Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SSW vs. SSB Game #1

Samsung Blue vs. Samsung White Game #1
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Tristana Rumble
Alistar Maokai
Ryze Thresh

1. Zilean 2. Twitch
3. Kayle 2. Rengar
3. Lee Sin 4. Jayce
5. Varus 4. Janna
5. Yasuo 6. Akali

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Kayle can easily bully Akali in this match-up, keeping her way down throughout the match. Even if she tries to stealth, Kayle can get incidental damage onto her through his splash auto attack. Kayle should look to push hard, deal the damage he can, and keep Akali back. As level 6 hits, Kayle should back off to base, and make sure he comes to lane with a pink ward. Fighting Akali heads up will be difficult, as her burst is pretty strong, however a well timed Intervention can change the outcome of the fight. If Kayle does not have a pink ward though, he will lose fights at level 6 for sure. The outcome of this lane is really going to be determined by how big of an item/exp advantage Kayle can gain before Akali reaches level 6.

Mid -
Yasuo against Jayce is a rough match-up. Yasuo is going to have to be very tricky with his dashes, using a creep to get close to Jayce and then dashing to Jayce after the knock-back. Yasuo is going to be hard pressed to pull this off though, especially without taking so much damage that he simply can't fight. Yasuo will most likely have to wait until 6 to make any real moves, relying on his ultimate for the engagement and then dashing for the follow-up. If he can get in for the all-in though, Yasuo should be able to win the fight.

Bot -
This bot lane combo confuses me very much. There isn't much synergy and it seems that Zilean is just picked for being Zilean. SSB's duo can attempt to harass, timing double bombs with Varus Q/E for maximum effect, blowing up Janna shield before it can be used and doing a quick in and out trade combo. However, it is harder than it sounds. As the lanes progress, it will get even worse. Janna ultimate should be able to heal through a lot of the DPS that Varus can do after the burst, while Twitch will be able to easily assassinate Varus the moment Twitch picks up his BotRK. All in all, its going to be a rough time for SSB, without any real power-spikes showing up in the 2v2.

Jungle -
Lee Sin is going to want to to put a bit of focus on ganking for top and mid in this match-up. Lee Sin's natural reveal will be huge for ganking Akali, while at level 6 his synergy with Yasuo will pretty much guarantee kills against Jayce. An early Sight Stone will be amazing for keeping track of Rengar.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Akali is going to have a rough time early against Kayle, but if she can survive to level 6, then she stands a much better chance. Without any solid CC, Kayle cannot stop the damage that Akali is able to put out, or even escape. The downside is Intervention and Akali may have to draw it out before fully committing to an engagement. Akali is going to have to play safe, and get what CS she can. If she is able to get any kind of lead, then she will be able to dominate Kayle once level 6 is reached. Timing engagements, as Kayle's ranged buff ends will be huge, especially before he is able to reach 90%+ up-time.

Mid -
Jayce should be able to control the flow of the mid lane in this match-up. Yasuo does not have too much that he can do, with Jayce able to poke, trade damage, and knock-back Yasuo when he tries to engage. Farm, harrass, and win lane. Jayce should only need to worry once level 6 hits, and then his two concerns will be dodging knock-up from Yasuo and Lee Sin ganks.

Bot -
Twitch/Janna should have solid control over this lane, even from level 1. Twitch can immediately start to bully Varus with Janna shield, able to get several stacks of poison before Varus can respond with his Q. The only worry that Twitch/Janna are going to have in this lane, is getting poked by Varus. Provided they can dodge or sustain through it (which will happen when Twitch gets his Bilgewater Cutlass) they should have almost nothing to fear in this 2v2. Once Twitch reaches assassination status with BotRK, the matches tilts even farther as Varus has no way to escape Twitch and cannot out damage him.

Jungle -
Rengar is going to want to focus on farming to 6 as quickly as possible. His top and bottom lane should be very safe, while Akali is going to have to play safe, and a gank would yield little results. Once 6 though, Rengar can make use of it anywhere, with high damage and weak escape in every lane. Any one of them would be a good option.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition - Teamfight 5v5 and be on point with the Kayle and Zilean ultimates. Do not get split up, do not double ultimate someone. Do not fall behind.

