Horn Royal Club
vs. Edward
Gaming Game #1
Lanes, EDG Top
Maokai Rengar
Alistar Zilean
Rumble Fizz
Ryze 2. Janna
Lucian 2. Lee Sin
Nami 4. Orianna
5. Lulu
4. Tristana
Khazix 6. Kayle
Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club
Top -
early match-up top lane will go even, with both Ryze and Kayle
farming in lane safely. Ryze can bully Kayle at level 1, but Kayle
will sustain through it from level 2 on with his heal and pots.
Around level 6 and Ryze tear/catalyst, the match-up will swing
heavily in Ryze's favor. The much higher burst of Ryze will allow
him to really bully Kayle, as Kayle's power spike does not really
come into play until he reaches Nashor's tooth + Needless Rod or
Recurve Bow; even then Ryze will be able to out-trade with his spell
combo and backing off after he uses his snare. Kill pressure is
unlikely though after 6, as Kayle's ultimate and heal speed will keep
him safe. An early Khazix gank would have great kill potential.
Mid -
against Orianna is a pretty even lane. Both have good farming,
decent roaming, and lack kill potential against each other. The
upside for Lulu is that she has an easier time harassing. Lulu can
use her shield on Orianna to get down her Q after, or on a ranged
creep to give it the extra range to hit Orianna. Lulu can also push,
just slightly faster than Orianna and then speed off to roam. Mostly
this lane is just going to be a farm fest, with both needing to make
plays elsewhere to contribute to the team early on.
Bot -
have a much stronger laning phase than EDG's duo lane. Lucian can
easily bully out Tristana, and he should, while Nami is able to
provide sustain and heavy CC. The lane should naturally go into the
favor of SHR and should stay that way throughout the entirety of the
laning phase, only getting better for SHR as levels and items come
into play.
vs. Lee Sin, farm farm. Khazix should look to get to 6 quickly while
mirroring Lee Sin. A gank top against a pushed Kayle should be
successful, other than that, the lanes will not really need Khazix
and he should focus on the farm.
Match-ups – Edward Gaming
Top -
lane will be a farm lane for Kayle. Primarily Kayle has been picked
for his late game potential and for his ultimate use on Katarina and
Khazix when they dive into AHQ's team. In lane Kayle will get
bullied, but will be able to sustain through Ryze's damage. It is
unlikely that Kayle will pull a large enough advantage to put kill
pressure (or any pressure) onto Ryze. On the same side, it is
unlikely that Ryze will be able to put kill pressure onto Kayle at
anytime during the laning phase either. If Ryze is pushed up to
Kayle's tower, a gank from Lee Sin could secure a kill with the
double slows and the speedup from Kayle.
Mid -
against Lulu is a very even, farm heavy match-up. Both have good
clear speeds, can harass while hitting creeps (though harder for
Orianna), and can take on neutral camps for extra CS. Lulu's harass
is easier to hit, so Orianna is going to have to be consistent with
her ball movements to properly trade. The winner of this lane, is
pretty much going to have nothing to do with the lane itself, and the
effect they bring to their team in the mid-game and in roaming.
Bot -
are much much weaker than their duo counter-parts. Some good Janna
shields can provide some harassment for Tristana, but it is no where
near what Lucian is going to be able to put out, and Nami will just
heal that damage back up. Should look to safely farm as best as
possible, and just survive the laning phase unless pulling out the
2v1 swap.
Lee Sin
is going to have to look to make some solid plays early. His bottom
lane is going to be very behind on top of having a weaker mid-game,
where as his mid is even, with a weaker mid-game, and a top who is
going to be bullied early. Lee Sin needs to get his lanes ahead, but
the only real choice is going to be top, if Ryze is pushed up. Other
than looking for opportunities, Lee Sin will need to get to 6
quickly, so he can start making his own plays, primarily against Ryze
or bot lane.
Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club
Condition - Get some good 5v5 team-fights in the mid-game around
dragon and neutral objectives. Turn this into pressure at turrets
and solid rotating through EDG's jungle to draw them into a bad spot.
actually come out with the more early game team. Nami/Lucian is very
strong and should be able to created a solid lead over the EDG bot
lane. Using this, SHR can put pressure onto the dragon early and
gain a small gold advantage from there. When dragon is down, SHR
should run a 1-1-2 split-push. Pick a lane to send Lucian and Nami
too, have Lulu take wave clear duties in a lane next to them, put
Khazix in between these 3, and have Ryze be off doing his own thing.
