Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - EDG vs. DP Game #1

Edward Gaming vs. Dark Passage Game #1
Standard Lanes

Nidalee Twitch
Alistar Zilean
Syndra Ryze

1. Maokai 2. Lucian
3. Rengar 2. Khazix
3. Janna 4. Nunu
5. Kog'maw 4. Thresh
5. Orianna 6. Xerath

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Maokai will actually get bullied by Khazix up top. Khazix can spam his Q without drawing creep aggro and is able to gain decent sustain with his W. Maokai will need to look to hit his AoE spells onto Khazix while he pushes, keeping the HP even throughout the lane phase. May want to look for a ward into the lane bush to prevent Khazix passive damage. Look to mostly farm and potentially grab an early armor item, even if just a cloth armor.

Mid -
Mostly a passive farm lane. Orianna should avoid taking poke as much as possible. I would suggest an early boots pick up to do so, and to let her play more aggressively. While it will be hard to get in range, Orianna is able to all in Xerath. Her damage output will be plenty superior as well as being much harder for Xerath to dodge if she is in close. The one counter to this would be if Orianna gets hit by Xerath's stun. At level 6, Orianna will have even greater 1v1 all-in potential, her ultimate being useful in the fight where as Xerath's will not. If at any point Xerath's flash is down and her flash is up, Orianna should play aggressively and flash his stun to go all-in. Great synergy with Rengar.

Bot -
Kog'maw/Janna will be at a disadvantage early on in lane. They will need to plan to just farm for the first few levels, using ranged and Janna shield to prevent as much harassment as possible. Once Janna has level 2 shield, EDG can time some harassment against Lucian with Kog'maw's ranged as long as they can avoid Thresh landing Flay or his hook. Janna's passive will allow Rengar to get into the lane from a lane gank quicker.

Jungle -
Rengar should really have the advantage in this match-up. His clear speed will be higher, and if Nunu tries to invade at the wrong time then Rengar can snare him, hopefully long enough, for his team to collapse and kill him. In a gank, Rengar will definitely be stronger.

Lane Match-ups – Dark Passage

Top -
Khazix should have the slight advantage in top lane. He can bully Maokai early with Q harrass but will most likely be unable to get a kill until he gains enough damage or enough mana sustain to spam through Maokai's sustain. Trying to keep the lane phase going until his second evolve will really be best.

Mid -
Mostly a farm match-up, both champions being picked for the team fight and turret control. Xerath can poke easier, but will lose trades or all-in fights unless he can land his stun. At 6 Orianna will definitely have the fight advantage, however Xerath will be looking to avoid it and just long range farm, waiting for the teams to come together.

Bot -
Lucian and Thresh, team Wife-steal, will have the edge over EDG's duo. Early level 1 harassment will be beneficial, easily able to knock out the Janna shield before Kog'maw can take advantage. A level 2 rush can lead into an all-in fight, and the later levels will still favor DP with Lucian's burst, especially after Lucian picks up his first AD item. The lane will shift once Kog'maw gets his Trinity Force though, and DP will have to be wary of this.

Jungle -
Nunu will be at a disadvantage all game long against Rengar. Weaker farm, weaker ganks, weaker everything really. Nunu has to make a plan for his purpose right from the start for the entire game. Early Baron rush? Solo dragon kills? Attack speed buff bot for the ADC for fast tower pushes? Nunu has to go into this game with a plan, and his team has to support it, otherwise, he's going to look very useless.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Play well in the laning phase, wait for Rengar ganks and reach team-fight item spikes. Transition into 5v5 team-fights.

EDG have a team with very heavy engage and team-fight ability. Rengar/Maokai make a great front-line while Rengar/Orianna make for a great engagement. In the back line, Janna/Orianna are very good at being defensive and peeling for Kog'maw while Kog'maw is able to deal out the damage and have poke with his ultimate and tower siege with his range. If things go back early, then Maokai/Rengar can switch from engagement to peel and team protection against DP.

