Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - EDG vs. AHQ Game #2

AHQ E-Sports Club vs. Edward Gaming Game #2
2v1 Lanes, AHQ Top

Alistar Fizz
Zilean Twisted Fate
Ryze Maokai

1. Zed 2. Lucian
3. Lee Sin 2. Khazix
3. Thresh 4. Janna
5. Jinx 4. Lulu
5. Kayle 6. Jayce

Lane Match-ups – AHQ E-Sports Club

Top -
Even lane up top, Kayle just has to dodge Lulu's poke and sustain when he gets hit. Farm should go even as Kayle keeps the lane in the middle with his AoE ranged attack. As the lane progress, the fight shall remain even, with Kayle creep up ahead of Lulu in the later stages. However by that point the laning phase will be over. Must beware of getting too poked by Lulu. If she gets ahead she can really bully out Kayle.

Mid -
A bit of a volatile match for Zed. He is fighting against a ranged champion who can poke and who is also very strong in trades and all-in fights. It will be hard for Zed to harass Jayce, but should be able to keep up in farm. The lane will change once Zed gets his ultimate, as he will now have kill pressure, however Jayce's ability to fight back is really strong still, especially if he nabs Exhaust as a summoner. Zed will need good shadow play to keep on Jayce against his knock-back. This lane will require more work from Zed.

Bot -
A weaker lane than EDG, Jinx has a tough time in the first few levels as she does not truly have a skill at level 1. Thresh will be able to provide protection and deterrence at level 1. Jinx will be able to scale up her rockets and that will keep her able to farm later on, but the lane will only continue to grow in EDG's control. As with most Jinx lanes, it would be beneficial to do a lane swap.

Jungle -
Lee Sin against Khazix. Farm farm farm, try to find opportunities to gank, but expect most of your time to be spent in the jungle or trying to counter-gank each other. Level 6 will allow Lee Sin to solid gank ability, able to create enough distance for his lanes to put out the high damage they have.

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

A very solid even match-up for Lulu in the top lane. She can both farm and harass with safety, but will need to avoid trades or all-in's until she is ahead in HP. Lulu does not need to fear Kayle by herself, as a quick slow and speed-up will get her away from any fight. Trying to kill Kayle will be just as difficult though, as she holds the same defensive advantages. Mainly focus on farming, and try to whittle down Kayle as much as possible without putting yourself into a bad spot. Be wary of ganks from Lee Sin, as the double slows will create enough time for them to deal the needed damage to kill Lulu.

Mid -
Jayce is at the advantage in this lane. He has range and poke over Zed, while still be really strong in the all-in's or the damage trades. Jayce should look to farm and keep the lane pushed, try to deny Zed farm by getting him low and forcing him to back. Build up your tear and damage and move into the mid game siege with your team. It would be advised to bring exhaust, as this will be a huge deterrent when Zed reaches level 6 and should win the fights in this situation. When exhaust is down, a good knock-back should keep Zed from being able to deal enough damage to get the kill.

Bot -
EDG have the stronger lane and need to look to use it from the start. Bully Jinx at level 1 and continue to do so throughout the lane. As the second creep wave comes in, make sure to fast push for the level 2, as this is the only chance AHQ's duo has to take an advantage. Other than that, bully Jinx and keep her down as much as possible. Save dash for Thresh hooks and make sure Janna is ready to stop a Lee Sin gank.

Jungle -
Another farm jungle. Khazix will look to get to the mid to late portions of the game where he out-scales Lee Sin. Early on, look for ganks against pushed lanes, and potentially an early dive against Kayle. Other than that, not too many opportunities can be forced.

Team Composition/Strategy – AHQ E-sports Club

*Win Condition – Scale into the late game and overwhelm EDG. Use Zed in the meantime to split-push and draw the game out. Look for potential skirmishes in the jungles around mid with Zed and Lee Sin once level 6 comes into play.

AHQ have a very late scaling team composition. Jinx and Kayle are very late game hyper-carries, able to deal out tons of damage and chase the enemy team down. With very little lock-down on EDG's side, Jinx will be free to pump out damage during Kayle's Intervention. Getting to this point will take awhile however, as Jinx and Kayle take awhile to truly get their gears cranking. Zed and Lee Sin can make plays in the mid-game to stretch out the game, looking for picks and skirmishes in the jungle areas for 2v2 and maybe 3v3s. If AHQ can survive, they will be able to overrun EDG's team.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Use the mid-game power of their team to generate a lead. Siege with Jayce, and keep AHQ defending their towers. Control objectives with poke and general team power and push against AHQ whenever Dragon/Baron are down.

EDG have a strong early and mid-game team. Jayce and Lucian especially will be strong from the start and in the mid-game. Even though they will scale well into late, they will be a bit weaker than Jinx and Kayle. If EDG can generate a lead early on, through lane pressure and dragons, then around the 15 minute mark when the first completed items come in, they can start to apply group pressure to turrets, pushing AHQ away with Jayce and Khazix poke while whittling away at towers with Lucian and Jayce. Forcing AHQ into these tower defenses as 5 will benefit EDG by pushing before the late game can occur and by keeping Zed from being able to assassinate anyone. Solid early game to mid-game tower sieging should win EDG the game.