Put pressure and push into EDG's turrets and catch them when they try
to rotate through the jungle. Find opportunities this way.
Alternately if Orianna is not strong enough to wave clear, a grouped
up SHR can whittle down turrets as long as they avoid the Lee Sin
flank. Regardless, SHR need to generate a sufficient lead before
Orianna overshadows Lulu.
Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming
Condition – Scale up into the late game and win.
team is very late game focused with some play making ability on Lee
Sin and Orianna in the mid-game. EDG need to make sure that they can
survive the lanes and the mid-game power of SHR they can scale up to
win the late game. Getting solid wave clear will be essential.
Standard build for Orianna and Tristana going Statik Shiv first will
do a lot in preventing SHR from pushing too fast. If EDG have to
make it to the late game, but they do have some decent tools to do so
with, and to defend against dives.
Notes -
enough, we see lines of scrimmage, the standard solo Q setup at the
level 1.
make the lane swap w/o SHR knowing and are able to 3 buff SHR.
Orianna and Kayle taking their own blue while the duo and jungler
push SHR off their blue.
does not flash upon seeing SHR's gank, trying to run instead.
Orianna goes down, giving First Blood onto Ryze. SHR do burn 3
flashes and ignite though.
teams fast push the side lanes with their ADC and take the turrets
around the same time.
is pushing way ahead without wards.
Lee Sin
has created 0 pressure so far.
slow game so far. SHR are waiting to get to the first power-spike
around 13-14 minutes, while EDG want to keep the game going as long
as possible.
Lee Sin
gets, Lee Syndrome and starts off a fight, dieing instantly and SHR
take the Ace for 0 and get the dragon. EDG should have never tried
to fight that, with their weaker team and no retreat path. SHR
honestly can take the win off of this. Finishing items and boots on
their champions and getting even stronger in their mid-game team.
SHR are
able to take both top turrets after this.
still push top, with just the inhibitor turret up, however Lucian and
Nami have the confidence to draw up EDG members and then back off to
move middle, making it easier to get damage onto the mid turret.
burns her ult for some minor damage in the mid turret defense and
backs after, out of mana. Using that ultimate really shuts down any
option for EDG when she comes back to lane.
slow strangle EDG out, slowly pushing lanes and rotating, waiting for
an opportunity and scaling up until they can dive with Ryze/Khazix.
SHR are
able to eventually catch out Lee Sin during rotation, and SHR start
Baron knowing they are much stronger and that SHR have smite. It is
an ill conceived attempt, primarily that they did not back off of
Baron. They didn't use Baron as the bait, but rather fought in it.
EDG get the ace and only lose 1, luckily SHR are barely able to get
the Baron cause of Lucian. Really bad call to stay on Baron instead
of moving to fight EDG. SHR still have a gold lead and control, but
it is very reduced from before and reduces the amount of time they
have to win.
makes a very bad choice, moving through his own jungle when the other
lanes are pushed. Could have just backed off safely instead of
taking a risky route for little gain.
also gets caught out, but gets away as her team is close. EDG is
forced to burn several flashes though.
need about, another 10-15 minutes at this pace before they can fight
back well. And they must not bleed too much during that time as
well. A tough task with Baron up, even tougher if SHR get it.
runs too close to the mid bush, with nothing to gain, and gets
caught, leading to SHR chasing down EDG and them going 5 for 1 and
taking the game.
Notes -
have preferred to see Captain's boots on Janna instead of the
finished Ruby Sightstone.
Game Notes -
lost this because of their team composition and fighting a dragon
fight that they had no reason fighting.
EDG did
get a good start though, so there is some promise, as long as they
can clean up their mid-game sloppiness.
need to take that Baron flop and realize that they can't do such
desperate plays when they have an easy win ahead of them.
EDG should have done -
I feel
that their team composition was fine and that they could have drawn
the game out to the late game judging on their start, however they
threw any chance they had at reaching the late game when they decided
to fight at dragon. That fight was, bad, and never a fight they
should have initiated when they are the weaker team. EDG lost the
game at this point, and it was all up to SHR to win.
make a good job, coming back at the Baron fight, but they were
already too far behind from rotating mistakes during the mid-game,
and more rotating mistakes after this point keep them behind. EDG
needed to realize that they had to stall, not fight and make sure
they move through the lanes and not the jungle they do not control.
forward EDG should pick up some stronger wave clear if they want to
stall, or pick a different composition. This one can still work, as
long as they tighten up their decision making in the mid-game.
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