Team Composition/Strategy – Dark Passage

*Win Condition – Win lanes hard, or play one of three strategies with Nunu and dedicate yourself to it.

DP's composition is kinda of meh. They have their work cut out for them once the lanes end and if they are unable to generate a solid lead, will just end in being dismantled. With the champions they have chosen, they have 3 options and must pick one with Nunu.

1. Lane swap and fast push. Start the game in 2v1 lanes, get the double buffs with Nunu and then fast push the turret in the 2v1 lane. Potentially, DP can push down the T2 turret as well if they dedicate themselves to the push. This will allow the duo lane to return to the bot lane with an advantage and DP can then attempt to do the same and fast push the bot turret. After the outer top/bot turrets are down, moving into tower sieging would be their best bet, or use the turret gold/pressure to take dragon.

2. Nunu should leave the lanes to themselves and level Consume and item build to be able to solo Dragon. Take it asap and then on cooldown without letting EDG know when he is doing it. Let this gold snowball the lanes.

3. Sort of an extension of #2, Nunu would farm hard seeking to get an early sneaky Baron (15-17 minutes) with Khazix or maybe the four person over the wall baron with bot/top lane. Surprise DP.

Game Notes -

DP set up an early lane ward between bottom towers to find the 2v2 lane.

Lucian does not use his double shot on Kog'maw at level 1.

Nunu comes up behind Maokai, instead of from the side, gives Maokai the distance to escape the gank.

A great counter gank by Nunu earns DP First Blood, 2 kills for one. Lucian could have flashed for the kill on Kog'maw.

EDG come back and start dragon in a 5v4. DP try to harass but leave too late and get caught after EDG take dragon. EDG gets 2 kills. Should have let it go and just long range harass by Xerath.

Khazix starting to duel Maokai, even under tower.

Lots of defensive pinks on both sides.

Rengar almost dies in a bad gank attempt in mid, does burn Xerath's flash.

Rengar burns his ultimate again to no avail. Would be a good time to try for dragon, though Kog'maw has hit his Trinity Force Spike.

Orianna gets a 1v1 kill onto Xerath, flashes over the wall right on top of Xerath. This is the best spot for Orianna to be against Xerath.

EDG head to dragon, and DP go super aggressive against EDG's bot lane, gets collapsed on and EDG get 2 more kills, dragon, and bot turret. Was not a good choice to go aggressive with the rest of EDG so close. This is just about the closing point of the game.

Rengar finally gets a kill with his ultimate, taking out DP's bot lane.

Note how Khazix is always out of mana when trying to kill Maokai.

DP is now pretty far behind, and Kog'maw is in one of his very strong points. EDG put a lot of pressure on bot lane, getting kills and T2 turret.

EDG put all their pressure on the top side now, taking control of DP's jungle until they are able to take Baron without contest.

EDG are now able to brute force DP's base.

Item Notes -

Would have liked to have seen a Manamune onto Khazix instead of Hydra. He needed the mana for poke and for sustained damage against Maokai up top.

End Game Notes -

Nunu really ends up useless outside of the one counter-gank.

Rengar does not make a very strong showing early, forcing his ultimate too hard and getting very denied.

What Dark Passage should have done -

They needed a dedicated strategy. They ran their team composition pretty much like Solo Que games. Everyone seemed to do their own thing and look to just play/win the game through their own lane. Khazix was only seen once in the match, and so was Nunu essentially. Nunu is not that strong of a champion, but he has some niche strategies that Dark Passage could have done, as described above. I would have really liked to see a Jinx or Caitlyn into 2v1 lanes and fast pushing the 2v1 then the duo lane, netting DP an early advantage and allowing deeper wards against Rengar. Then DP could have pushes hard with their poke/siege ability of Khazix, Xerath, and if they had picked it, Caitlyn/Jinx.

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