Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SHR vs. SK Game #1

Star Horn Royal Club vs. SK Gaming Game #1
Standard Lanes

Nidalee Rengar
Aatrox Alistar
Maokai Zed

1. Ryze 2. Zilean
3. Lee Sin 2. Khazix
3. Janna 4. Syndra
5. Tristana 4. Twitch
5. Yasuo 6. Mundo

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Ryze has a major advantage over Mundo and while it will be hard to kill him, Ryze will be able to bully him away from lane while having almost 0 fear of Mundo being able to fight back and kill him. Ryze should be very happy farming up and scaling his mana items safely and potentially getting a kill with Lee Sin ganks.

Mid -
Yasuo will have to play tricky with his dashes to survive in this lane. While he should be safe from taking too much poke, and with Syndra's all-in a little weak before level 6, he should stay even in lane. If Syndra's stun is down and does not hit him, then it will be a good time for Yasuo to try to get in and do some trade damage. Once level 6 hits, both will have kill pressure. However, Yasuo will have a huge advantage with his Wind Wall and should be able to block at least some of Syndra's ultimate even if stunned. With Lee Sin ganks at level 6, there should be a huge advantage for Yasuo in this match-up.

Bot -
Solid advantage for SHR's lane. Janna offer's a lot more in combat potential pre 6 than Zilean will, able to shield his bombs and then provide slow and knock-up for Tristana. Tristana will also be safe against Twitch, able to out-range and push him early, as well as offer similar trades (especially) with Janna shield. Later on, Tristana can escape Twitch assassination attempts. All in all it should be an easy lane for SHR.

Jungle -
Guess who again. Lee Sin will have a larger advantage over Khazix in this match-up due to his synergy with Yasuo. Once the ultimates come into play, Lee Sin should always be looking to make plays with Yasuo.

Lane Match-ups – SK Gaming

Top -
Mundo has a rough time against Ryze early on. He will get bullied in lane but at least he will be able to regen over time and get CS with cleavers. Once Mundo gets Spectre's Cowl things will turn around a lot and Mundo will be really safe in the lane. It will be hard for Mundo to get in against Ryze with Ryze's snare, but if he can land a cleaver during a gank, Mundo and Khazix should be able to kill Ryze. Mundo's biggest focus will be to farm up and be a massive tank in the late game.

Mid -
Syndra will have a slightly rough time against Yasuo. While she can bully him somewhat and can farm safely and easily, she must be careful of Yasuo's all-in potential. Dealing with Wind Wall after level 6 will be especially important as it can block out massive portions of her damage. Properly whittling Yasuo down and getting him to use his Wind Wall will be essential for her getting her burst combo down onto him and getting the kill. Syndra must worry about Lee Sin though. At level 6 the synergy between him and Yasuo will make her lane time a nightmare and SK must have good warding to combat this.

Bot -
This lane is fairly weak from SK. Both Twitch and Zilean not being that strong in lane, especially against a Janna who can block Zilean's bombs. SK should really look to lane swap and let Mundo deal with the fast pushing Tristana. Otherwise they will fall behind eventually. The best chance SK will have is with a level 2 all-in. However getting to level 2 first will probably prove difficult.

Jungle -
Again Khazix against Lee Sin. Khazix is going to have more of his work cut out for him though, having to deal with the synergy Lee Sin has with Yasuo. Rushing to 6 with Zilean passive and beating Lee Sin to a level 6 gank could be an option. Other than that, look for picks with Syndra or Ryze over-extending.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Scale up and win the game. Use the synergy with Yasuo to make plays in small skirmish settings.

SHR's team is another one that scales hard into the late game while having some minor dips in power during the mid-game. In this match-up though, they have some good mid-game saving grace in the Yasuo/Lee Sin synergy that they should use to control mid lane and make small neutral objective skirmishes. Their duo lane also has an advantage and SHR should seek to make the 2v2 happen. These two things will minimize their mid-game dip from Tristana and Ryze, smoothing out SHR's transition into the late game with 3 hyper carries.

Team Composition/Strategy – SK Gaming

*Win Condition – Win lanes win game. Use Twitch and Syndra in the mid-game to get picks.

