Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - C9 vs. KBM Game #2

Kabum! E-Sports vs. Cloud9 Game #2
Standard Lanes

Zed Alistar
Maokai Zilean
Rumble Lee Sin

1. Ryze 2. Lucian
3. Thresh 2. Khazix
3. Syndra 4. Kayle
5. Jinx    4. Morgana
5. Elise 6. Xerath

Lane Match-ups – Kabum! E-Sports

Top -
The early match-up top lane will go even, with both Ryze and Kayle farming in lane safely. Ryze can bully Kayle at level 1, but Kayle will sustain through it from level 2 on with his heal and pots. Around level 6 and Ryze tear/catalyst, the match-up will swing heavily in Ryze's favor. The much higher burst of Ryze will allow him to really bully Kayle, as Kayle's power spike does not really come into play until he reaches Nashor's tooth + Needless Rod or Recurve Bow; even then Ryze will be able to outrade with his spell combo and backing off after he uses his snare. Kill pressure is unlikely though after 6, as Kayle's ultimate and heal speed will keep him safe. Ganks from Elise with well chained CC can be successful. Getting Ryze's Rune Prison one after Kayle use's his heal will net better results.

Mid -
This lane will mostly be a farm lane, however if Syndra is able to land her stun, she can get some free harass onto Xerath. At level 6, kill pressure will definitely be on Syndra's side, should she be able to reach Xerath. Ganks with Elise's upfront damage and the double stun will be highly successful.

Bot -
KBM's duo lane is in a very unfavorable match-up. They have few ways to break Morganna's black shield and will be unable to reliably land Thresh's CC onto a target. Lucian will be free to punish and harass Jinx from the start, and will have full advantage in all aspects. KBM should really look to lane swap.

Jungle -
Elise has the early advantage over Khazix and should look to use that to her advantage. Take control of the top side of the map, essential trading jungle sides with C9. Elise will have better gank potential on both top and mid lane, while funneling Khazix into expected postions by bullying him out of his jungle.

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
This lane will be a farm lane for Kayle. Primarily Kayle has been picked for his late game potential and for his ultimate use on Katarina and Khazix when they dive into AHQ's team. In lane Kayle will get bullied, but will be able to sustain through Ryze's damage. It is unlikely that Kayle will pull a large enough advantage to put kill pressure (or any pressure) onto Ryze. On the same side, it is unlikely that Ryze will be able to put kill pressure onto Kayle at anytime during the laning phase either. If Ryze is pushed up to Kayle's tower, a gank from Khazix could secure a kill with the double slows and the speedup from Kayle.

Mid -
A farm lane for Xerath. Should try to get any poke he can onto Syndra while making sure to avoid getting stunned by her. Keeping his range, Xerath should be under very little threat unless he gets hit by the long range stun of Syndra, allowing her to close the gap. Farm farm farm and get ready for the siege game that will be happening mid and late game.

Bot -
Lucian/Morgana will be able to bully Jinx/Thresh from level one and continue to through the laning phase. Morgana's Black Shield will allow Lucian to play very aggressively, stopping Thresh's CC. Lucian being the much better duelist, will be able all-in and out-trade Jinx. C9 needs to do their best to find this match-up and let their duo take control. If low enough early on, a tower dive from Khazix may work out really well.

Jungle -
Khazix has a rough time against Elise early on, will need to avoid her and outfarm and scale her. Expect Elise to be focusing on top/mid respectively. Kayle should be safe in a gank, though will lose flash. Moving into KBM's bottom jungle, Khazix would be in a position ripe to counter-gank mid lane, or perform a turret dive onto bot lane if C9's duo can get them low.

Team Composition/Strategy – Kabum! E-Sports

*Win Condition – Survive the early game against C9's top and bottom lane. Get gold advantage from top/bottom turret, and then pressure C9's remaining turrets, take a lead, move out of Ryze's mana phase and get Jinx to her two item build. If at a lead at this point, it can be slow pushed into more and more turrets and map control.

