White Shield vs. OMG
Game #3
Lanes, OMG Top
Irelia Zilean
Lucian Alistar
Jayce Thresh
1. Lee
Sin 2. Ryze
Kog'maw 2. Corki
Maokai 4. Khazix
Orianna 4. Janna
Nami 6. Zed
Match-ups – Najin White Shield
Top -
vs. Maokai will be a fairly farm centric lane. Maokai will sustain
through Ryze's harassment while being unable to apply solo kill
pressure against him. Both champions will be picking up Rod of Ages
and will begin to scale up slowly. Gank pressure will be stronger
for Maokai, with Lee Sin they will be able to put kill pressure onto
Ryze, alternately, Maokai should only be under threat of a gank if he
is pushes up to Ryze's tower.
Mid -
I tend
to like this match-up as Orianna, though it can be a risky one.
Orianna has a lot more options in this match-up, able to farm safely,
light bullying, super aggressive, or heavy tower pushing. The ball
is really in Orianna's court in this match-up. Skilled enough, she
will be able to weave in Auto Attacks and ball movements in between
Zed's Q harass. Orianna should never stray too far from her ball
though, if Zed tries to go all in with his shadow, then she needs to
be able to bring it back quickly to fight back. As long as Orianna
can dodge harassment, and is ready for Zed's all-in, then she should
come out on top in this match-up. At 6 it becomes a little bit more
risky, as Zed gains more kill/movement potential, but a well played
Orianna can still beat him. If Orianna ever gets behind though, Zed
will be able to control her very well.
Bot -
are going to be weaker than Corki/Janna from level 1, but around
level 4/5 things will really start to turn around. Avoiding the 2v2
for the first few levels might be ideal. Because of weak burst/trade
ability early on, Kog'maw/Nami should look to play defensively and
farm, trying not to fall behind in HP/Mana. If they can make it to
the level 4/5 mark, and pick up their first item, then NWS's bot lane
should be able to start fighting back. Kog'maw range will be long
enough to make great use of Nami's slow buff, and her heal should be
able to sustain through the Q damage of Corki. At 6 the match gets
pretty even, with both sides having poke and all-in potential.
Fights at this point will most likely go to the lane that is already
ahead or who is more skilled.
Lee Sin
should look for a gank onto Ryze if possible. Getting Maokai ahead
of Ryze will be extremely useful for the mid-game, and slowing down
Ryze is always useful. If Ryze is pushed, this will also be his most
successful opportunity. Outside of the top lane, Lee Sin should farm
to get his play making level 6 while watching to protect mid from
ganks. Bot lane should be sufficiently safe, being pushed to tower
and there may be an opportunity for Lee Sin to gank Janna with Nami
CC follow-up.
Match-ups – OMG
Top -
should be able to easily farm and scale up in this lane, while
applying some pressure to Maokai. It is unlikely that he will be
able to apply enough pressure early on to matter though, and the same
goes for Maokai. This lane will be an even farm fest unless the
jungler's intervene. Ryze must be wary of the gank from SSW, while
knowing that Maokai must be far down the lane for Ryze and Khazix to
secure a kill onto him.
Mid -
Zed has
a skill match-up against Orianna in the mid-lane, though I'd give the
match-up a slight edge to Orianna. Zed is going to have to dodge
Orianna's ball movements while weaving in his own harassment. He
must also be aware of the auto attacks, as Orianna's does end up
adding up. Before 6, focus should be on keeping up in farm, and
potentially going for a trade/all-in if Zed can get Orianna to send
her ball far from her. Once 6 is reached, Zed has more potential for
the all-in. After using his ultimate, it may be wise for him to toss
his shadow behind Orianna, dashing back to his R shadow when she
tries to ultimate, and then back to the W shadow after, dodging out
on a good amount of damage and CC. If Zed can get ahead, he should
take complete control of the lane, however if he falls behind, there
will be little he can do against Orianna.
Bot -
have a strong lane against Kog'maw/Nami early on, and though that
will shift as levels and items come into play, they will always be on
even footing in the laning phase. From level 1, Corki should be
looking to harass Kog'maw using Janna's shield. Getting enough
damage early on will be essential to keep control of the lane. As
the levels progress, Corki/Janna should be safe, if early on they
have kept Kog'maw around half to 3/4 HP, doing enough harassment to
keep him from being topped off by Janna. Once the first back comes
into play, and level 6 is reached, both sides will have similar fight
power, with similar poke/disengage, slight all-in potential on OMG's
side, while sustain/CC is on NWS's side. OMG can decide to either go
extremely aggressive, looking for all-in's whenever possible, or just
cede to a farm lane from level 6 until one of the other lanes come to
influence this lane.
should mostly look to mirror Lee Sin around the map, providing
counter-ganks and protection for his lanes. Most likely, look to top
for Lee Sin to try to gank a pushed Ryze. If possible, gank middle
and snowball Zed. While difficult, if OMG is able to pull it off,
Zed will be able to take over the lane.
Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield
Condition – 5v5 team-fight and come out on top. Very strong 5v5
team with engage and protection options. Needs to keep Zed/Ryze from
being able to split-push.
have a very strong, very coordinated team composition that excels in
the team-fight situation. They have the option of play 3 similar
strategies, death-ball, protect the ADC, and engagement with Orianna
delivery system. There is plenty of potential both mid-game with
their team composition power, and late game with the strong scaling
of Kog'maw/Orianna/Maokai. As an added bonus, picks can be made with
Lee Sin, and Kog'maw can provide some decent poke. NWS need to make
sure that they are not drawn into small skirmishes and do not allow
Ryze or Zed to get ahead enough to split-push with success. Focus on
getting to the 10-15 minute mark, then group up to take objectives
Composition/Strategy – OMG
Condition – Get Ryze and Zed going so that OMG can run a 1-3-1
team is very much about the split-push. Ryze and Zed, after they get
going, can easily push both side lanes and force NWS to have to pull
their strong 5v5 team-fight composition apart. Early skirmishes,
preferably as Ryze/Khazix/Zed trio can net some early kills and the
gold that OMG needs, as could a fast push by the duo lane.
