Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB, Main Page

Samsung Blue

Top – Acorn
1. Win – Rumble 4/4/9
2. Loss – Lulu 0/4/2
3. Win – Maokai 5/0/9
4. Win – Kayle 1/0/5
5. Win – Maokai 2/4/24
6. Win – Maokai 2/1/4

Jungle – Spirit
1. Win – Lee Sin 3/1/16
2. Loss – Jarvan 2/2/3
3. Win – Jarvan 0/0/18
4. Win – Khazix 1/0/4
5. Win – Rengar 6/3/9
6. Win – Elise 2/1/5

Mid – Dade
1. Win – Yasuo 4/1/3
2. Loss – Zed 2/5/1
3. Win – Yasuo 5/1/7
4. Win – Orianna 5/1/4
5. Win – Kassadin 13/3/14
6. Win – Talon 6/5/5

ADC – Deft
1. Win – Kog'maw 11/2/6
2. Loss – Kog'maw 1/3/3
3. Win – Corki 16/1/6
4. Win – Twitch 4/0/5
5. Win – Twitch 12/4/9
6. Win – Corki 6/1/4

Support – Heart
1. Win – Nami 2/2/20
2. Loss – Nami 1/4/3
3. Win – Thresh 0/1/19
4. Win – Janna 0/0/8
5. Win – Janna 0/2/25
6. Win – Thresh 0/3/12

Banned Against Banned By
Zed – 2 Zilean – 6
Maokai – 1 Alistar – 5
Twisted Fate – 1 Ryze – 1
Twitch – 1 Maokai – 2
Lee Sin – 3 Nami – 1
Khazix – 2 Thresh – 1
Ryze – 2 Zed – 1
Kog'maw – 1 Lucian – 1
Yasuo – 2
Thresh – 1
Alistar – 1
Twitch – 1

Group Stage Notes -

SSB look a little weaker than expected in the group stages, however we can see them grow throughout them, especially after the first loss to Fnatic. This gives them an edge that their sister team SSW does not get. SSB get challenged, and they step up and this will carry over into the Brackets.

SSB, particularly Deft, makes a lot of over aggressive plays that get him killed, but he learns from this.

We see SSB having a considerably weak early to mid game compared to their late game. (Not to say their early game is weak). There are a lot of ways to exploit this. SSB play their own individual games and get to their team composition power later on.

We still have not seen Jayce from SSB, and we know they play it.

SSB run very strong Twitch compositions and that should be taken into consideration in picks and bans.

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