Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - NWS vs. ALL Game #1

Najin White Shield vs. Alliance Game #1
2v1 Lanes, NWS top

Fizz Nidalee
Maokai Zed
Ryze Alistar

1. Lee Sin 2. Zilean
3. Thresh 2. Khazix
3. Tristana 4. Irelia
5. Lulu 4. Lucian
5. Riven 6. Twisted Fate

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
A very dangerous lane on both sides, Riven and Irelia will be spending a good amount of time bullying each other. Riven has the ability to create strong burst trades, and to guarantee a stun and block some damage with her shield. Using this combo well, and as much as possible will be key in the match. However, Irelia will be able to respond strongly, with her dash and follow-up stun if behind. Irelia will also be able to out-sustain Riven, after the trades. Riven will have to create one or two strong trades in her favor and then go all in. As the level's progress and items come into play, Riven will have to be able to all-in and kill Irelia, which will be hard without ignite, and keep her out of lane after, otherwise Irelia will become too strong for Riven to deal with in an extended period of time.

Mid -
Lulu can push Twisted Fate in extremely hard in the early levels and again when she gets some AP. The lane will remain a solid farm lane without jungle interference. The winner of the lane will be whoever can push the lane the most while getting harassment down with their wave clear abilities. Lulu should just seek to push hard, and keep an eye on TF to stop his ultimate. At 6, Lulu can really start to duel/bully Twisted Fate, since he has the ultimate advantage over him. Lulu must be wary of Khazix ganks though, they will be highly effective with TF stun.

Bot -
A somewhat weaker lane that ALL's. Lucian and Zilean can bully Tristana well, and even if Thresh lands a hook, the burst damage that will come out onto Tristana after the hook is very high. Going to be a bit of a tentative and risky to go for the 2v2 and should expect to come out behind in CS if they do. If behind by too much at level 6, ALL's duo will have massive all-in bully potential.

Jungle -
Have we seen this match before? Yes! Another Lee v Khazix farm fest. Both sides will look to get to their ultimates, watching the lanes for opportunities to gank, but never truly trying to force them. Once level 6 comes in across the board, Lee Sin may be able to make plays against Irelia or Twisted Fate, but will still be unlikely.

Lane Match-ups – Alliance

Top -
A volatile lane for Irelia. She has the sustain advantage as well as being able to trade almost evenly with Riven. However, Riven's all-in potential is higher as is her mobility for getting trades and getting out. Irelia will need to respond by holding onto her dash and engaging Riven after her combo harass, applying Irelia's only trade potential. Utilizing the windows of Riven down-time will be essential for Irelia to stay in this match. As the lane goes on, it will turn more and more into Irelia's favor over extended durations, as long as she can avoid getting bursted in an all-in by Riven when she gets her ultimate.

Mid -
Twisted Fate is going to need to look to wave clear almost instantly as soon as possible. Lulu is going to be able to push him very heavily into his turret, as well as having guaranteed harassment. TF's best bet is going to be getting to the point where he can Red Card and Q clear the wave in one go, otherwise Lulu will be able to put down a lot of turret damage. Request a Khazix gank early to burn Lulu flash and return later. When level 6 hits, TF will probably have to sacrifice his turret for the ability to gank the side lanes.

Bot -
Alliance definitely have the advantage in the lane. Both Zilean and Lucian are lane bullies, especially against a Tristana who has weak trade and all-in ability early on. Should look to get harassment damage onto Tristana right from the start and continually keep her low and pushed back. Just beware of hooks into tower and lantern ganks.

Jungle -
Farm and try to mirror Lee Sin to prevent ganks. Just get your cs and be near the lanes when needed for defensive purposes. Look for triple ganks with Twisted Fate once he gets level 6.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Condition – Reach the late game and overrun Alliance's team with your protect the ADC/Death-ball composition.

