Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - C9 vs. NWS Game #1

Najin White Shield vs. Cloud9 Game #1
Standard Lanes

Maokai Alistar
Syndra Zilean
No Ban Lee Sin

1. Zed 2. Tristana
3. Ryze 2. Khazix
3. Thresh 4. Lulu
5. Corki 4. Nami
5. Elise 6. Talon

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
Even match-up. Lulu has slightly better poke potential but Ryze's damage if he reaches Lulu is superior. Kill potential lies on Ryze later on while Lulu is able to whittle Ryze down and keep him at his tower. Ryze will need to use his all-in strength come level 6-7 to push Lulu back. The more damage Ryze can get onto Lulu, the less safe it is for her to push.

Mid -
A very volatile match-up, if either champion gets ahead the lane will shift heavily into their favor. Zed should get as much poke as possible. At level 2 Zed will have the all-in potential and use it to push Talon out of lane or at least away from the creeps. At level 6 the match-up becomes a game of chicken with their ultimates, whoever uses theirs first most likely losing the fight. Any damage brought in by the junglers will help shift this match-up.

Much like the Lucian/Thresh match-up against Tristana/Nami, Corki/Thresh offers great bully potential early on and should use this to their advantage. However, they will get out-sustained as the lane progresses and need to get the early advantage and use it to keep Tristana down. Corki should always hold onto his dash, using it to escape Nami's CC abilities. If it is ever down, there is a lot of potential for Tristana/Nami to do good damage. Since Corki will be building Trinity Force and has a better burst ultimate than Lucian does, in this match Corki/Thresh will be able to hold onto the all-in potential for a much longer time, Corki having a stronger mid game power spike. Double CC ganks with Elise onto Nami would be successful.

Jungle -
Elise is slightly stronger than Khazix in a 1v1 early on. If possible, try to find him at a creep camp early on and bully him out. Prevent him from being able to help the lanes, and then move to gank her own lanes. There is setup potential both top and bottom and should be the likely targets. However, getting Zed a lead, even in minor HP, will be extremely beneficial.

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
An even lane against Ryze. Lulu can poke from a greater range, but must respect that Ryze will pump out more damage from close range. Aggressively pushing Ryze into tower would offer the most benefit to Lulu, however it will require solid warding to make sure that Elise does not catch her in a gank, and easy task for Ryze to setup.

Mid -
A very volatile match. This lane will swing very heavily from the first kill/forced back on. Talon must respect that Zed will take an early lead at level 2, and accept it. From level 3 on, the match-up will be a bit of a toss up. Zed will have the greater poke potential as well as being able to trade evenly with Talon. Creep damage will be on Zed's side, as Talon must go onto Zed to get down his harassment, while Zed does not. Early help from Khazix can really shift this match-up. Level 6 will be a game of chicken, whoever uses their ultimate first and tries to fight will most likely lose. Talon however, can combo Zed and then ultimate out. Dealing some damage and fast clearing the wave before moving elsewhere.

Bot -
Tristana/Nami should get bullied early on in this match-up, however they do have the sustain and will rely on that to make it through the lane. Look to punish Corki with Nami bubble if he ever uses his dash, but outside of that make sure to hold onto it at all other times. Respect Corki once he picks up his sheen, as the all-in damage potential will be very high. At level 6 and when Corki has Trinity Force, a hook onto either one of them will most likely spell death from Corki's burst.

Jungle -
Khazix can be bullied or even killed by Elise in the early levels. Upfront damage and stun will give her the advantage in a 1v1 fight, as well as spiderlings preventing isolation damage. Khazix should look to farm as much as possible while keeping an eye on where Elise is at. Getting the jump onto Elise as she tries to gank will very successful, however the same goes for Elise.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Condition – Take the lead through superior play. Get catches with Elise in lanes and small skirmishes. Uses the power spike of Corki to take jungle objectives. Transition the lead into 4-1 and 1-3-1 split-pushes, using Corki for wave clear in the 3 man squad.