KBM have a very strong turret pushing team. It does hit a rough spot against Xerath, but Xerath does take awhile to start one shotting waves. With their two rough match-ups in the early levels in top and bot lane, Kabum should initiate a lane swap. With 4 ranged champions, Kabum could revert to the old style, super fast/hard push in a lane swap. Find out where Khazix is starting to plan your double jungle route. If possible, go blue → C9 red, otherwise red start. Meet up with the duo lane at the top turret and push it down. Jinx and Elise are amazing at tower pushes and Kabum could easily take T1 and even push into T2 turret. Aside from just the pushing power, if C9 try to defend, there is a massive amount of CC and catch potential from the 4 man squad.

After taking the top turret(s), then Kabum's duo can go bottom, having avoided the low level disadvantage and having gained gold to help them survive. From heres, look for good opportunities to 4 or 5 man gank bottom with TP. Take the bottom turret and then pressure onto mid lane. Run this lead from turret to turret and continue to constantly push into C9 and keep them on the defensive.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Conditions – Win lane, win game. Turn lane wins into tower siege and long range poke.

Cloud9's composition screams win lane. Their top and bottom lane match-ups are highly in their favor early on, and a single kill top will prevent the power dip of Kayle, keeping him able to bully. C9 must find these lanes and dominate them. Lane wins will then easily turn into dragons and turret pressure with the poke and siege of Xerath.

Game Notes -

C9 get first blood before KBM is even level 2 in bot lane. C9's duo has so much power against Kabum's duo.

The pressure is so strong that Khazix and Morg are able to take over KBM's bottom jungle.

Good gank by Elise up top, however misses cocoon. Burns flash on Kayle but does not get the kill.

C9's duo lane really bullying and pressing Jinx hard.

Amazing Culling by Lucian.

Game goes very slow from this point on. With C9's bot lane so ahead, they are keeping up the lane advantage as long as possible, and take the dragon easily.

C9 keep up the laning phase, even after bot turret goes down. Lucian pushing into KBM's T2 turret, continuing to hamper Jinx.

Ryze at the point where he can bully Kayle now, takes top turret.

Game has really just turned into the Lucian show. KBM is unable to deal with him with C9 controlling the bottom jungle as well.

A 5v5 fight ends up with KBM getting a burst kill onto Kayle when C9 gets split. However C9 able to bring all of KBM low and then takes bot T2.

Xerath gets caught, but makes a great dodge of Jinx's chompers.

KBM push mid, get a decent push/fight, but just barely miss out on a kill and take too much poke from Xerath. C9 takes top and mid.

Gold lead is really in C9's favor. Another dragon goes their way.

Kabum make a great engage during Baron vision war. Gets them a great catch, a kill, lots of damage and push mid. They take both mid turrets, and 3 kills as C9 defend the turret 1 by 1.

KBM have done well, deciding to move as 5 and stop trying to deal with the lane game C9 was trying to extend, however it is a bit late.

Cloud9 realize this and start to group themselves, giving more respect to KBM's burst potential.

Vision war over Baron, C9 seek to pull Kbm into a fight or take Baron. Ryze takes the wrong turn running away from Baron, gets chased down, ends up getting C9 to overextend and get caught, however C9 are too strong with Baron. Trade 3 for 1, two turrets, and top inhibitor in favor of C9.

C9 uses their advantage to close out the game, pushing bot lane next.

End Game Notes -

The lane was really won by the massive lead on bottom lane. And the farm advantage it gave to Khazix.

Cloud9 played a little sloppy during the mid game, and could have pressured and closed the game earlier.

Kabum played well, but C9's super early lead was too much to overcome once C9 decided to win.

Kayle was really just a nothing pick in this game.

What Kabum! E-Sports should have done -

Really all they should have done was lane swapped. They played great, but they made a huge strategic error in their lane match-ups. KBM really needed to lane swap and fast push turrets. They should have played the strategy their team was setup for (see above under Team Composition/Strategy).

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