Horn Royal Club
vs. Samsung White
Game #1
Alistar Rengar
Zilean Lee
Rumble Lucian
Ryze 2. Maokai
Khazix 2. Twitch
Janna 4. Jarvan
Tristana 4. Thresh
Orianna 6. Jayce
Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club
Top -
should be able to easily farm and scale up in this lane, while
applying some pressure to Maokai. It is unlikely that he will be
able to apply enough pressure early on to matter though, and the same
goes for Maokai. This lane will be an even farm fest unless the
jungler's intervene. Ryze must be wary of the gank from SSW, while
knowing that Maokai must be far down the lane for Ryze and Khazix to
secure a kill onto him.
Mid -
has to be careful in this match-up. It is one that she can win, or
even dominate, however its quite fragile. Orianna's ability to duel
and to respond to trade damage is strong, and against Jayce, as long
as she can survive his trade/burst, she can put out much more
sustained damage and win the 1v1. The counter to this, is that Jayce
has great poke and can get Orianna into kill range with 1 or 2 good
shock blasts. Orianna will have to hide behind creep waves while
farming with her ball. Ball movements are going to be a little
tricky, as Orianna will want to try to harass Jayce with it, however
when the ball is far from her, Jayce will be able to have a safer
all-in or trade damage. In the end, Orianna should focus on farming,
and wait for an opportunity to capitalize on Jayce making a mistake.
Carrying Exhaust will really drain the kill potential from Jayce as
Bot -
I feel
like this is a fairly even lane. Both are pretty bad at harassment
early on and want to farm. Tristana/Janna can get off a few pot
shots with her shield, but Tristana has no AD ratios to make real use
of the shield. Janna shield can block Twitch damage, and the trades
should go even. Thresh hooks can make a difference, but a well
placed Janna Tornado and shield will be able to stop anything major.
All in all, a fairly even lane that will be defensive for both.
should be looking to farm this match-up, as with all match-ups. He
will end up out-scaling Jarvan, but his early-game ganks will be
weaker. While farming, it would be best for him to keep an eye
primarily on Ryze, looking to gank Maokai if he is pushed near Ryze's
tower and protecting him from a Jarvan gank during other times..
When Jarvan is nearing 6, it would be a good idea to keep an eye on
Orianna, as Jarvan will most likely seek to gank her with the power
of Jayce.
Match-ups – Samsung White
Top -
vs. Maokai will be a fairly farm centric lane. Maokai will sustain
through Ryze's harassment while being unable to apply solo kill
pressure against him. Both champions will be picking up Rod of Ages
and will begin to scale up slowly. Maokai however, has great item
pathing ability with SHR's team having a double AP comp. Gank
pressure will be stronger for Maokai, with Jarvan they will be able
to put kill pressure onto Ryze, alternately, Maokai should only be
under threat of a gank if he is pushes up to Ryze's tower.
Mid -
will have a slight bit of control in this match-up, even though he
may lose trades or all-ins. The potential for Jayce lies in his poke
and his lack of need to engage onto Orianna. Just farming and trying
to get Shock Blasts onto Orianna will be enough to control the lane,
or at least keep it as a farm fest. If Jayce is able to get enough
poke down, and/or Orianna or her ball are in a bad position, Jayce
can head in for more harassment and trade damage. If Orianna's ball
is in bad spot, Jayce can hop in and knock-back Orianna, getting
mostly free damage due to the travel time of Command: Protect. At 6,
Jayce will have to be more careful, but will still be able to safely
farm and keep control.
Bot -
pretty even lane, both just want to farm and maybe get off some
harassment. Twitch will lose alone, but not by much, and if Thresh
can get in for a hook for flay, will come out on top. Both sides
will only come out on top in trades by a little bit. Mostly this
will just be farming, and looking for an opportunity to capitalize on
a misplay of the other duo. At 6, Thresh can try to bait a fight
while Twitch gets into position to attack Tristana, needs to be aware
of the knock-back though.
has a stronger early-game than Khazix and much better gank potential,
especially with his top/bottom lane. Using the double CC of
Jarvan/Maokai or Jarvan/Thresh, SSW should be able to pull of
successful ganks in either of the two lanes. Once level 6 comes into
play, Jarvan will have to look to top or mid for ganks, as he will be
much less effective against Tristana/Janna at this point. Locking up
Orianna will provide Jayce the window he needs to kill her, while the
long duration lock-down on Ryze with Maokai will give SSW enough time
to get the kill.
Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club
Condition – Play safe, do not get far behind, and scale into the
late game.
much to this composition that hasn't been said about it before. It's
a very late game focused composition, however it has good protection
in Orianna and Janna to try to prevent the mid-game weakness and
dives. This is going to be a long game for SHR. They will have to
just, be safe and scale, get early wave clear and ward up the jungle,
never run through it without vision knowledge. This composition will
be all about how long SHR can hold off, and what they can take in
trade. If they team-fight or even skirmish early on, it could go
very badly.
Composition/Strategy – Samsung White
Condition – Win the mid-game. Snowball into a lead. Siege with
the full team using Thresh/Jarvan/Maokai to protect.
have a very strong mid-game team with pick, siege, and assassination
potential. They are going to need to win by the 35 to 45 minute mark
though, otherwise SHR will out-scale them. Knowing SSW though,
that's pretty likely. They know how to pick about late game
compositions. Look for early dragons, forcing SHR to give it up or
fight. Take an early turret or two to open up the map and make pick
and/or assassination potentials more likely. Once a lead is
generated, SSW can siege turrets and slow whittle down SHR while
keeping them confined.
Notes -
Orianna has Teleport. I like, but she is going to have to play safer
than normal.
look for a 5 man invade, but they are sitting directly on a ward.
SSW move around and cut off SHR's escape route, but SHR do muscle
one. SHR almost kill Jayce, but he barely gets away, and then SSW
are able to kill Janna. Super super close, and way too risky for
either to actually do, but it does work for SSW. First Blood and a
starting Spirit Stone to Jarvan.
duo lanes now swap to the bottom lane.
Look at
how much vision is in SHR's bottom lane before the turret dive in mid
goes through.
and Twitch move together after shoving in to go look for wards and
is destroying middle.
make a great plan to dive top as 3, and have it timed to the wave, to
Jayce having pushed his wave in, and having Jarvan there. There is a
30s to 1m of ahead of time planning going into this. SSW play it so
well, get the kill on Ryze with almost no HP loss, when Orianna TP's
in, they kill her as well, but only because of the Exhaust from
Jayce, otherwise Orianna would have gotten 2 kills.
already have a very solid lead in gold, and a massive lead in
pressure. I'm sure it feels bigger than it is for SHR. SSW are
going to have an easy time turning this early lead into a much bigger
mid-game lead.
duo are able to take the bottom turret of SSW, but in their retreat
they are cut off by SSW, behind their bottom turret. SSW get 2 kills,
and the bottom turret. SSW are just all over the place, moving from
objective to objective.
explode Khazix.
dive so deep into SHR's base, but they come out with 2 kills for 1.
SSW are
just, dominating, they are not letting SHR's late-game team have any
plan – Focus Top/Bot, ignore Tristana as she will be irrelevant the
whole game, never having the time to become relevant.
should run as 5 to the top lane during dragon. Retreat and then
charge bottom as 5. Run away from SSW and try to take objectives.
Otherwise SHR are too behind to come back. SHR have already broken
the T2 turret line, before 20 minutes.
says, Hey look at me! And dives into 4, and all 4 run. SSW just have
too much power at the moment. Aegis/Giant's belt on Jarvan for
example, against Athene's on Orianna.
play so well with Jayce, able to hit the long range snipes while
locking down the opponent's champions with another of SSW.
close out by SSW.
Game Notes -
play a full late-game composition against SSW. You will get crushed.
Star Horn Royal Club should have done -
just picked a way too late game composition and allowed Jayce into
Orianna, a very very bad match for Orianna, in terms of power-spikes.
Jayce is one of the few champions that really keep Orianna from
having an in game effect anywhere except the late game. Picking
Tristana, Ryze, Orianna, was just too much late-game and too little
early and mid-game power.
If they
wanted to play this same composition, they have to ban Jayce, and
potentially Twisted Fate.
I still
want to see them completely throw the jungle into chaos during
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