Najin have drafted a fairly generic team composition. They have Ryze, a solid top laner who scales extremely hard into the late game. Zed, a very strong, slippery assassin that is great at split-push in the mid to early-late game. Thresh and Elise provide pick potential for this team while Corki rounds it out with a huge mid-game power spike and poke/wave clear potential to fight off turret pressure. Najin will seek to gain an early lead, and use that to put pressure on the side lanes of C9, taking dragon as it comes up.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Condition – Get Talon ahead of Zed so that he can with the 1v1 split-push. Use the 4-man 2 threat 2 support composition to pressure neutral objectives and turrets while Zed is busy.

Cloud9 almost drafted a death ball composition. However Talon prevents them from truly claiming this strategy. Instead, with Talon on their team, they have given themselves a strong assasin champion to split-push in the mid to late game. Cloud9 must get Talon so that he can win the split-push against Zed, otherwise they will fall solidly behind in the mid game as Corki hits his stride. If they can successfully get Talon to split-push against Zed, then the other four members of C9 can roam around together, putting pressure onto other areas of the map, and being able to withstand the engage and damage of NWS 4 man squad.

Game Notes -

I really dislike the Talon pick in this match-up. Though he can instantly take down a target better than Zed, he does not have the sustained damage or the slippery nature of Zed.

A long path gank to top from Elise burns Lulu's flash.

A fast Flash Flay from Thresh gets NWS first blood. TP's from top lane net both top laners a kill. 2-1 in favor of NWS

Talon is spamming his ultimate in his lane to mixed success through the laning phase..

A good gank top nets C9 a kill onto Ryze, however it does cost them the first dragon. Time ~10 minutes. I feel it is too late for this to be a worthwhile trade, however taking dragon would be very difficult for C9 at this point in the match.

Thresh burns Talon's flash. Roaming Thresh is coming up big.

In a massive dive from NWS, Cloud9 come out trading 2 for 2 in a 5v3 and eventually 5v4 dive.

NWS put huge pressure onto C9's blue side jungle, fighting near the power of Thresh/Corki.

Balls takes a lot of damage during the mid/dragon dance. Cloud9 go into a fight they are clearly behind in. Not watching the power spikes. Corki has just got his Trinity Force and Tristana does not have a completed item. Talon focuses on the support, but Talon has no escape potential and ends up dieing for it. Talon should very rarely, or never focus supports in team fights. NWS get 4 kills and dragon.

Talon dives 1v2 onto Corki, and gets obliterated. NWS collapses and takes mid.

Game is pretty much over at this point. C9 is too far behind. Zed will easily win split-pushes. And the gold lead as pushes the rest of NWS much stronger than C9's squad.

C9 try to split-push, but are too far behind, get caught and continue to fall behind. NWS playing the mid game well.

C9 do make some good catches, but it costs them a lot in lanes. Maybe recognize they have lost and looking to get kills.

NWS get a little too aggressive and C9 get a few kills. A drop in the gold bucket, but several such plays would give C9 time to get back into the game. Though with two open inhibitors, it is very hard to come back simply due to map control.

Item notes -

Early Glacial Shroud from Ryze really strong against the high AD damage of C9.

Talon turn Tiamat into Hydra. An extra 1400g investment for 35 AD. The gold would have been better spend building towards Last Whisper or even Infinity Edge. The same can be said for him finishing Ghostblade after Hydra. The gold could have been better spent.

End Game Notes -

Cloud9 fought several fights that they had no reason fighting in the mid game and allowed NWS to snowball into a huge lead.

Overaggressive play by C9 and Talon in particular end up giving even more gold to NWS.

NWS used their power spikes appropriately.

What Cloud9 should have done -

I did not like the Talon pick in this match-up. I would have loved to see an Orianna picked into this composition turning it into a heavy 5v5 team fight composition. A true death ball composition would have solidified this match-ups win condition.

Inside the match-up that C9 had, they really needed to play the bottom lane better. Sneaky and Lemon got a little too behind too early and it allowed Thresh to roam and get very good wards. C9 also needed to respect the power spike of Corki in the mid-game dance. If they had traded mid lane for dragon or even top lane for it, they could have kept close with the gold lead, and used better map play to take control of the game, slowing the pace until Tristana could out-scale both Zed and Corki. Talon also really needed to get a Last Whisper. I feel that his build set him really behind in his ability to fight 1v1s or to get the maximum possible single target and AoE burst.

C9 should have also taken a kill in top lane on Ryze, earlier and let the dragon trade happen at a time when it would net NWS less gold.

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