Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB vs. FNC Game #1

Samsung Blue vs. Fnatic Game #1
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Zilean Twitch
Alistar Lee Sin
Maokai Khazix

1. Zed 2. Thresh
3. Jarvan 2. Elise
3. Kog'maw 4. Ahri
5. Lulu 4. Lucian
5. Nami 6. Irelia

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Lulu has a huge harass ability onto Irelia, especially early on. Auto attacks and spell harass will give Lulu the advantage. The all-in/trade potential is much lower, but with good shields and polymorphs Lulu should be able to minimize the disadvantage. Lulu should bring a good amount of potions after the first back, to be able to survive trades after this point. Once level 6 hits Lulu must be aware of the all-in from Irelia, however Lulu should be able to survive any engage. Must be aware of ganks from Elise, when Irelia is low enough to dash stun.

Mid -
A very even match-up in mid lane. The winner will be determined by skill. Zed has a lot of mobility with his shadows to dodge out on Ahri's skills and both have good farming and poke abilities. Zed should play out the lane, getting CS, poking with his Q, and absolutely dodging out on Ahri's charm. Getting charmed will turn the match-up. Things will get explosive once level 6 is reached as the kill potential for both champions is very high. Zed must remember that where he shows up after his ultimate is completely predictable and expect a Charm to be en-route. However, if Ahri's Charm is ever down, Zed has the opportunity to go completely all in without fear of much repercussion. Should be safe against ganks, as long as he keeps his shadow up when SSB does not know where Elise is.

Bot -
Kog'maw/Nami will have a hard time against Thresh/Lucian. Lucian has a lot of bullying ability and upfront damage early on. A good hook from Thresh can really set SSB behind. SSB need to respect the early levels and play defensive, but must not get shut down. It will be hard, especially if they get low early and cannot out sustain FNC's bot lane. Suggest a lane swap, especially since Lulu will do better in a 2v1.

Jungle -
Jarvan should farm better or even with Elise and has great gank potential, however his lanes have a bit of weak follow up. The best options would be to head bottom early on and try to burn a flash, returning at 6. Alternately at 6 Jarvan can head mid and provide extra damage onto Ahri with a Zed all in, hopefully giving just enough damage for Zed to get the kill.

Lane Match-ups – Fnatic

Top -
Irelia will get harassed by Lulu very easily, however it is unlikely that Lulu will get the kill or even be able to bully her out of lane. Lulu would have to get very ahead to gain kill threat. Irelia will be able to out trade in later levels, around 4/5 with the longer stun duration. A few trades like this and Irelia should be able to out-sustain and then push out Lulu. Irelia will gain kill potential at 6 and with sheen, though Lulu can stop this. Ganks from Elise will be huge, Irelia being able to setup the CC chains.

Mid -
A very even, skill based match-up. Both Ahri and Zed have even amounts of farm, harass, and all-in potential. The deciding factor will really be how well Ahri can land Charms and how well they both play with their ultimates. Getting help from Elise can really turn this match-up, but getting in on Zed will be hard.

Bot -
Thresh/Lucian have a big early advantage against SSB's bot lane. Good burst, good cc/pick with Thresh will allow them to bully SSB out in the early levels. Getting ahead quickly will be essential. The HP difference needs to be high enough to always keep Kog'maw from being able to safely trade harassment, keeping him too low for Nami's sustain to pull them ahead. FNC should put on the pressure early and keep it going, especially when the early AD lead comes in and before Kog'maw can get his Trinity Force.

Jungle -
Elise will most likely get out-farmed by Jarvan, however Elise's purpose in this composition is to add to the CC chain and pick potential. Aside from overall team use, Elise has good ability to take early dragons and for ganks on FNC's lanes. Every lane has the ability to setup or follow-up on ganks made by Elise.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Hard engage and win 5v5 team fights. Do not get behind the bully lanes and be able to collapse on and win mid and late game fights.

Samsung Blue's team composition is a bit weak in this match-up. They have a bit of a hard engage team, using Lulu speed on Jarvan for the engage. Samsung blue want to catch FNC in bad positioning and win a team-fight. Zed will attempt to get a kill during the engagement confusion while Kog'maw deals damage from a safe range.

Team Composition/Strategy – Fnatic

*Win Condition – Get picks throughout the game and then get fights when FNC are ahead in HP/numbers.

Fnatic have crafted an amazing pick composition. Every lane has some form of hard CC and Fnatic as a whole has 3 long ranged CC abilities, and if one hits, the rest will be chained into tons of damage or a kill. Fnatic also has a very strong bottom lane. If they can get bot lane ahead, then it will be extremely difficult for SSB to engage and survive. Fnatic should seek to get picks, especially as a 5v5 team, however they should never fight unless with a distinct advantage. Fnatic have all the ability to throw out skill shots at turrets and at dragon/jungle areas, but never need to fully commit to a fight. Especially against SSB's single engage team, Fnatic should have the edge if they sit back and look for picks.

Game Notes -

Early scuffle in bot river almost gets FNC a kill. Thresh misses hook and FNC are down ignite now.