NWS have drafted a very Tristana reliant team. They are all about the 5v5 team-fight, sticking together as a very grouped, death ball composition. With a lack of strong AoE on Alliance's side, this will become highly effective once Tristana reaches her power point and there will be little to stop them. NWS are however, weak in the mid-game, especially against the pick potential that Irelia and Twisted Fate can offer. They will have to make sure not to fall behind in the mid-game, otherwise Alliance can force them to split up and vastly lower NWS's team power. Riven is an odd pick in this line-up, as it doesn't really offer anything for the group protection, other than a stun. I assume its picked mostly to fight Irelia, through Irelia will out perform Riven in most cases. Does not really fit here.

It does however, given NWS a sort of, weak pseudo engagement in the mid-game, with Lulu using her ultimate on Riven when Riven dives into the Alliance team.

Team Composition/Strategy – Alliance

*Win Condition – Get picks in the mid-game and use the early-mid power of the lanes to generate a lead. Snowball this lead into a win by running a 1-4 or 1-3-1 split-push, forcing NWS to split up their protection composition.

Alliance need to get an early lead, especially using Irelia and Twisted Fate, and then turn that into pressure in multiple lanes. Alliance's only weak lane is Twisted Fate up against Lulu, however this can be mitigated by early AP onto TF for the wave clear. The rest of Alliance's lanes should be able to win on their own, and with a lead be able to put huge pressure on a lane during the mid game. Alliance should run either a 1-4 or some split of a 1-3-1 split-push once a lead is generated. Keep Twisted Fate in range to use his ultimate onto Irelia and have her split-push while the 3 man squad of Alliance pushes a weak tower/lane. Keep up the pressure, denying vision, and only back off for dragons and then shopping right after. Alliance need to keep up the mid-game pressure in multiple lanes, to prevent NWS from being able to scale and come together with their 5v5 composition.

Game Notes -

NWS initiate the lane swap, running double jungle from the start while Irelia attempts to nab experience up top. NWS did not pull off a successful freeze in the top lane, and this will allow Irelia to get experience.

Irelia wards behind in order to watch for the tower dive that is normal in non frozen 2v1 lanes.

Alliance does not pull off the freeze either, and NWS are able to get Riven to the bot lane before the wave reaches the turret.

Lanes turn into Tristana vs. Irelia top with Riven bot and Thresh roaming.

Riven flashes unnecessarily so, and Lucian is warding when the gank opportunity happens.

Zilean dances around in the enemy minion line and gets hooked, taking a ton of damage from the minions.

Twisted Fate behind in CS by a good amount.

BF sword on Tristana against Lucian pick-ax means that Lucian cannot bully Tristana like he normally can.

When NWS try to push mid tower, Lee Sin gets a little too forward, hitting the tower, causing Twisted Fate to flash in and stun, and Khazix to dive when Zilean shows up with his ultimate. Alliance get 2 kills, including First Blood.

Irelia has her sheen and a small lead on Riven and can now bully her in lane, having stronger trades and being able to avoid Riven's burst by dashing back to minions.

Alliance shop, and when they return gank bottom, forcing NWS back. ALL attempt dragon, but do not juggle the damage well and are forced back when Khazix gets low.

Lulu is still ahead in CS, being unrelenting in pushing TF to his turret and getting turret damage.

ALL's duo gets Tristana to half hp and then go all-in. With a level advantage against Thresh and a solid amount of AD, they are able to get the kill on Thresh while TF ultimates top lane, scaring NWS from fighting back in bot, as well as getting a kill on Riven in the top lane.

ALL move the fight to dragon, and get 2 kills for 0 and dragon. The double stuns from Twisted Fate and Irelia are wreaking havoc against NWS.

NWS chase too deep onto Twisted Fate and the gank is turned around by Irelia TPing in.

Alliance at this point should knock down the bottom turret and then run a 1-4 lane with Irelia split-pushing, or run a 1-3-1 with Irelia and Twisted Fate splitting.

ALL do get caught by NWS in the bot lane as they go too aggressive against the tower. An accidental save from TF keeps Zilean alive and ALL are able to run away with low HP.

