Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SSW vs. SSB Game #2

Samsung White vs. Samsung Blue Game #2
2v1 Lanes, SSW Top

Thresh Zilean
Rumble Alistar
Twitch Tristana

1. Maokai 2. Lucian
3. Rengar 2. Janna
3. Corki 4. Ryze
5. Jayce 4. Khazix
5. Morgana 6. Galio

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
This is a really awkward match-up, though one that is really in Maokai's favor. Mostly this lane will just be a farm fest on both sides, with neither having kill potential, but with Maokai having the ability to combo Galio for higher damage. Essentially, the game will be, farm and move to team-fights. Maokai should be looking to make sure he has his ultimate on when Galio wants to try to ultimate, significantly cutting back on the damage. Have fun with your free lane Maokai.

Mid -
Jayce is going to want to look primarily to be safe and get poke onto Ryze. Farm from range, whittle Ryze down without taking damage in return, and then wait for an opportunity to all-in when Ryze is low. Jayce does not need to make any big plays though, as simply farming will be enough in this composition, providing poke in the mid-game against the lack of engagement on SSB's side.

Bot -
Corki/Morgana are going to have a pretty even time against Lucian/Janna. A lot of this lane will be dependent on Morgana landing her bindings, keeping Lucian or Janna in place for Corki bombs while providing damage. If Morgana misses her bindings, Lucian will have free reign to go in against Corki and out-trade him with Janna's shield. As a couple levels come into play, it will be harder to catch Lucian, due to his dash, but will be necessary to keep the lane going even. At level 6, NWS will gain poke, as well as all-in, provided they don't let Lucian dive in to his bullying right away and push one of them out. Morgana will have to think about when to shield herself at level 6, to prevent Janna from knocking her away when Morgana uses her ultimate.

Jungle -
Rengar is going to want to focus on farming to 6 as quickly as possible. His top and mid lane should be very safe, while the bottom lane is going to be running even but will be safe against getting killed. Once 6, Rengar can make use of it anywhere, with high damage and solid CC every lane. Any one of them would be a good option.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Galio is going to be entering a farm fest with Maokai, neither able to really pressure the other, as tankiness and sustain will keep them going. Galio can however, very quickly wave clear. It may be his best option to just, clear the wave and then disappear from lane, looking around in the jungle or river, just being in a closer position to join a fight if one were to occur.

Mid -
Ryze is stronger than Jayce in a straight up fight, especially if he decides to pick up an early armor item. The problem however is going to be getting in range to fight, as Jayce can poke at Ryze from a long distance, and is able to wave clear faster to push Ryze back. Early boots may be a good option, allowing Ryze to dodge skillshots and to get in range for trades/harassment against Jayce. Mostly, I don't see Ryze being able to stop Jayce without some help to keep him slowed or CC'ed, however Jayce will not be able to stop Ryze from farming completely either. The downside, Jayce's power-spike comes in sooner than Ryze's and that will affect the mid-game team-fights.

Bot -
An even match-up, Lucian/Janna can turn it in their favor early and keep it that way if they play it right though. Janna shield + Lucian Q will be very strong at level 1, and should win them the lane, as long as they can dodge Morgana's binding. As the lane progresses, OMG's lane should continue to bully Corki, with Lucian saving his dash to dodge Morgana's binding and effectively winning the lane by dodge out on that damage. At 6, poke will be going over to Corki, as well as some strong all-in potential with Morgana's ultimate. Lucian however, come dive Corki instantly, putting down his burst damage and moving into the culling to get him to half hp or lower. This will prevent a lot of NWS's ability to fight back if he can pull it off successfully.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to want to farm, trying to keep up with Rengar and move into his level 6 with poke, giving his team some much needed chase potential. As far as ganking goes, looking for one against either Maokai or Jayce will be the best bets, especially with Ryze using a Flash snare to start the fight.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Get some solid poke and skirmishes in the mid-game and turn into a solid 5v5 fight. Turret siege with Jayce and Corki.

SSW have a very solid composition, they have strong brawling potential, good poke, good catch, a front-line and a half. It's just all round strong with no big weakness. Their biggest strength will be with the poke that SSW can put down and the protection that Maokai and Morgana can provide. This is doubly so with how little engage and how little poke SSB have. SSW have no need to engage at any point and can just siege SSB and wait for opportunities to provide themselves. SSW just need to avoid Ryze and Galio flanks and they should be able to safely and methodically take this game.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Get a nice solid 5v5 team-fight and take down SSW while they are distracted with Galio.