SSB sees Thresh with Doran's Shield start and initiate 2v1 lanes to avoid the early advantage it gives over a gold generation item.

SSB heavy pressure top because freezes did not happen. Both sides fast push (FNC turn from it to dragon though) and prep for a dive where someone to show up to defend the towers.

Ahri respects the level disadvantage and backs off when Zed gets 6 first.

Good CS and item lead for FNC's bot lane when the lanes go back to 2v2.

FNC try to get a kill on Nami under turret, but use their CC's badly and get engaged upon when Jarvan show up. SSB get a kill and dragon. Zed roamed during this and Ahri was able to get a huge amount of damage onto the mid turret.

A good charm from Ahri gives her complete control of mid lane.

CS leads for all of FNC except Elise

Ahri gets another Charm, earns FNC the mid turret.

Zed moves to split-push after Ahri picks up Zhonya's. Duels with Irelia and wins, getting a kill.

FNC posture around dragon while Irelia takes top. SSB slowly work their way into dragon, but FNC brings the fight to them with Irelia TP. FNC's pick ability and lead in the bot lane really delay SSB. FNC get the dragon and a top turret. FNC play the dragon slow and safe.

Irelia heads to top lane but goes through river for no reason and gets caught and killed.

FNC is still ahead with less kills due to dragon, turrets, and huge CS leads.

SSB siege mid though with Irelia down, but make little progress.

FNC out rotate SSB during the next dragon spawn and get positioning to quickly take mid T2 turret. Ahri's ultimate was burned earlier however, and SSB use this small window to take dragon.

FNC get a 5v2 advantage on top lane, at SSB T2 top turret. They dive and get 2 kills and turret. SSB back from their 3 man push on FNC's top T2, should have stayed to take it, tower trading and having Lulu and Zed defend at the inhibitor.

FNC set up a pick immediately after, near Baron. Several missed CC's end up allowing SSB to kill Lucian, however FNC get all 3 remaining members. No reason for SSB to go in 3v5.

SSB make a super hard engage, but make the engage onto Elise, who is full tank. When SSB have lost all their initiation, FNC re-engage with their high CC, high pick potential and FNC ends up aceing SSB and taking Baron. This creates a massive lead. 10K gold and Baron. FNC have pretty much won the game now.

SSB trade bot T2 turret for mid T1, as they can't fight FNC atm. FNC siege bottom inhibitor turret. A charm lands onto Kog'maw and he dies before Nami can use Mikael's. FNC back off, wait for next wave and dive, getting 2 more kills and taking the inhibitor.

Zed just runs into their bot jungle, face-checking and dieing.

FNC control the map, getting tons of vision, especially on the top side to put pressure at the furthest point from the dead inhibitor.

An over aggressive pick attempt will get Irelia killed, but SSB cannot do anything with it.

With FNC's huge vision lead, they get baron for free. Playing it sneaky by 2 manning it.

With Baron and the huge lead, FNC siege inhibitors and turrets, waiting until a pick lands and then taking that opportunity to take the turrets and kills.

Item Notes -

Elise goes early Sight Stone and Giant's Belt. Does not pick up Ancient Golem due to scaling issues. However it does lose her some gold.

End Game Notes -

FNC played their pick composition extremely well. They rarely fought unless they had the advantage of a pick and always disengaged if they did not.

FNC also had great rotations that earned them turrets and kept them in a gold lead even when down in kills.

SSB lacked enough hard initiation to really get into FNC's team and survive through the CC that they had.

Lulu picks up a Lichbane, which is a bad buy in this match-up. SSB never were able to siege turrets and so the Lichbane could not get its best uses from Lulu. A Deathcap would have been more useful, providing better tank/survival ability for her team.

What Samsung Blue should have done -

First and foremost, I really dislike SSB's team composition and win strategy. They are really relying on their individual skill level rather than doing that AND having a solid strategy. SSB opt into a team that only has a single engage tool, and that being in their Jungler who has the least amount of “designated” gold throughout the game. The single engagement point is not enough for SSB, especially against the mass amount of CC and escape that FNC have on top of that, FNC is running a triple threat composition.

SSB really needed to change their composition in one of two ways. Add a second tank up top who can offer another form of engage and the ability to soak the damage and CC while Kog'maw deals damage from range. Secondly, SSB could have picked up Orianna to provide better engagement with Jarvan as well as greater protection to the single front-line, they also could have grabbed Xerath for poke ability while they play a more reserved style instead of an engage style.

In the game, SSB let themselves get out-rotated a lot and make a few defense at turrets in very bad numbers. Specifically when FNC was 4v2 on bot T2 turret. SSB should have just conceded this and taken FNC's top T2 turret in response.

The turret fast push up top also did not provide much for SSB. Forcing their weaker bot lane to return bottom with an item and level deficit that only grew as they spent time on the bottom lane.

SSB just, didn't find the right engage, and they really needed to. However this was more on them not being able to with their composition against the defensive pick/cc/mobility of FNC's team.

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