Corki/Janna/Khazix should be able to wave clear at turret defense
very effectively, as well as run/disengage if things go bad. OMG
have no shown a big propensity for sticking to the split-push, but we
shall see how it goes.
Notes -
pull out the lane swap, but it is not expected by NWS and Maokai
stays top. Very standard play by OMG in this situation has them
doing a 4 on 1 dive, getting First Blood, and burning Maokai's TP as
he tries to escape.
move around as 3, trying to check through NWS's jungle and get Ryze
to lane safely, however a split ends up with Ryze in a bad spot,
getting caught by Kog'maw/Nami and dieing.
attempt a dive top, but Janna starts it off too early, and it is no
longer viable.
A lot
of movement around the map, essentially roaming support and junglers.
Light pressure is being put across the map by both teams, but no
solid attempts at ganks or invades at the moment.
turret goes to OMG in the top lane, but NWS take dragon in response.
A gank
by Khazix is just enough for Zed to get a kill on Orianna. That tiny
bit of help is what Zed needs to solidify kills against the
protective champs that tend to shut him down.
gank, this time by Ryze, ends up with another kill onto Orianna, but
Ryze dieing. Both would have lived if not for Lee Sin kicking Ryze
into Orianna.
Lee Sin
is in OMG's jungle for no real reason, and gets caught out by TP
Ryze. NWS do take the bot turret though.
Gold is
running even, but Ryze is a bit strong. NWS should still look to
prepare and fight for the next Dragon while NWS should split-push
1-3-1 to hold NWS back from being able to group up and take vision
NWS do
group up for the dragon, and OMG try to fight/poke. NWS take the
dragon without anything else really happening.
catch out Maokai, but NWS collapse. OMG do get the kill, and escape,
but lose the top turret. Maokai went in to early, should have kept
backing up a bit longer for Kog'maw and Nami to get closer. Also
Orianna used her ultimate too early and misses Zed completely.
recall timing and lane movements are out of sync and they are not
properly starting their 1-3-1 split-push.
Zed is
able to 1v1 Maokai up top, however he dies to the turret. Maokai
could have flashed earlier to save his life, and Zed could have let
Maokai go and then taken the turret.
Lee Sin
is able to make a good pick against Janna in the 3 man squad of OMG
and NWS nab a kill. However it does cost them 2 of their ultimates
for the upcoming dragon.
OMG do
not recognize this or react fast enough to snipe dragon out. When
NWS head to dragon, Maokai TP's way behind OMG and catches onto
Janna, forcing out her ultimate, but then has to retreat. Khazix
leaps in and gets deleted. Trade goes Nami for Khazix, but then
Orianna runs the wrong way to safety and gets caught, making it 2v1,
and OMG are able to take both mid turret and dragon. A bit too deep
on the Maokai TP.
have a decent lead now and can split-push against NWS and look for
the small picks in rotations.
A great
bubble gets NWS a kill on Ryze when OMG try to 5v5 push the mid T2
catches Kog'maw up top and OMG draw NWS into a 4v4 fight without
their ADC and OMG are able to turn it into a 4 for 1.
need to keep up the split-push and NWS need to get that 5v5 fight.
Dragon is coming up, and OMG do group up for it, but NWS are a little
scared to go in against OMG and that scary Ryze. NWS are able to get
the smite steal and just back out.
worried about Baron, are not split-pushing, they really should be.
Let Khazix/Corki poke NWS if they try Baron and split-push bottom
with Ryze, and top with Zed. Force NWS to make a decision rather.
than letting them dictate the pace.
start Baron, draw OMG to the fight and kill Ryze without using
Orianna or Nami ultimate. Huge win for NWS.
wastes his ultimate trying to catch Nami who is easily able to toss
out a bubble and get help. So much is down for OMG that NWS are
going to force Baron with their strong 5v5 team. Ryze tries to TP in
but a Nami bubble forces Ryze to cancel or get stunned and killed by
all 5 of NWS.
take too much damage from the poke and do not back off. OMG are able
to lock them in with Janna/Ryze and OMG get the ACE for 1 and Baron,
and then take the mid inhibitor of NWS and the dragon. Nail in the
coffin for NWS, massive gold gain for OMG.
OMG no
longer need to split, they can just force down a lane of NWS. Though
they should still run that 1-3-1 and take multiple lanes. Either
way, OMG take out the bottom inhibitor for NWS and take the game.
Game Notes -
show the proper way to play Zed against protective mid laners, with
is a monster on Ryze.
NWS do
not respect the 2v1 lane swap.
was a solid game by both sides, but with a major mistake at baron by
Najin White Shield should have done -
really got behind early, which allowed OMG to be able to keep up in
the 5v5 granted that they make a few outplays, and they did. If NWS
would not have given up a few kills early on, they would have had an
easier time making plays around dragon and generating a lead.
of that, the game went even and fairly well, both sides getting
caught out. NWS could possibly have pushed hard and forced turrets
down while ignore the split-push, but it would be hard against Corki.
real ending of this game, was the Baron fight. NWS had no need to
force that, and they pay for it. NWS needed to be patient, as they
were scaling better, and being impatient causes them to get
obliterated and there be a massive gold swing in OMG's favor.
pick/ban, hindsight is 20/20 but they should have banned Ryze, not
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