Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SHR vs. OMG, Pre-Game

  Star Horn Royal Club vs. OMG

Pre-game notes on SHR and OMG can be found here:

Everything mentioned about these teams in the above links apply to these matches as well. Read them for major notes about the teams.

Updates from Quarterfinals -

OMG have made a much stronger showing than expected from their group stage performance. Before the group stages, I would have given this match hands down to SHR, however after group stages it's anyone's match. Both sides are strong, come from the same meta-game, have a champion pool that is big enough to survive picks/bans but not wide enough to throw curve balls unless forced into them. I expect some intense games and will be extremely surprised if we see a clean sweep.

Both teams have shown the ability to play several different styles and team compositions, although neither has played some of them entirely to their strengths and both teams will fall back into their desire team-fight, even with teams that are much better at say split-push or poke or skirmishes. Most if not all of these games are looking to be bloody.

Looking at the pick and bans, I'd love to see OMG throw at least one or two Orianna bans/picks to get her away from Corn, something that EDG failed to really do. From SHR's end, make sure to ban out or take Ryze, Gogoing is so very strong on him. Every other champion is going to be desired by both sides and we will see if one side is able to play one of them better than the other and draws a ban. Twitch comes to mind however, and OMG should be ready to ban him away from Uzi if they let him through and he takes over a match.

As a last note, SHR is going to need to step up as a team as a whole and not be the Uzi show that SHR's wins, expect their final one, showed against EDG. If all of SHR can step it up and be a force to be reckoned with, then SHR will be able to make a much stronger showing.

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