Lucian gets caught on bot lane out by himself.

NWS do have a way to come back in Tristana late game with the protection of Lulu/Thresh/Lee Sin.

Alliance piddle around, not doing much of anything for a bit, while Zilean and Khazix try to get vision alone, both getting caught by NWS, particularly Thresh. NWS get 2 kills and dragon due to a bunch of solo attempts at vision control by ALL.

Alliance are not playing and have not played this lead right. They need to have Twisted Fate keep mid pushing and be in range to TP top, while Lucian/Khazix/Zilean push bot lane. NWS would be forced to go for a fight with the man advantage, and Alliance can use that opportunity to take an objective in the other lanes.

Alliance try to force a fight/dive at the bottom T2 turret of NWS, but a hook by Thresh prevents the fight and turns it into NWS's favor. Both teams end up low and getting everyone away.

28 minutes in is the first time that ALL run their 1-3-1 lane, but they do it a bit uneven and NWS take dragon while ALL take the top T2 turret. Somewhat even trade, but dragon is worth so much more gold at this point. Baron side T2 turrets are just ok advantages, as teams will want to be on that side anyways at this point.

ALL do a good 2 man split on bottom taking the T2 and inhibitor turret, trading the top T2 for it. ALL were able to get a winning fight top, 2 for 1, while at the bottom inhibitor, they almost take down Riven who is barely saved by Lulu.

NWS are getting Tristana very strong now though, with good back-up.

Lucian gets triple critical hit by Tristana, surprisingly, and it kills him, costs ALL the Baron as NWS take it.

Alliance have lost their mid-game power, and the Tristana/Lulu in NWS' back pocket has reached a very deadly point. Without solid ranged AoE, Alliance cannot do much against the death ball/protect the ADC strategy NWS can now run.

Alliance pick a fight just outside their base. Irelia dashes into 3, even though Tristana is out of position to the side. Really should have focused the actual threat. Alliance do turn to focus Tristana, but a good Riven flank scares them off and splits up Alliance. They should have all ran towards Tristana. Zilean ultimate is wasted by the moves of Alliance, used on Lucian but Lucian dashes and flashes out, getting no use from it.

NWS's death ball is too strong for Alliance at this point, and though Alliance had the best chance they could in the fight positioning, they miss the opportunity and lose their mid inhibitor for it.

Alliance try to make an engage near baron, but are forced away, losing Irelia, and NWS takes baron.

Item Notes -

Thresh sells his gold item to be able to afford the Mikael's, a potential game changer when used on Tristana.

Zilean build Aegis against only Lulu and spends money onto T3 gold item. Zilean really needed some mana regen and CDR, as they are huge for constantly having his ultimate up for fights. Mikael's would have been a much better choice.

End Game Notes -

Both sides mess up the freeze at level 1. Either side freezing could have given them a large advantage in terms of the team's top laner match-up. Would have really benefited Irelia more of this had happened, and hurt Riven the most if both lanes had been frozen

Alliance did not use their mid-game pressure properly and it really cost them the game.

NWS got picked off by Twisted Fate and Irelia way too much. They did not respect the Stun cards or the power of Irelia and it honestly should have cost them the game.

What Alliance should have done -

Alliance had the right team composition and the right early game and start of the mid-game strategy. They generated a large lead and took control of the game. However, once they reached this point, they seemed to stop doing anything. 3 people got picked off in a row, all by themselves. NWS started roaming as a team while Alliance sat around.

When Alliance had the lead, they needed to use it to pressure all 3 lanes. NWS's team had to team-fight and could not fight back against Alliance with their lead. Alliance needed to run 1-4 and 1-3-1 split-pushes. Force down the bottom turret while Irelia takes top and Twisted Fate pressures mid, then switch and have the 3 man squad take down middle. Alliance needed to have Irelia use her power to create pressure, Twisted Fates ability to show up to a gank, and the power of Lucian over Tristana to work down a lane. Alliance had the power in all 3 lanes to split NWS apart, but they did not do this.

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