Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SHR vs. SK Game #2

SK Gaming vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #2
Standard Lanes

Zilean Nidalee
Lucian Aatrox
Ryze Alistar

1. Maokai 2. Orianna
3. Lee Sin 2. Rengar
3. Ahri 4. Irelia
5. Kog'maw 4. Janna
5. Kayle 6. Vayne

Lane Match-ups – SK Gaming

Top -
Maokai will be fine early against Irelia and the lane should go even in a farm heavy situation. Should be a boring lane. Maokai needs to respect the power spike of Irelia once she gets a sheen, since Maokai likes to go scaling Rod of Ages. Both have good ability to support or start ganks.

Mid -
Ahri vs Orianna is a very even match-up. Both have good wave clear and decent kill potential on each other. Ahri will have to rely on Charm to get harassment off and then quickly back off after it wears off. Ahri has a stronger burst and fast trade ability and needs to use it. Once 6 hits, going all-in can be effective, but she must dodge Orianna's Shockwave, which is harder than it seems it would be for Ahri. If Ahri goes all-in and misses her charm, she will lose to Orianna who has much higher sustained damage.

Bot -
Kog'maw and Kayle will have a little bit of a tricky time in this lane. They have the range and sustain going for them once they hit level 3/4 but they are going to have a rough time in levels 1-2. It depends on how they decide to play it. Vayne and Janna will want to combo Tumble and Shield for bursty damage at level 1 and will be able to put a lot of hurt onto SK, since the typical skill start for both of them is the auto attack skills. It might almost be worth it for SK to go all-in at level one against Vayne. Hide in a bush or catch them coming from river and go hard onto Vayne, quickly breaking the Janna shield and trying to win the fight with their greater auto attack damage. If not, then they should expect to be pushed back early and just wait to out-sustain SHR. Gracefully submit to losing in the first levels.

Jungle -
Lee Sin needs to keep an eye on Rengar. Try to confine him to the top half of the map and bully him when possible. Coordinate with Ahri to watch for collapse opportunities. While Orianna will most likely push harder, catching her with a charm when she rotates can give SK a chance to kill her. Once Rengar hit's six, it will be a lot harder for Lee Sin to control him and hopefully the lanes have been given enough of a chance to ward up and be prepared.

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
An even match-up against Maokai. Neither will be able to generate an advantage early, but once Irelia grabs a sheen she can really start to bully Maokai in the lane and should be able to push him out given enough time. Both have good ability in ganks so Irelia should be wary of that and ready to gank as well.

Mid -
Against Ahri, Orianna will have an even lane. Farm should go even as well as wave clear speed and trades. The only thing Orianna needs to do is dodge charms. As long as she can dodge charms she has stronger bully potential and with her sustained damage can take down Ahri. However, getting charmed will let Ahri put on a huge amount of burst and possibly kill her. Great ganks with Rengar, ball delivery system with stealth.

Bot -
Vayne/Janna can win the lane at level 1 against Kog'maw and Kayle. Generally Kog'maw and Kayle will go their auto attack skills. This lets Vayne/Janna use shield and Tumble to great effect and they should try to push this advantage hard early on. Things will start to change as the levels increase, but if SHR can get ahead they can keep the lane in their favor. When level 6 hits, the match-up will change into SK's favor if they are even. Great poke and all-in protection will prevent SHR's lane from taking charge.

Jungle -
Rengar will want to farm as fast as possible to level 6. The lanes should be safe enough, with top having the most danger. As soon as he hits 6, lane gank opportunities will hit, especially in bot and mid lane. Bot have no natural escapes, and mid having the ball delivery system.

Team Composition/Strategy – SK Gaming

*Win Condition – PPP, Poke with Kog'maw, Pick with Ahri, and Protect with the rest.

SK have a nice little protect and pick composition going on here, with some solid siege potential. They need to survive the laning phases and get Kog'maw and Ahri to their first items. Once that spike hits, they should group up and start to pressure turrets and dragon. SK need to be very proactive with Kayle and his ultimate and not play a defensive game. Move to towers and use Kog'maw to poke at SHR's champions and get chip damage onto the turrets. Meanwhile, Ahri will try to get picks with her Charm. When SHR try to engage, the rest of SK gaming need to protect Kog'maw and Ahri. Lock-up Rengar and keep him away from the damage dealers hopefully preventing Orianna's ultimate in the process. Lee Sin's kick can be used as well to knock Irelia or Vayne away. If SK can shut down Rengar's engagement, then they should be able to poke and pick successfully. It will be key to siege and be able to shut-down the engagement, as SHR have a great split-push and a great wombo combo engage.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition - Split-push with Irelia and Vayne so long as they go even or get ahead and/or use the engagement of Rengar with Orianna and go all-in against SK.

