Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB vs. OMG Game #1

Samsung Blue vs. OMG Game #1
2v1 lanes. OMG Top

Zilean Zed
Alistar Maokai
Ryze Twisted Fate

1. Lee Sin 2. Kayle
3. Rumble 2. Tristana
3. Nami 4. Khazix
5. Kog'maw 4. Thresh
5. Yasuo 6. Ahri

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Lee Sin should come out on top.

Mid -
Yasuo has an even match-up against Ahri, but it will require more work from him. Early on farming should be even and Yasuo will use dashes to dodge Ahri's Orb of Deception. As Ahri gets more AP and is able to spam and wave clear fast, Yasuo will be pushed back. Throughout the match-up, the kill pressure will exist on Yasuo, the only exception being if Ahri can land her Charm, then Yasuo will take a lot of punishment. Yasuo must dodge/block charms to stay in control of the lane. Very deadly ganks with Lee Sin at level 6.

Bot -
Kog'maw/Nami will have easy time farming against Tristana/Thresh. Nami is a great counter to Thresh, able to provide a lot of control against the enemy ADC if Thresh lands a hook, especially against a low burst ADC like Tristana. OMG's bot lane should seek to primarily farm, with Kog'maw getting what poke he can onto Tristana when his range is up. The sustain will be able to slowly give them the lead as the lane progresses. Kog'maw's first buy of Trinity Force will give him greater power in all-ins and the poke of his level 6 ultimate will give them the advantage there as well.

Jungle -
Lee Sin and Khazix, something we've seen time and time again. Will be a lot of farming, with Lee Sin having more ability to early gank, but with a weakness to getting counter-ganked. The biggest difference in this match will be the synergy with Yasuo. Getting 6 quick and creating plays with Yasuo will be essential in this match. His best early gank opportunity will be with Rumble up top.

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Pretty even match-up between Kayle and Rumble. Both should be able to cs fine in lane. Early harassment will go in Kayle's favor, but Rumble can easily turn around for the slow and flamespitter damage because of Kayle's short range. Whoever gets ahead will be able to start to bully the lane, as both champions do sustained damage. Both are vulnerable to ganks, but in a 2v2 fight, Rumble and Khazix should come out on top so OMG's side should be wary of this.

Mid -
Ahri has an even match-up in the lane against Yasuo. While it will be hard to put kill pressure onto Yasuo, Ahri has the advantage of creep clear speed and safety as the game progresses. With enough AP, she will be able to quickly kill the creep waves, putting Yasuo way more at risk. Ahri must be careful with her Charm, whenever it is down Yasuo can put a lot of pressure onto her, however if she can land her Charm then then Ahri will be able to put a lot of damage onto Yasuo. Holding onto Charm will be essential for safety, and throwing them out when you plan to retreat will be the best chance to safely catch Yasuo. Be very wary once Lee Sin and Yasuo get level 6, very deadly combo.

Bot -
Thresh/Tristana is a weaker lane that Kog'maw/Nami though not by much. Early on OMG will be able to put down more damage if Thresh can land a hook, however, it will be sustained through by Nami. Unless SSB's bot lane makes some mistakes, the lane should play out even and be primarily a farm lane. Tristana watching out for when Kog'maw has his range and minimizing poke damage taken during it should keep Tristana healthy throughout the laning phase, preventing SSB from being able to go all-in. At level 6 the match will get a little rougher, however Tristana/Thresh should still be safe, though getting more bullied.

Jungle -
Another Khazix vs. Lee Sin. Farm hard and look for counter-gank opportunities. Top lane will offer both your easiest kill and your must dangerous gank. Catching Rumble in the long lane away from his tower should give Kayle/Khazix the time to kill him, however if Lee Sin is there for the 2v2, they will hold the advantage. Khazix should look to get a few early items, and then potentially make a gank onto bot lane with hook/lantern.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Use the mid-game power spike of Rumble, along with the synergy of Lee Sin and Yasuo to win team-fights and control neutral objetives. Turn these wins and dragons into a gold lead and put the pressure onto OMG. Use Yasuo to split-push until opportunities arise for beneficial team-fights or picks.

