Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - OMG vs. NWS, Pre-Game

Najin White Shield vs. OMG

Picks and Bans – Najin White Shield and OMG

I don't feel that these two teams have many differences in who they will pick/ban in their opening matches. Standard bans we have been seeing from the group stages and the more generic bans so far from the bracket stages will be making it through. Zilean/Alistar/Maokai/Lee Sin are likely to be pretty standard bans. Ryze, potentially 1 ADC or 1 support will be making it through, however full target bans against 1 player are unlikely during the first or even the second match. I feel that the bans are going to be standard in game 1, deviate a little in game 2, and then be based upon the picks in game 3 and beyond.

Ryze will be a very contested pick between these two teams, as will Zed. The other contested picks will be your standard top laners and junglers that we see picked or banned most games. The ADC's have a little crossover, in Tristana and Lucian, but primarily we see NWS picking up Corki/Twitch and OMG picking up Kog'maw when those two are not available. The support role is fairly stale, both teams having played Janna/Nami/Thresh. However we do have OMG bringing in a substitute support so who knows what that will change.

In mid, I expect to see Orianna getting some contention, but I feel that it won't be too great, maybe in game 3 and beyond we will see some tension over her. OMG may want to ban or pick her with Zed, just to reduce Ggoong's champion pool and push him onto something he is weaker at.

Outside of that, the pick/ban phase for these teams look to be very standard in terms of what we have seen in Group Stages already.

Play-styles – Najin White Shield

NWS have shown a lot of trouble playing mid-game oriented teams and seem to only be able to succeed with teams that make it to the late game. This is a real hindrance especially with how strong the mid-game teams have been in this championship so far. NWS really prefer the post 35 minute mark and the roving 5 man team-fight play, even when their compositions speak otherwise. In group stages, NWS looked to be built and to play to individual skill rather than with strong team compositions and rotations around the map.

Play-styles – OMG

OMG play a bit overaggressive, especially when it comes to positioning during team-fights and skirmishes. They want to get the kills, they want to keep going, their team should almost be called, More More More. They fight and play like they have never taken enough and it very often gets them into trouble or even loses them games. They make a lot of mistakes.

Because of their fight mentality, they do make the game a bit chaotic and turn on the pressure from a very early stage of the game. If they can keep up the chaotic play-style and force NWS into it, there is a high chance, that even with their mistakes, that they can force even more out of NWS.

Weaknesses/Strengths – Najin White Shield

The biggest weakness I saw out of NWS was their inability to play the early-mid game. They make a massive amount of mistakes during this period of the game and if they are unable to get a lead they tend to fall apart.

On top of that, their decision making is slow and can be seen in the matches against C9. When faced with a situation they are not ready for, they lose crucial seconds in making a plan and decision.

However, in situations that they are prepared for, NWS know how to handle them and respond with determination. Hopefully they have mapped out well for this series, as they do not play well when on the back foot.

Weaknesses/Strengths – OMG

I think OMG's weakness and strength is the same thing. They play chaotic and love to brawl and fight, like other teams in this tournament, however they are not as good at it as them. While they will go for kills, they are not above giving up kills to get them and missing out on objectives. OMG play an accelerated game style because of the increase in gold influx from all the fighting. Take that away from them and force them into a methodical play and I do not think they will respond well.

In this match, and potentially this match only, I think OMG have the strength of champion pool size over NWS.

How to win – Najin White Shield

Shore up your weaknesses from the group stages. Make a lot of plans for this match, and be ready for almost any situation. NWS fall prey to other teams when caught off guard.

Ditch your late-game mindset for at least 1 match, and go hard for early and mid-game pressure. NWS can play from a lead, but they cannot play from behind.

How to win – OMG

I think OMG can win this simply from playing their own game. NWS have weak early-mid game and OMG are likely to fight and brawl in those portions of the game. OMG can throw NWS off of their game and push them onto the back foot early. As long as OMG can get ahead and stay ahead of NWS, they should have this series.

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