SSB are going to have their work cut out for them again, but this time it will be in getting into SSW's team. SSB have the ability to win lanes and control the game, however they have no real way to force a team-fight. They are going to need to utilize dragon and jungle objectives (as 5) to force SSW into fights. Other than that, Ryze and Galio are going to need to get into good flanking positions to be able to even think about getting into SSW's team. Even then, Galio is against 2.5 AD champions and Maokai who's ultimate is a circle of protection. If SSB can find the right fight, Galio's ultimate should give the rest of the team time to clean-up and deal the damage that they need to.

Game Notes -

SSW go for an invade, but are completely caught out and SSB get First Blood onto Ryze, letting him grab Tear at level 1.

SSB look to have handicapped themselves with the Galio pick, but we shall see how it turns out.

SSB start a very very early dragon. Khazix is not even level 3. They do a good job of juggling, but are seen by a ward from SSW. SSB totally ignore Jayce and he is able to get TWO kills and dragon in what is a 1v4 or a 1 and dragon v 4. I don't know why Ryze did not try to fight/zone Jayce. SSW go a little too aggressive after this, they already had a 2 + dragon for 1, but when they tried to save Jayce, SSB get a 2 for one for themselves. Fight ends up being a 3 for 3, SSW getting dragon, SSB ending up with brand new double buffs on Ryze and Lucian.

During that time/fight, Galio has gotten a lot more CS than Maokai.

CS and levels start to even out.

Rengar goes very aggressive onto Janna, but knows the play is a 3v3 with 2 ultimates to 1, and with SSB split. River ward has shown him Khazix's position. Maokai uses TP to zone Khazix out and to pin Galio, but cancels it after Galio flashes away.

Look at this split by SSW at the dragon. They have 2 threats on each side, and their poke is coming from both directions. SSB cannot initiate onto one side, especially since they are already on dragon, without the other side of SSW closing in on them. Normally in this you want to collapse on one side, but its already too late, SSW are too close for SSB to be able to hit one side and run. SSB do get the dragon, but the fight trade is a 4 for 3 in SSW's favor.

Outside of these two spikes, the game is going fairly slow. Both sides looking to get to and play the power spike they want.

A great catch by Janna nets a kill on Corki, but because of the Trinity force Corki is able to deal a ton of damage to Lucian, when Maokai's TP comes in, he is able to clean up Lucian easily and him and Morgana can kill Janna.

Rengar gets a catch on Ryze in the Jungle, and this would actually get Rengar killed, but a long range Gate-Blast from Jayce hits Ryze while he is snared. A great plan and execution by SSW.

Janna gets caught trying to wards and the damage from Corki is just too big.

Rengar tries to catch Ryze again, but this time Ryze turns it around and forces Rengar to flash to safety.

Janna gets caught again.

SSB are getting caught out a lot now, especially Janna, and with Janna down SSW take an easy dragon.

Galio uses his ultimate just to try to secure 1 kill, and it is not up when they really need it.

SSW are just, rolling SSB around now, drawing them into split up situations and finding them in rotational mistake after rotational mistake.

End Game Notes -

SSB really handicapped themselves by picking Galio.

Without any form of real engage and with no poke on SSB, they just cut their options in this game to almost nothing. They have no way to deal with Jayce/Corki, and no way to get in to fight them, especially against Maokai/Rengar/Morgana being a wall and just enough disengage against Galio.

I feel that Ryze would have been stronger with TP instead of Ghost, able to help around the map to get SSB ahead.

What Samsung Blue should have done -

Again with the awkward pick. Galio offered nothing to this team, and SSB built nothing into their composition to deal with the poke/protect of SSW. SSB are just getting destroyed by picks/bans and even picking into awful champions against the SSW composition. It's just... bad.

Going forward, SSB have to step back, take some very deep breaths, have some warm soothing tea or coffee, and regroup. Mentality here is going to be the very first step.

After that, SSB need to craft a team that they want to play, and decide what champions would defeat that team and ban those out. There is going to need to be a little bit of rigidity in the next team composition for SSB, with a few picks being flexible. They cannot ban out SSW, and they should not even try. Ban out champions that are going to mess with SSB's composition choice.

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