Samsung Blue's team is super super squishy and lacks mobility, especially against SSW's team composition. This team composition is going to have to bring themselves together fairly early to avoid getting picked off in 1's or on small groups. This team has a huge huge huge skill cap and the tiniest of windows for error. Two save your life ultimates, only 1 knock-up synergy for Yasuo (though it is one of the best) and then an immobile ADC who is also terrible at dueling. Varus is the only disengage for SSB, but he can't disengage against a Rengar. Rengar will be able to leap in range to snare, even if in full vision. This is going to be a rough match for SSB, because of how much mobility, stick, and pick potential that SSW have. SSB are going to have to be really on point with their ultimates this game, and not lose the game early, or else they will have almost no chance of coming back.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Pull SSB apart and get picks in the early to mid-game. Get a small lead and siege as five or get leads in every lane and just force SSB to defend multiple targets until they leave themselves vulnerable.

Samsung White have a much stronger composition going into this match. They have poke over SSB, which is huge because SSB lack any strong engagement tools. They also just, out-match all of SSB's champions with their own, except for maybe Kayle vs. Akali, and Yasuo only in combination with Lee Sin. There is so much pick potential on SSW that they should really be relying on that. Rengar and Twitch alone offer hurt catch in rotations and lanes and jungle, especially against Varus. If SSW can also get Akali going, she will be able to stick to and kill members of SSB, who have no peel, and only 1 CC. This game is really in SSW's hands, and all they have to do is keep away from the 5v5 fight until they are ahead.

Game Notes -

SSB try to take SSW's red buff, but are unable to as Janna is roaming with the jungle/top combo.

A duel in mid ends with traded summoners and no kills, Yasuo is forced back, Jayce has to Flash. Slight CS edge to Jayce over this.

SSW take the dragon for free since they have the numbers advantage from the lane swap.

SSB push the top turret, looking to swap back into the 1v1 top laners as there is a decent lead on Kayle. Both SSB and SSW take a turret.

Flash ultimate by Varus is a little impatient and gains nothing for it.

Both teams send the duo middle, and the mid laners bottom.

SSB have done a great job with the lane swap and rotations to keep Akali way down.

SSB and SSW skirmish on bot lane, Lee Sin/Yasuo against Rengar/Jayce with more coming in after. Unfortunately, SSB overlap Exhaust and ultimates, making Exhaust worthless. SSW play the fight so well, and once the Intervention is down, SSW burst down Yasuo and Janna moves in to force SSB to run. SSW get 2 kills for 0, and Dragon. This lets Akali buy a Bilgewater Cutlass to the Hextech Revolver she had before.

Twitch/Janna get the assassinate drop on Varus, even right next to his tower. Zilean gets off the ultimate, but ends up getting killed by not just backing up.

SSW head top, and make a dive/fight in between turrets. With Zilean and Varus ultimate down, SSW are able to weave in and out to outplay SSW. Lee Sin kicks Twitch, but Yasuo is not ready for it and does not ultimate.

SSW are way ahead, especially for their team composition. All SSW need to do now take objectives, and split up to force bad map rotations out of SSB.

SSW do try for a somewhat consolidated team fight, but it goes 1 for 1. Almost went worse but Janna's ultimate heals a giant amount for SSW. SSW get Dragon.

Yasuo gets an amazing ultimate that nets his team a kill and lots of damage onto SSW, however the rest of the fight goes bad and SSW goes 3 for 1.

SSW take Baron for free.

SSB should just go do something ridiculous. And push in a place that SSW won't expect, like.... sneak down the bot lane into the bushes and then rush towards SSW's inhibitor. Trade objectives, or draw SSW back into a fight where SSB is the one pushing.

SSW are taking a bit of extra time for this match. They look to be trying to demoralize SSB.

Keep watching if you want to see more stomp.

End Game Notes -

Stomp a lomp a domp domp.

SSB's composition just could not handle any mistakes, and they made a few of them.

What Samsung Blue should have done.

Not picked a composition that was hinging on a the head of a pin. They played well at the start, even keeping Akali down, but all it took was one play to go in SSW's favor, and they gained the momentum they need to take out SSB's composition. The mechanical skill level for this composition, was honestly almost inhuman and without being able to pull that off, there was no synergy, or even any protection for this team.

Going forward, Samsung Blue should just regroup, and go back to one of their more standard compositions and one that doesn't require TAS level skill.

Oh, and realize that SSW will probably be banning out your top laner, the Maokai/Rumble bans are a good showcase, and banning out that Ryze was really hurtful to SSB.

Also, drop the Zilean and drop the Varus >.>'

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