Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - TSM vs. SSW Game #1

Samsung White vs. Team Solo Mid Game #1
2v1 Lanes, SSW Top

Orianna Alistar
Lee Sin Zilean
Rumble Maokai

1. Ryze 2. Janna
3. Elise 2. Khazix
3. Thresh 4. Lulu
5. Twitch 4. Lucian
5. Jayce 6. Zed

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Even match-up. Lulu has slightly better poke potential but Ryze's damage if he reaches Lulu is superior. Kill potential lies on Ryze later on while Lulu is able to whittle Ryze down and keep him at his tower. Ryze will need to use his all-in strength come level 6-7 to push Lulu back. The more damage Ryze can get onto Lulu, the less safe it is for her to push.

Mid -
Jayce is at the advantage in this lane. He has range and poke over Zed, while still be really strong in the all-in's or the damage trades. Jayce should look to farm and keep the lane pushed, try to deny Zed farm by getting him low and forcing him to back. Build up your tear and damage and move into the mid game siege with your team. It would be advised to bring exhaust, as this will be a huge deterrent when Zed reaches level 6 and should win the fights in this situation. When exhaust is down, a good knock-back should keep Zed from being able to deal enough damage to get the kill.

Bot -
Weaker lane for SSW, mostly due to Lucian being a bigger bully than Twitch in lane. Good offensive shields will cause a lot of damage. SSW is going to have to play safe in the early levels and attempt to get a good hook onto Lucian. A solid hook early, or even a solid flay could shift the match from the start, but will be very risky as Janna/Lucian's damage is much safer and easier to get off. Lane swap is a solid option and can shift back to 2v2 around level 3-4 if it is wanted.

Jungle -
Good solid early gank potential, especially with Ryze and even Jayce. Stronger early game than Khazix, able to deny his isolation damage. Look to control where Khazix goes early, making sure not to allow Khazix to get the first strike onto her. Elise should be able to have jungle control until level 6.

Lane Match-ups – Team Solo Mid

Top -
An even lane against Ryze. Lulu can poke from a greater range, but must respect that Ryze will pump out more damage from close range. Aggressively pushing Ryze into tower would offer the most benefit to Lulu, however it will require solid warding to make sure that Elise does not catch her in a gank, and easy task for Ryze to setup.

Mid -
A bit of a volatile match for Zed. He is fighting against a ranged champion who can poke and who is also very strong in trades and all-in fights. It will be hard for Zed to harass Jayce, but should be able to keep up in farm. The lane will change once Zed gets his ultimate, as he will now have kill pressure, however Jayce's ability to fight back is really strong still, especially if he nabs Exhaust as a summoner. Zed will need good shadow play to keep on Jayce against his knock-back. This lane will require more work from Zed.

Bot -
TSM have the stronger lane and should seek to lane bully from level one. Offensive use of Janna's shield with Lucian burst will be key to taking control and once TSM's duo takes control, they should be able to keep control, constantly bullying and/or pushing. Lucian must just make sure not to get hooked at a bad time, and they should win the lane decently.

Jungle -
Khazix will need to farm and outs-scale Elise. Avoid her early, but mirror her, counter-ganking her when possible. As long as the laner does not take too much upfront damage, TSM's 2 man fight should be stronger.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition - Survive the laning phase and make it through the mana-scale point of Ryze and Jayce. Get picks with Ryze/Twitch/Thresh in the mid-game. Take your mid-game/late game power and push towers with the siege potential of Jayce.

Samsung White's team doesn't have all that much synergy, but they are strong champions that have options to work together. Jayce is great at sieging and poking as well as having strong burst. Along with Ryze and Elise, this will be a deterrent for solo engagement by TSM. SSW also have 2 hard CC's and a snare, where as TSM have 1/2 a CC in Janna's Tornado. SSW have a strong ability to get picks at any point in the game and should be using this to catch members of TSM during rotations and when SSW sieges turrets, this is even facilitated by Twitch who can play the assassin role. As long as SSW do not get beat early, they can make it past their early weak game, scale-up their Tears, and then become extremely strong. If any lead is gained, the SSW have the ability to siege and poke out TSM with Jayce, TSM have very weak engagement

Team Composition/Strategy – Team Solo Mid

*Win Condition – Win lane, Win game.

