Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Finals - SSW vs. SHR Game #4

Samsung White vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #4
Reverse Lanes

Lucian Alistar
Lee Sin Jayce
Maokai Zilean
1. Rengar 2. Ryze
3. Corki 2. Braum
3. Janna 4. Lulu
5. Kassadin 4. Tristana
5. Orianna 6. Pantheon

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Kassadin is moving into a rough match-up. Lacking range and only having one (sometimes two) spells to fight against Ryze's three, he will be losing any harassment or trade attempts. At 6 things will only be worse as Ryze will gain AoE and spell-vamp where as Kassadin will still be unable to make use of his auto attack spell. Kassadin's best bet is going to be getting what farm he can scrounge up against Ryze and wait for either a Lee Sin gank or his level 6. At level 6 Kassadin may just want to let the lane go and look to roam for ganks.

Mid -
Orianna against Lulu is a very even, farm heavy match-up. Both have good clear speeds, can harass while hitting creeps (though harder for Orianna), and can take on neutral camps for extra CS. Lulu's harass is easier to hit, so Orianna is going to have to be consistent with her ball movements to properly trade. The winner of this lane, is pretty much going to have nothing to do with the lane itself, and the effect they bring to their team in the mid-game and in roaming.

Bot -
Corki/Janna should have a solid time against Tristana/Braum. While their opponents are strong in their own right, Corki can far out-trade Tristana, especially with Janna shield. On top of his Q providing quick burst before a Braum stun can be procced, Gatling Gun will run while stunned, limiting some of the potential of the stun. SSW's duo should be able to bully their opponents and keep them behind for most if not all the laning phase, they just need to watch out for aggressive plays being made when Braum lands a Q. At six, Corki's poke should solidify the lane as a win for them, especially as he will be closing in on his item-spike and Tristana will not.

Jungle -

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Ryze should have a pretty decent time against Kassadin, having stronger bully potential and able to keep Kassadin away from using his auto attack buff. As Ryze naturally builds tanky, this only helps to increase his strenght against Kassadin. Ryze should look to bully Kassadin at ever opportunity and keep him away from the creep line as much as possible. With both buying scaling items, Ryze should not even have to worry about his power-dip.

Mid -
Lulu against Orianna is a pretty even lane. Both have good farming, decent roaming, and lack kill potential against each other. The upside for Lulu is that she has an easier time harassing. Lulu can use her shield on Orianna to get down her Q after, or on a ranged creep to give it the extra range to hit Orianna. Lulu can also push, just slightly faster than Orianna and then speed off to roam. Mostly this lane is just going to be a farm fest, with both needing to make plays elsewhere to contribute to the team early on.

Bot -
Tristana/Braum, while strong, will have a bit of a rough time in the 2v2 lane. Corki is able to get out his burst quickly, and will be able to ignore a good deal of the Braum stun reducing his damage because of it, as well as being able to escape if he desires. Tristana/Braum should look to farm as best they can, and look for opportunities to proc Braum's passive without having Tristana jump in, as it will give her a better chance at dodging Corki's Q. At six, SHR's lane will be hard pressed to keep in the fight, as Corki's poke will prove to be strong against them. If they can get the right opportunity, they could potentially win and all-in fight, proccing a Braum stun and then using his ultimate to further CC Corki, followed up by Tristana using her ultimate for the kill. This will be tough to pull off, especially with Janna running interference, but it is not impossible. Outside of this, SHR can choose to farm defensively and take the CS loss that they will incur, though it should not be too huge of a difference.

Jungle -
Pantheon has strong gank opportunities in top and bottom lane. Double stun with Braum or Snare/Stun with Ryze will be very strong against Kassadin and Janna. This time around though, he must be careful at level 6, as all the lanes have some decent escape tools. Orianna can speed down the small lane, Kassadin can ult away, and Janna can prep a Tornado while running. Pantheon will have to make good use of long gank ultimates, heading behind SSW so that their lanes cannot escape.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Get catches with Rengar in any of the lanes or jungle to get kills. Use the big synergy with Rengar/Orianna to start off team-fights and get the engagements. Mid power-spike with Corki/Janna to control objectives, and then scale with Kassadin and Orianna for the win.