SHR have to fairly different ways to win, however both of them require SHR to be even or ahead, preferably ahead as it will really let them steamroll over SK. Irelia and Vayne are both strong split-pushers and as long as they do not fall behind, they will be able to run a 1-3-1 split-push with Rengar able to move quickly between lanes. The other opportunity that they have is a full on all-in. Rengar engages and Irelia/Vayne just follow in and overpower SK gaming. The dual true damage will help this against Maokai, but unless SHR are ahead, it will be very dangerous. If SHR can get ahead early, they will have complete control. They just need to make sure that they don't let themselves get locked down at turrets or objectives with Kog'maw poking them and Ahri looking for picks.

Game Notes -

SK's bot lane takes way too much damage at level one, Vayne and Janna really using their power at level 1 against SK's weak level 1.

Vayne makes an aggressive play and takes some hits, going very low. Kog'maw could have killed her but does not flash for it. Couple missed opportunities and non aggressive skill shots by Kog'maw.

Maokai gets pushed out by Irelia and has to TP back.

Rengar ganks bot lane as soon as level 6 hits. Vayne gets First Blood.

SK get a dive kill onto Irelia.

Rengar and Orianna get the jump onto Lee Sin and mid and take him out before there can be a response.

Jungle skirmish goes 2 for 2, mid ultimates being down.

Janna comes around the side as SK take down the bottom turret just as Vayne comes down. SHR get both kills, Irelia TP's in for the secure and SHR take dragon.

Ahri tries to 1v1 Orianna, Janna comes to help but Orianna could have killed Ahri alone. Janna does save Orianna when Lee Sin tries to finish her off with his Q.

SHR take mid easily, 4v1.

Vayne gets caught out in bot lane.

Big vision war over dragon area.

SK pressure mid and take it while SHR deal with vision.

Maokai TP's in too far from his team and gets collapsed on 5v1. His tank ability and Intervention is wasted on nothing, SHR turn around, chase SK and Orianna gets a great ultimate, killing Ahri and Kayle. SHR run and take Baron, then take Dragon after.

SHR can run away with the game now. They split-push and force SK off the top T2 turret since Maokai is no longer there.

Decently boring now SHR slowly close out the game.

Kayle uses Intervention onto Maokai and Vayne immediately goes after Kog'maw.

Maokai gets caught top while Irelia distracts the rest of the team. SHR go to Baron. Irelia gets out as well.

End Game Notes -

Kog'maw not aggressively taking First Blood really cost the bot lane of SK. They could have gotten ahead and easily stayed ahead for the rest of the match, at least in the 2v2.

Kayle ultimates were always used defensively when Kayle's ultimate is the best used proactively.

The TP by Maokai way ahead of his team really solidified the win for SHR.

What SK Gaming should have done -

I don't feel the Kayle pick was really that good. Picking it into Rengar has the benefit of blocking damage on the champion targeted, however it does not stop the engage or the lock-down that follows Rengar. Having a champion for disengage, like Nami or to a lesser extent Thresh, would have offered so much more. Kayle is much better used in heavy engage compositions.

Inside of the game, Kog'maw not going for that early first blood on Vayne really hurt SK. It would have put the bot lane ahead and allowed them to bully Vayne when she came back. They had the chance to take total control of the lane but did not take it.

Secondly, they were unable to keep a good eye on Rengar early enough and he was able to get his quick level 6 gank, which set SK's bot lane behind.

The final nail in the coffin, was the Maokai TP. It was just done in the wrong place, and SK were unable to make any use of the time Maokai tanked.

Lee Sin needed to put pressure on the Blue buff side of SHR, keeping Rengar away from the bot lane and directing him to a single side against mid. Maokai would have been the safest against a gank.

At the dragon fight that really lost the game, a closer TP into trying to catch picks with Ahri would have been the best play. Being grouped up really removes a lot of Rengar's potential and allows Maokai to protect Kog'maw and keeping his aura on his team. The fight was too forced when it should have been poke by Kog'maw and pick with Ahri.

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