vs. Cloud9
Game #2
Rumble Lee
Maokai Khazix
Alistar 2. Zilean
Rammus 2. Lucian
Kog'maw 4. Ryze
5. Ahri
4. Jarvan
Irelia 6. Morgana
Match-ups – Alliance's
Top -
will get bullied by Ryze early and will be reduced to surviving and
farming. It will be rough for a while, but being lower than Ryze
will keep his kill potential almost non-existent during the low
levels, as well as providing Irelia with an easy way to set up a gank
through the long duration of her stun. Once Irelia reaches and 6 and
picks up a Sheen, she will have more control over the lane than Ryze.
Her all-in onto Ryze will be superior while Ryze is scaling up with
his tear/catalyst. Every opportunity after this point should be used
to push Ryze out of lane and potentially kill him. Ganks with Rammus
will be extremely effective with Irelia stunning before Rammus
Mid -
strong match-up for Ahri. She will be able to easily farm against
Zilean and wave clear later on at a similar speed. Ahri gains the
advantage by having large kill pressure and gap close against Zilean.
At level 6, Ahri can all-in Zilean, a good charm with enough AP can
kill Zilean before he is able to ultimate as well as Ahri retaining
ultimate charges to continue to chase Zilean if his ultimate does get
used. Tons of CC with Rammus. If either Rammus or Ahri are able to
get the Charm/Taunt onto Zilean before he can ultimate, proper
chaining will be able to kill Zilean before he is able to break out
of the CC.
Bot -
A heavy
sustain lane for Alliance (especially since Alistar starts heal).
Alistar will seek to soak up damage for Kog'maw while sustaining
through the harassment with his heal. This will allow Kog'maw to
properly CS in the early stages of the lane and not be bullied out.
Later on, there will be great synergy with Rammus/Alistar for ganks
in the bottom lane.
against Jarvan is a match-up we don't see very often. Rammus will
heavily look to gank. If an opportunity presents itself early he
will take it. With his lanes though, it is highly likely that he
will farm until he is able to get boots, further securing ganks, and
allowing the lanes to get the extra cc and damage they need to secure
a kill in a gank scenario. Mostly seek to ignore Jarvan and out
speed him around the map.
Match-ups – Cloud9
Top -
can bully Irelia, though it might not be so wise. With Irelia lower
than Ryze, it will put Ryze at risk to be ganked easily by Rammus.
Harassment should only be done when he knows that Rammus is on the
other side of the map and must be wary anytime his presence is not
accounted for. Be especially mindful of low hp ranged creeps and the
ability of Irelia to double gap close in those situations. If
possible, try to keep the wave slightly on C9's side of the river,
giving more time to chase Irelia in a gank, and because Ryze will
need a short escape route if he gets ganked.
Mid -
A rough
match for Zilean. He does not have much to offer against Ahri.
Passively farm and reach the point where Zilean can two bomb waves.
Seek to roam and control river vision at this point while making sure
not to get caught out by Ahri while doing so. Let your passive
experience gain do the work around the map for you.
Bot -
can take control of the bottom lane. They have great early bully
potential and strong all-in. However, Alistar sustain will really
put a damper into their play. C9 need to decide if they want to go
even or slightly ahead in bottom lane, or fast push a turret in a
2v1. If they stay in the 2v2, then Jarvan should seek to burn
Kog'maw's flash around level 3-4 and then return at level 6 for the
is put a little bit on the back foot against Rammus. There is a lot
of worrying pressure for the top lane that the Rammus pick signifies,
especially since Ryze will be pushing early against Irelia. However,
without ignite up top, pre-level 4/5 ganks should be effective only
in burning a flash if not burning nothing. There is not enough
damage for the short duration of CC that Alliance will have. Jarvan
should focus on gaining a level advantage with Zilean's passive, and
on Kog'maw in bot lane. I would love to see a Red->Blue start,
then move into Rammus's bot jungle. Try to burn Kog'maw's flash
around 3/4 then return to base, picking up wards to toss deep into
Alliance's top jungle, as that will be the time they Alliance have
kill potential onto Ryze.
Composition/Strategy – Alliance
Condition – Get picks in the early-mid game and snowball that into
a mid-game power spike with Kog'maw Trinty Force and then into
neutral objective control and tower pushes.
have a strong CC/Pick composition. Every lane has some form of CC
and bully potential around the level 4+ mark. With Rammus making
really fast ganks, Alliance should focus on reaching levels 4/5 and
proceding to start their pick game with Rammus. Gank setups from
Alliance's lanes will allow Rammus many avenues of entrance into the
lanes. Getting a lead from the ganks, Alliance can turn it into a
pick game, pressure jungle buffs and vision control with the power
spikes of Irelia and Ahri. Once Kog'maw gets his Trinity Force, it
will be time for Alliance to start pressuring turrets and dragons.