Poke, engage, clean-up. I think this is the core of the SSW strategy. They are playing a team that has a strong engage with Rengar/Orianna, able to get of some early poke with Corki and then burst, and they have Kassadin to clean-up fights while being mobile. The composition is a bit awkward, but not without its moments of synergy. Against SHR it is better than their last composition. I feel picks are going to be huge, and using Kassadin to clean up will be essential. SSW should look to use their power at the first two dragons, letting SHR start them and then poke from the outside and waiting for the right moment to go in with Rengar/Orianna. Outside of dragon, avoiding team-fights and relying on Rengar/Kassadin ganks will be SSW's best strategy until they can pull a lead.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Run a pseudo front-line again, with Lulu providing the HP necessary for Pantheon or Ryze in the early game. Protect Tristana with the front-line again.

This has a little bit of reminiscence from last match. SHR will have a pretty durable front-line, though this time with 3 members instead of 4. Lulu will have to choose well who to use her ultimate on. Not using it on the front-line will really hamper their lock-down and tank ability, while Tristana may need it when Rengar or Kassadin dive her. Good choices are going to have to be made by SHR in how they use their ultimates and where/when they fight. They need to make sure that they do not let Corki dictate the fights, while also not getting baited into engaging into a bad spot. Hopefully, Pantheon can create a lot of early pressure, especially against Kassadin, and will get them into more tanky roles so that Lulu can focus on saving Tristana.

Game Notes -

Tense start for the junglers. But it does end with SHR getting 2 blue buffs, and SSW getting 2 reds. A very nice recovery by SSW.

The duo's in the top lane do a lot of brawling, both trading blows, but SHR are able to pull out the kill onto Corki in the top, while at the same time Pantheon and Ryze are able to kill Kassadin. SHR take a 2 kill lead, in 2 different lanes.

SSW decide to switch the lanes to a 2v1, but SHR switch as well.

Both Ryze and SHR's duo are bullying their lanes pretty well.

Rengar reaches 6 and now is the time for SSW to make plays and get back in the game.

SHR make a huge mistake. Pantheon gets over zealous with his ultimate and makes the gank, without knowing where Rengar is and it all goes awry. Rengar is able to counter-gank the turret dive and SSW get 3 kills for 1. and SSW get the dragon.

SHR go for another Pantheon gank, get the kill, but once again Rengar is there for the counter-gank and Kassadin teleports in just to secure both kills.

SSW are doing an amazing job of responding and waiting for the Pantheon ultimates.

SSW turn their attention to dragon but Ryze TP's into a bad spot and the fight starts off with SSW jumping on him and SHR are forced into protection mode. SSW clean-up, take the ACE, Dragon, and the mid turret. The TP was really bad, and got SHR split-up. SHR should have just let that dragon go, and taken another objective. SSW can now nail the coffin shut.

Another Pantheon ultimate and another Teleport to counter it.

SSW can now run their mobile skirmish composition, pressuring turrets and forcing rotational mistakes out of SHR until they are able to force their way into SHR's base.

End Game Notes -

SHR try to play the same composition that they played last match, but SSW respond with more engagement, more mobility, and some good power/control with Orianna. A lot more AoE from SSW.

SHR were looking good, but Rengar had Pantheon's number once level 6 came in.

What SHR should have done -

they did well, the composition was good, the best they had done on yet.

The loss came, from Rengar having Pantheon's number. If maybe, SHR had waited on seeing Rengar before Pantheon ultimate, things could have been different, but SHR tried to be proactive, and it just didn't work out, but they tried and tried well. SSW were just really prepared for it.

The second point of loss, was that dragon fight with the bad Teleport and SHR getting split-up. Not only was SHR at a power dip and SSW at a power-spike, SHR had to be together, not in a flank position. They need to be a 5 man team and they weren't, they should have just backed off, or have been ready for the fight sooner.

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