SK Gaming have a sort of mixed composition. There isn't really a solid strategy here and each lane is kind of doing their own thing. A big portion of their composition is going to be Twitch and his ability to play with Zilean ultimate. SK should do whatever they can to get Twitch rolling, especially since he starts with 1 item and Tristana really needs 2.5 to get going. Start with lane swaps, send the weak duo lane away from the 2v2 and let Mundo fend for himself in the double jungle and 2v1 lane. Once Twitch gets his item and a turret or two have fallen, then plays should start to be made around the map with him and Syndra. SK really need to get picks during the mid-game and use a number advantage to take objectives and bully SHR around. If they can't get picks, then they will a hard time staying alive in team-fights against Yasuo/Lee Sin. Once enough of a lead is built up from picks, use Mundo to force SHR off of towers while Twitch kills them.

Game Notes -

SK invade SHR, almost get a kill, but Mundo misses a cleaver and Tristana blocks the next one.

SK do not take SHR's red buff after invading, while SHR counter and take SK's red. Ends up costing SK a red buff and SHR get 3 buffs. Really should have taken SHR's red with the invade.

Lots of action on bot lane, both sides taking good damage.

Mundo goes to ward and gets caught, gets out with some damage though.

Khazix gets FB and draws all of SHR to the bot lane. Maybe could have gotten away, maybe not.

The kill that Tristana got does let her get a pick-ax and allows SHR to out-trade in the bot lane. Eventually causing Tristana to get 2 more kills. Very bad for SK.

SK make a good blue steal with SHR's blue being so late. Mistimed by SHR.

Syndra burns her ult against Yasuo without side-stepping Wind Wall and does not get the kill. Ends up costing Khazix his life and SHR get dragon when Lee Sin and bot lane collapse on mid.

Lee Sin and Yasuo get a kill mid.

SHR go pretty aggressive after Zilean because of a ward spotting his movement.

Mundo kills Ryze under turret, going 1 for 1, but Ryze loses out on a huge creep wave.

SHR try to force a TP gank mid, ran it slightly late. Do burn a flash on Syndra.

Tristana is just too strong after those 3 kills for SK to deal with.

SK attempt to gank Tristana, turns a bit sour. Mundo TP's but SK do not respond to it properly and Mundo is left alone with no one chasing Tristana. SHR over commit though trying to kill Mundo and SK get a kill and take dragon.

A gank by 5 onto Mundo does not work out and SK delay them for a long time, allowing Twitch to almost kill mid T2 turret.

SK make a great dive on bot lane, 3 then 4v2. Get the kills and both turrets on bot lane. SHR is able to get both top turrets, and SK split while escaping, letting Yasuo get 2 kills for 1 on Janna.

SK get a good TP kill on bot, but Twitch tries to 1v1 Ryze and dies. SHR get mid turret. Khazix runs in and dies for nothing.

SK able to take dragon quickly and get out.

The chaotic skirmishes are delaying the game. This benefits SHR more than SK.

Khazix backs during the baron dance, and SHR just destroy Baron so quickly without having to smite fight.

Ward dash to flash at SK's mid T2 from Lee Sin starts off a full on fight, starting it as a 5v4 since Khazix just blew up from the Lee Sin play. SHR go 5 for 2 and get the turret.

Mundo gets a little overconfident and gets caught and killed, Tristana and Yasuo damage being too high. SHR push into SK's base, taking the mid inhibitor.

Khazix tries to get an assassinate onto Tristana, but not enough damage.

Mundo getting caught middle turns into a fight and SHR clean up and win the game.

End Game Notes -

Tristana got too strong too early with those first 3 kills. SK could have prevented all 3.

Yasuo and Lee Sin are just super strong.

SHR do a great job of drawing out the game and scaling way past SK's team.

Item Notes -

I really like the pick-up of BT by Yasuo. Provides good defense against Syndra burst and offers greater burst with his ultimate.

End Game Notes -

The early game kills really help SHR skip past their mid-game dip in power.

The skirmish heavy play-style draws out the game and allows SHR to scale past SK Gaming.

What SK Gaming should have done -

Pick a better team composition. Their team, while able to work together, did not really have anything to compliment one another. Elise with Syndra would have been good for picks or a top laner/support with disengage potential to keep SK safe while they try to get picks. As it stands, SK's team was just, good picks but without synergy.

In the game, SK really screwed themselves by not lane swapping. Twitch had to get rolling for them to succeed and being put into a losing lane from the start really kept that from happening. A few misplays also gave kills to SHR while losing SK kills, Syndra using her ultimate into Yasuo wall for example. The final kicker was that SK played into the skirmish style of SHR and this allowed the game to delay into the late game while also generating gold for both sides (more for SHR since they were coming out ahead), allowing SHR to highly out-scale SK's team.

SK needed to not let Twitch get behind and then do more picks and more baits, getting 1 kill here and 1 kill there before starting the big team fights.

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