They need to be aware of the engage potential of Jarvan and if they
can avoid it and turn an early lead, they should be able to snowball
it into a win.
Composition/Strategy – C9
Condition – Keep Kog'maw down and allow Ryze to scale. Do not let
Rammus roll away with the game and use the mid-game power of
Zilean/Jarvan/Lucian to take dragons, at least 1st and
I'm not
sold on C9's team composition. It feels like it was heavily picked
on countering what they have ran up against, rather than creating a
solid team strategy. Jarvan has been picked against Kog'maw and
Morgana has been picked against Rammus. C9's team seems a little
scattered. That said, they have the advantages of experience from
Zilean and a stronger lane down on bottom. Early focus should be
made there and transitioned into an early dragon. Ryze is going to
need to fend for himself and should be decently ok until level 4/5.
At that point, dragon should be taken by C9. Jarvan can then switch
to protecting top lane, as it will be the most vulnerable, but return
to bot lane once he hits 6 to take out Kog'maw. Keeping Alliance's
lanes from getting ahead will be key and will allow C9 to fight
for/take early dragons. These dragons can then be used to carry them
through Ahri and Irelia's mid-game pick potential and get Ryze past
his mana stage.
a lane swap in this scenario would be good, hampering a lot of
Rammus's ability.
Notes -
focuses heavily on farming, while Jarvan spends a lot of time in
range to counter-gank top.
Level 6
from Irelia and sheen rush do great damage to Ryze.
beats Jarvan to 6, spending all his time farming.
Lack of
wards allow Rammus a good gank top, gets First Blood but C9 do catch
and kill Rammus. However, this will really hurt Ryze against Irelia.
The top lane match really turns into her favor.
C9 get
a good dragon during the backs of Ahri/Kog'maw.
look to catch Ryze top, moving to the power of Irelia. End up
trading top for bottom.
is left to free farm, severely hampering Ryze and C9 in this match.
C9 is
building up 2 tear items, hampering them during the mid game.
gains a massive CS lead while C9 don't really do anything in
timing of the dragon takes from C9 really given them nothing to
pressure while Irelia runs rampant top. Perhaps a 4 man push up top
would have been good, sacrificing the bottom turret.
C9 make
a bad map movement and trade 2 mid turrets for all 3 bottom turrets
and almost losing their inhibitor. They do catch Alliance out and
get 2 kills for 1, pressure dragon and get a 3rd kill.
make a great trade after this, C9 go to dragon but Alliance push top
taking the T2 turret. The open map allow Alliance to take vision
control and use their pick comp to their advantage.
C9 end
up outplaying Alliance in a 5v5 fight, however, Irelia is just too
strong and C9 have to back off going 2 for 2 but ending up with much
lower hp.
fight with great play by C9 and a misstep from Kog'maw allow them to
trade 4v4, however 3 kills go onto Kog'maw.
lack of a front-line is really hampering them in this match-up.
C9 try
to engage but are unable to at dragon, they need to just back off,
but instead Morgana goes in, and C9 force the fight. Losing 4 for 0.
Nets Alliance the Baron and this is essentially the end point for
still aggressively taking dragon.
Notes -
really should have built tankier from the start. Alliance have two
very strong front-lines while C9 is really running with none. The
Sightstone on Jarvan really lacks combat stats and I would have liked
to see more focus on defensive items.
Game Notes -
Lack of
a front-line for C9 lost them fights as the game progressed.
got out of hand.
really lost in the turret control advantage. Alliance opened up the
map much faster which allowed them to use their pick composition well
and delay to the point where their front-line could really just roll
into and sit in C9's team.
Cloud9 should have done.
I don't
really agree with the way pick/bans went. C9 really only picked
re-actively to Alliance's plan and ended up with a team composition
with little synergy of their own. Cloud9 needed a better pick and
ban phase to create a team that they wanted, not a team reacting to
what Alliance wanted.
of the game itself, should have ran a different early game strategy.
An earlier first dragon, would have created better timing and
movements for them throughout the game.
biggest downfall however, came in how many turrets they let Alliance
take without taking their own. Cloud9 just gave up several turrets,
allowing Alliance to keep up in gold and to take control of map
movements and vision control, something that their pick composition
really needs to be able to play effectively. Cloud9 needed to
prevent this, or to open up the map themselves and keep Alliance on
their side of the map.
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