Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SSB vs. LMQ Game #1

Samsung Blue vs. LMQ Game #1
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Alistar Lee Sin
Zilean Ryze
Nami Kog'maw

1. Thresh 2. Tristana
3. Jarvan 2. Khazix
3. Maokai 4. Bruam
5. Corki 4. Rumble
5. Yasuo 6. Fizz

Lane Match-ups – Samsung Blue

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Jarvan to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Khazix damage will be much higher.

Mid -
Mid lane will be very volatile with 2 melee champions who really lack any kind of ranged harassment. Yasuo should be able to win extended trades, but will lose in the short ones. Luckily since there is no ability for Fizz to farm outside of melee range, Yasuo can bully him, as long as he does not take too much creep damage. The lane will really turn if either side gets a kill or gold advantage. At level six Yasuo must make sure to dodge/windwall Fizz ultimate, being able to do so will give the kill pressure advantage to Yasuo until it is back up. Using dashes well can help to dodge Fizz's Playful Trickster damage.

Bot -
This match-up will go in favor of SSB. Corki has better poke and burst in the early matches with Thresh having easier to land CC. They should seek to bully either Tristana or Braum from the start and keep one of them low. The only real worry for SSB's side is the Braum passive stun, however it is unlikely that LMQ will be able to proc it onto Corki, while if they focus Thresh, Corki will get a lot of free damage onto Tristana.

Jungle -
Jarvan will lose in farm to Khazix, however he can gank much better early on and two of his lanes have hard CC to setup the ganks. As long as he can avoid the counter-gank, Jarvan should have very successful ganks. Top lane especially has good cc vs. no escape Rumble. A bottom gank right when Thresh picks up lantern would also be good too. Comboing with Yasuo at 6 will be great, but hard to pull off against Fizz.

Lane Match-ups – LMQ

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Khazix is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Very volatile lane with the first person to take an advantage being able to hold onto it throughout the laning phase. Fizz can do quick trades against Yasuo once he gets level 3 and his full combo but should avoid any extended fights. Enough quick trades should push Yasuo out in time. Level 6 will give both sides huge kill potential, however with Fizz it will rely on him landing his ultimate and not having it get dodged by Yasuo dashing or blocked out by windwall.

Bot -
LMQ are running an inferior match-up in the bottom lane, looking to scale Tristana into the later point of the game. They should really look to lane swap. If they stay however, safely farm and do not take too much poke damage. There is better everything early on for the SSB team and LMQ should look to avoid fighting or taking harassment.

Jungle -
Khazix should focus primarily on farming and look to counter-gank and counter-jungle Jarvan as much as possible. All of Khazix's lanes, except for Braum, have weak help in the early ganks. Must reach a point where the damage alone is too high for an escape from the gank. Catching Yasuo at the right point in mid lane can really turn that lane in Fizz's favor.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung Blue

*Win Condition – Get early/mid skirmish fights with Yasuo and use the team synergy to turn those fights into wins. Use the mid-game power spike of Yasuo and Corki to control neutral objectives and the map. With LMQ having weak wave clear and no poke, push for turrets and fights where they can get at least a little poke off. Snowball into the win.

Yasuo composition anyone? Every lane has a knock-up to give Yasuo, with Maokai/Yasuo being a huge part of this. SSB have a great team, Yasuo will be strong in the mid game, with Corki being huge. Though Maokai will still be scaling up at this point, SSB have 2 front line members and huge synergy with Yasuo. This will put all the focus on the front-line while Corki can freely attack from safety. As the game goes on, Maokai and Yasuo will scale up when Corki falls off. The only big threat they have to face, is Rumble when SSB try to engage.

Team Composition/Strategy – LMQ

*Win Condition - Use Rumble to stay relevant during the mid-game and scale up into the late game. Do not give SSB to large a lead and trade objectives to stay close while waiting for Fizz/Tristana/Khazix to hit their late game spikes.

LMQ's team composition is a little weak, with a heavy reliance on the hyper scaling of Tristana and Fizz. However, they have picked up Rumble to counteract their weakness in the mid-game. LMQ should look to use the strength of Rumble, not to control objectives, as they will be behind in power for most of the game, but they need to use it to prevent SSB from engaging while they trade objectives. LMQ just need to stay alive and not bleed too much gold until they reach the late game.

Game Notes -

SSB make a great 3 man late invade that does not get spotted out. SSB are able to take LMQ's red buff and their own at the start. Netting them a 3 buff start with Corki starting with red.

Rumble gets into the side bush, getting some sneaky experience, but is forced back to base.

Fast pushes happen, but SSB are ready to dive top when Rumble comes back, but it does get spotted out. LMQ take the dragon.

The shenanigans have set Rumble behind in experience.

A ward from SSB on top lane gives away the gank. They are really timing position to be ready to dive top lane if someone tries to come claim the wave.

The experience disadvantage for Rumble really comes into play on top lane, as he cannot catch SSB for a kill and ends up dieing to a TP from Maokai.

A missed fish by Fizz turns into a major fight in mid. LMQ over-extend and play over aggressive in what is a 2v3 and then a 2v4. LMQ give up 2 kills.

The Rumble deficit is huge.

LMQ can easily take dragon with their mid-game spikes and Rumble not having his ultimate yet.

With their gold lead and power lead, SSB start to pressure the towers, taking all 3 outer turrets to 0 turrets for LMQ.

Corki gets caught, but they send 4 people to catch him.

SSB leave Corki, now with Trinity Force, to split-push while the other 4 pressure around the map.

As dragon comes back up, SSB put tons of pressure on the bottom lane and on LMQ's blue side jungle. With Corki's power, they get good poke and then Jarvan engages before LMQ can be in proper positions. SSB get 2 kills and dragon.

SSB return, with all their wards in LMQ's jungle, to the blue side and bot lane. Getting catches at the blue buff and then using that pressure to take the bottom T2 turret.

SSB are really just too ahead at this point, and LMQ keep getting caught and trying to fight into this stronger SSB team.

LMQ have an opportunity to take a free baron, but they do not have vision of anything SSB is doing so they back off.

SSB pressure baron, forcing LMQ out and then get 4 kills and baron.

Though SSB do make slow definitive progress to the win. They do take way longer than necessary to close out the game.

End Game Notes -

Rumble got way too shut down and SSB destroyed the only mid-game power spike that LMQ had. This gave them massive advantage early on and LMQ did not respect this.

LMQ wasted way too much time up on top lane, playing the lane swap horribly. Rumble goes back to the top turret several times.

LMQ get down early, and try a few fights they really should not be fighting, and SSB get out of control.

What LMQ should have done -

Don't pick Fizz. By picking Fizz LMQ gave themselves 0 opportunity for anything really. With no wave clear, SSB are able to just run around and do whatever they want. LMQ cannot defend turrets and do not have the damage early on to combat the fight potential of SSB. There is too much late game focus, with no wave clear/tower defense ability.

In the game itself, they needed to play the lane swap better and catch it out. Their wards did not notice the lane swap or the invade and it really put LMQ behind. If they had played it better, and not let Rumble get completely shutdown, they would have had a much better chance of surviving the mid-game.

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