Heh, I noticed I use that win condition when I dislike team compositions or find them very weak. TSM have strong bully lanes with Lulu and Lucian/Janna early on, and then Zed at level 6. TSM will have to find their desired match-ups and win the lane in a strong fashion. Lulu will fall off Ryze around level 5-6 while Twitch/Thresh will become more even at the same time. If TSM haven't won by this point, then they will most likely get rolled over by SSW. Without any form of hard CC (outside Janna Tornado), TSM have no way to lock-down and guarantee kills against SSW. On top of this, their poke is weak, especially compared to Jayce, while their hard engagement is also very lacking, with Khazix or Zed having to dive in, relying on Lulu ultimate to save them. Against 3 hard CC's it is going to be a very difficult attempt. The only other option that TSM have, is to split-push with Zed, and he will have to do it soon, perhaps even at level 6 switching to go fight Ryze or going 1v2 against Twitch/Thresh while Lucian/Janna push mid. Zed has to get the solo fight/small skirmish, as Thresh/Elise/Ryze and even Jayce with Exhaust can stop him from getting a kill in team situations.

Game Notes -

TSM do not expect or ward for the lane swap and allow SSW to get a 3 buff start.

Both sides push into the side turrets instead of freezing.

SSW give some early jungle farm to Ryze, getting him tear before going to lane (very well played).

SSW play the lane swap way better. Allows Twitch to really bully Lulu and eventually leads to ryze getting top with a big advantage in the top lane match-up. SSW really invested in Ryze, and TSM did not respond to the investment in anyway.

Solid escape from TSM gets them away from a TP gank, but the decisiveness of SSW leads to dragon.

TSM trade turrets, bot for top. And TSM get good damage on the bottom turret.

TSM get a good catch, earning First Blood, but a barely missed kill on Jayce and some great moves by Jayce, net SSW at 2 for 1, instead of a 2 for 1 for TSM.

Superior vision and SSW catch out a gank attempt from TSM and net SSW a pick kill. They knew where TSM was going next and were prepared for it.

TSM engages, makes some fights and plays into SSW's game.

Mata makes so many great hooks on Thresh.

TSM know they can't stop SSW's push and take top and mid for bot inhibitor. However TSM do not expect SSW to go all the way and Lulu/Khazix get caught. I like the play, if their base members did not get caught.

End Game Notes -

TSM really just got dictated by SSW and it all started in the early game. They didn't play the lane swap properly and did not ward out to catch it. SSW getting triple jungle buff was huge, and the emphasis they put onto Ryze really got him ahead and put Lulu behind. This was really the shining start to this match and led to SSW taking the lead early, moving past their weakest stage.

White come with a strong shock and awe performance. An aggressive jungle start and bringing out the Jayce power in this first match.

TSM's composition was very much depending on individual play and not overall team composition.

What Team Solo Mid should have done -

Grab a stronger team focus in champion select. Kog'maw instead of Lucian with the Lulu pick and Syndra instead of Zed. I really did not like the Zed pick when Syndra is up, or even Ahri. Zed does one thing and then he's almost out the fight. If he's not ahead, and once the other team picks up QSS or Zhonya's, he has an extremely tough time contributing to his team.

Inside the game, TSM needed to play the level 1 much better, finding and perhaps expecting the lane swap and either countering it or taking turret dominance early.

When TSM noticed they failed the early game, they had the opportunity to 4 man the bottom turret and take it out. This would at least give TSM something they take, and they have chosen to do, rather than letting SSW dictate the game. From here move into the 2v1 because of how behind Lulu is, and perhaps even move Lulu mid and send Zed to play 1v2 against Twitch and Thresh. An early tower push could have recovered TSM's early game and then opened up the map for Zed to split-push, as TSM really needed to happen early.

In the end, TSM tried to play SSW's game, rather than playing their own and of course they got out-played.

Going Forward for TSM -

Don't let SSW dictate the game again. Taking SSW's bans last time into consideration, try going for a siege/disengage composition. Ban out Jayce, and work picks and bans to get Kog'maw, Elise, Xerath, Syndra if possible.

With the Orianna bans, it will be hard to run a protect the ADC/death-ball composition. However a tanky top like Maokai and Lulu mid. Would work well and is another way for TSM to play one of their strong compositions.

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