SSB have crafted a team with a heavy mid-game power spike. Rumble with his ultimate, Lee Sin and Yasuo with the ease of setup with their ultimates, and with the spike of Kog'maw with his Trinity Force. There is a lot of power that this team will generate around the early-mid game and continue to carry on until the late game portion begins. SSB should use this to create jungle control and plays, especially pushing for dragon whenever it is up. Team-fights should easily go in SSB's way and they should seek to make them wherever possible. The biggest thing SSB must not do is allow themselves to get picked off by OMG and to not stall out the game long enough for Kayle/Tristana/Khazix to become deadly against their 0 tank team.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Survive the early-mid game and scale into the late game with Tristana/Kayle/Khazix. Use Ahri/Thresh to facilitate picks to help move quicker into the late game and do not fight SSB in 5v5s without a clear advantage.

OMG's team is pretty late game focused. Kayle/Tristana/Khazix really require 3 items to start to truly shine. They will be at a big disadvantage in 5v5 fights and must seek to avoid them. Use Thresh/Ahri to get picks with strong vision control and just keep the game going as long as possible until the scaling comes into play. OMG will really have to focus on picks and drawing out the game.

Game Notes -

Kayle gets caught trying to harass too deep before creep spawns.

SSB take an early dragon with the lane advantage and the early spirit stone from Lee Sin.

Watch how Tristana keeps the freeze going on top lane.

SSB keep controlling and trying to fight in OMG's blue side jungle.

With the big wave going top, OMG head to tower dive, knowing Rumble will show up. SSB respond by sending Rumble and Lee Sin top, but both end up dieing.

Nami gets caught when the teams rotate back to lanes.

SSB timing dragon spawn and with many pinks, are able to catch Kayle on the bottom lane and get a kill, then take dragon. OMG take tower.

OMG get another catch onto SSB, getting 2 kills on bot lane for 1.

SSB is ahead in gold by 1 dragon and some CS.

OMG take their first dragon.

SSB dive mid lane turret from Lee Sin flank, and a get a great setup for Yasuo.

Tristana misjudges her damage and does not kill Lee Sin and does not get the rest and dies.

Superior vision for SSB in OMG's top jungle gets them a pick onto Kayle. Kayle instead of running towards his team, ends up running away and dieing. SSB gets good damage onto OMG, and then take the mid-lane turret.

SSB and OMG dance around dragon. SSB start it then OMG engage. Ahri misses the charm after dashing in. OMG should run after this, as fights in this area are amazing for Rumble. OMG end up getting a kill on Kog'maw, but SSB deal so much damage that OMG must run, and SSB chase. Rumble gets 3 kills when Kayle and Thresh try to save Ahri. SSB then take dragon and bottom T2.

SSB now have a definitive lead over the game. Yasuo can now split-push and beat anyone in a 1v1. He also picks up a very early QSS to prevent getting picked off by Charms or hooks.

While Yasuo split-pushes, SSB will take vision control and pressure Baron area.

Ahri gets sniped by Rumble.

With no vision in their own jungle, OMG get heavily baited by Rumble and end up in a team-fight they do not want, losing 2. SSB then move to Baron, drawing out 2 more kills and getting baron.

*Trist jumps late out of the way of Nami ult.

SSB will continue to create pressure and picks.

SSB get 3 kills, take 2 inhibitors.

OMG gets picks, but it draws them away from their base and SSB push in for the win.

End Game Notes -

OMG got behind from the very start. Kayle over-extending at level 1 was pointless. Only going to get some useless damage, while have no kill potential, where as, as we saw. Rumble and Lee Sin have dashes/slow to catch and kill him.

OMG let an early early dragon go w/o contest and this keeps SSB ahead, even when behind in kills.

The Kayle pick did very little this game, getting shut down from the start and never really getting his items.

The dragon fight that OMG initiated but funneled into a small area really was the point that they lost the game.

OMG vision control was very weak.

What OMG should have done -

Kayle getting caught early must be mentioned, it gave an early Spirit Stone to Lee Sin and was probably a factor in OMG swapping lanes.

OMG should have went with standard lanes. Kayle really needs the farm, where as Rumble does not and their bot lane match-up will go even on the farming. OMG handicapped themselves by moving into 2v1 lanes.

Letting the first dragon go without attempting to stop it, really put OMG behind and led to SSB getting the 2nd dragon for free as well.

Throughout the match OMG's vision was very weak and several times it allowed SSB to position for dives and catches in the jungle.

OMG had to let that bad dragon fight go. They funneled into a terrible spot against a Rumble and it really cost them.

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