Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - OMG, Main Page


Top – Gogoing
1. Loss – Maokai 0/3/4
2. Loss – Kayle 0/7/7
3. Win – Irelia 2/0/4
4. Win – Ryze 5/0/15
5. Loss – Irelia 0/1/0
6. Win – Maokai 0/1/12

Jungle – LoveLing
1. Loss – Elise 0/7/3
2. Loss – Khazix 3/2/5
3. Win – Evelyn 2/0/8
4. Win – Khazix 7/2/10
5. Loss – Lee Sin 0/2/0
6. Win – Khazix 9/1/5

Mid – Cool
1. Loss – Yasuo 2/6/4
2. Loss – Ahri 3/6/2
3. Win – Zilean 7/0/4
4. Win – Zed 6/3/7
5. Loss – Yasuo 0/4/1
6. Win – Orianna 4/0/6

ADC – San
1. Loss – Tristana 4/4/3
2. Loss – Tristana 4/4/4
3. Win – Kog'maw 2/0/5
4. Win – Lucian 6/3/7
5. Loss – Tristana 1/1/0
6. Win – Lucian 2/1/10

Support – DaDa777
1. Loss – Nami 2/3/4
2. Loss – Thresh 0/5/8
3. Win – Nami 1/2/5
4. Win – Thresh 0/6/11
5. Loss – Nami 0/3/0
6. Win – Janna 0/3/12

Banned Against Banned By
Zilean – 4 Zed – 1
Alistar – 2 Maokai – 1
Ryze – 4 Twisted Fate – 1
Maokai – 2 Alistar – 4
Zed – 1 Thresh – 1
Lee Sin – 2 Ryze – 1
Irelia – 2 Zilean – 1
Yasuo – 1 Khazix – 1
Rumble – 2
Gragas – 1
Lee Sin – 1
Jarvan – 1
Twitch – 1

Group Stage Notes -

OMG show a lot of positioning mistakes, especially in the first day.

OMG are not using the split-push potential effectively, preferring instead to stay grouped as 5 even when it would give them a major advantage.

OMG are looking a bit weak in the group stages. Making a lot of strategic and positioning mistakes through the matches. They only make it through because of the mistakes of Fnatic and LMQ.

OMG will really need to step up their play and practice hard to fix their issues. Understand their team compositions better and fix their individual positioning mistakes.

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