the turret. It was the perfect time to take the tower, and then retreat to take dragon after. Cloud9 would not have been able to respond to either of these, giving Alliance a 2 for 1 trade. Afterward, switch lanes and do the same top. Trade turrets with C9 and take the first dragon. Then Alliance can push mid with 3. With Kog'maw at 6 and Xerath's range, Alliance could have put pressure on mid before the second dragon becomes an objective or at least before the third one. By keeping the pressure on the turrets and poking, it would force C9 to have to trade turrets for dragon, or to deal with the poke of Xerath and Kog'maw.

Cloud9 taking the fast top turret gave them turrets to trade for the more valuable dragons later on.

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