Game Notes -

AHQ rush level 2 in the bottom lane and EDG do not back off, Lucian has to burn his flash.

Kayle defends against a tower dive well, keeping both summoners.

AHQ's bot lane starts to fall behind as Jinx is not the best in trades.

Kayle does back off and burn his TP to get back to lane, due to the pressure that Khazix's gank had put on him.

Thresh lands a hook onto Janna and gets good harassment. Note that Khazix does not jump in when this happens, but rather sneaks into the bush and waits. AHQ do not expect this. It does earn Khazix First Blood, but AHQ are able to get a kill in return.

Khazix is trying to counter-jungle when Jayce is returning to lane from shop. Very dangerous and it gets him killed.

Jayce getting damage onto Zed throughout the lane phase allows EDG to take the dragon, their mid and bot lane being stronger.

EDG take Dragon, knowing their strength, and then take mid. AHQ let it go, knowing they can't fight it.

Thresh gets a great hook and burns Lucian's flash, but flashes in himself, gains nothing and loses most of his HP, forcing AHQ back and giving EDG the top turret, the final outer.

AHQ do a great job of turning on the heat when they hit their mid-game spike, rotating around the map to take the outer turrets within 5 minutes.

EDG back off mid turret to shop. They had a huge wave top and should have rotated to get the top turret or at least a good amount of damage onto it.

EDG stop pushing and let the game drag on for a good 4-5 minutes where nothing happens except a dragon take. EDG should be pushing, they can't let AHQ scale up. Kayle has gotten a Hurricane and Jinx a Static Shiv during this time, really upping the wave clear ability of AHQ.

EDG are able to take an easy Baron, spending a good amount of time clearing and denying vision from AHQ.

After Baron, EDG do start the siege again, pushing against middle inhibitor turret. Zed was top during this, but recalls for the defense. I feel he could have taken top and put pressure on EDG that way, however his presence in base may have deterred a dive, though I do not think EDG would want to dive, especially into Hurricane Kayle.

It took EDG an entire Baron to take down the inhibitor turret, Zed would have had a long time to push top and EDG would have been forced to make either a dive or a recall.

When EDG back off, AHQ do rush and take the mid T1 turret, a good move since they know/expect EDG members to recall after the long push.

AHQ make a sneaky 5 man push on the bot lane, catch EDG off guard. Nets them a kill and the bot T2 turret. Jayce pushes mid, while EDG delays AHQ. Jayce gets the inhibitor while AHQ is delayed by the rest of EDG. AHQ tried really hard to make a play, but they stayed around too long against a team with a large lead and come out behind in the total trade.

EDG show once again that they are bad at closing games out. They spend way too much time not pushing and AHQ are continuing to scale-up. Even though EDG have a 10k gold lead, the power gap is getting smaller and smaller.

EDG seem to only want to push with Baron.

Lucian is up alone doing damage to AHQ's turret, and gets caught by a Thresh hook. Thresh did a great job of predicting the dash, Lucian dashed back, but to the side of Thresh instead of away and AHQ get the fight they want and earn 3 kills for nothing, breaking the siege and taking mid T2 turret.

AHQ have delayed long enough that their team has scaled past EDG.

Thresh gets another hook onto Lucian, and it lets AHQ take another great fight, getting 3 kill for 0. AHQ rush mid and win the game.

Item Notes -

Kayle grabs a Negatron Cloak after Hurricane. I would have much preferred to see that money spent on damage or on armor if he wanted some early defenses. Lulu is not a high source of damage on EDG's team.

Janna does not pick up a Mikael's and it really hurts when Thresh gets his hooks.

End Game Notes -

There's really only one thing to say really about this game. EDG took too long to put the pressure onto AHQ and AHQ were able to out-scale and find the right picks onto EDG. There were several 5 minute long periods where EDG were not using their poke/tower siege composition to create advantages that AHQ could not overcome. Essentially, EDG wasted time and lost the game.

EDG's Janna also never gets Mikael's. Would have been amazing to stop the hooks that Thresh did get and could have saved EDG from losing.

AHQ on the other hand, though they did a great job defending against the sieges, they did nothing to stop them. They did not put pressure elsewhere on the map to draw AHQ away, and they did not put heavy pressure on a lane early to create a weak spot in EDG.

What EDG should have done -

Just a light first note, EDG could have picked Caitlyn or Kog'maw for easier turret damage, creating the faster pushes, however they wanted Lucian for the mid-game control and that did work well for them.

As noted before, Janna picking up Mikael's could have kept them from losing when Lucian got hooked, however there are stronger problems that EDG made.

The biggest thing EDG could have changed, was using their time better. EDG waste a ton of time this match, sometimes in blocks of 5 whole minutes where they are not using their siege composition against AHQ. This allows AHQ to spend time generating gold in the mid-game and letting them scale and make the pushes harder. EDG should have been constantly pushing and keeping AHQ on the defensive and reducing their ability to generate gold. If EDG had pushed harder, gotten 2 inhibitors down, then there would not have been much AHQ could have ton. Open inhibitors would have been easy to take with Baron, and then pushing the third lane is a simple task.

There was an opportunity for AHQ to swing top, get a free turret or at least lots of damage. Every second mattered and AHQ wasted too many of them.

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