Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - OMG vs. FNC Game #1

OMG vs. Fnatic Game #1
Standard Lanes

Rumble Ryze
Alistar Lee Sin
Gragas Maokai

1. Zilean 2. Thresh
3. Irelia 2. Khazix
3. Evelyn 4. Lulu
5. Kog'maw 4. Lucian
5. Nami 6. Yasuo

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Irelia should have a decent time up top. She will get harassed by Lulu, however it will not be strong enough to push Irelia out of lane quickly enough. If Lulu pushes the lane hard into tower, Irelia is great at getting CS under tower. Irelia can expect to farm pretty easily and then transition into her power-spike with Sheen and her ultimate, then she will be able to win trades with Lulu.

Mid -
Zilean really has nothing he can do in this lane. Kassadin will block most of Zilean's bomb damage with the magic damage shield. Zilean should just focus on farming, keeping himself relevant while his passive helps out around the map. Attempt to hit Kassadin in the creep farming crossfire, however do not go out of your way to take damage to be able to do so. Just transition into the mid-game power that Zilean offers his team.

Bot -
I really love Nami into Thresh, it really provides a lot of safety for the lane and allows for sustain. OMG's duo will lose early though, and Kog'maw must be wary of Thresh hooks. Nami can protect Kog'maw through heals and bubbles, as long as she times it right against Lucian. Use the bubble as a prevention or zoning tool if necessary, until Thresh hook ends. Focus on trying to farm, and once the levels come in and the first backs, OMG should be able to start getting solid poke down onto FNC's duo while avoiding all-in fights.

Jungle -
Evelyn, the nightmare of solo matches. Good farm speed and should look to focus on that early on. Keep an eye on the lanes and if any of them are pushed up, go in for the gank. Being able to bypass wards makes Evelyn extremely strong at ganking pushed lanes. Look especially for a gank on top as Lulu will most likely be pushing.

Lane Match-ups – Fnatic

Top -
Lulu will have a bit of a rough time. She should be able to be safe early, however Irelia is very strong at ganks, and at trading in the later levels. Lulu might want to focus on harassing Irelia early, and not using her spells to push the lane. If Lulu is ever pushed, that will give Evelyn a prime opportunity to gank her. Outside of that, quick farming and lots of wards in the later levels. Lulu needs to just bide her time until she can provide her utility in the mid to late game team fights.

Mid -
Kassadin should be able to control this lane once a few levels and items start to come in. Zilean will be pushing hard against him, however with his magic damage shield, Kassadin should be able to prevent most of Zilean's damage, should he try to get any onto Kassadin. Get your items, and scale up. At 6 Kassadin will be able to put a lot of harassment onto Zilean and should look to bully him from then on.

Bot -
Lucian/Thresh are a stronger bully lane from levels 1/2 and should really look to punish OMG's duo lane from the start. Get early damage onto Kog'maw and continue to get the damage, preventing him from ever being at even HP with FNC's duo. This will keep him on the back foot, and create greater kill potential if Thresh lands a hook. As the levels progress OMG will be able to fight better so FNC need to be aware of this.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to need to out-farm Evelyn. It's going to be hard to keep track of her, but getting wards onto the wraith and wolf camp will be very effective. If Khazix can find and mirror Evelyn, then counter-ganking should be successful. Otherwise hard farm and move into the mid game and try to skirmish with Kassadin against Zilean and Evelyn, but avoiding Irelia.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Use Evelyn early on to apply pressure on the lanes and move into the mid-game. With OMG's mid-game power-spike, control the neutral objectives and pressure turrets with the siege potential of Kog'maw.

OMG have a team with a high power-spike in the mid-game. They need to go even in the lanes, or if possible win them, and then transition into dragon and jungle control once the first items come in for OMG. With 2 Trinity Force champions and with the mid-game strength of Zilean, OMG need to take control of vision and then keep the pressure up against Fnatic. Take over their jungle, nab every dragon, and push turrets whenever the previous two objectives are met. Kog'maw can siege turrets well, while FNC 's wave clear is not amazing. Irelia can also run a split-push to draw Lulu away, decreasing FNC's ability to defend against sieges. The pressure Evelyn provides early on will help OMG make it safely to the mid-game point.

Team Composition/Strategy – Fnatic

*Win Condition – Survive the early/mid game and make it to the point where Kassadin is out of his lull. Once Kassadin and Khazix reach decent power-points transition into 5v5 fights or split-lane pressure depending on how the lanes have been doing.

Fnatic have a team that is a little awkwardly made but that does somewhat cover the weaknesses of the team. FNC's biggest lull is going to be Kassadin and they really need to wait until he reaches a good power-point before going aggressive. Their bottom lane needs to take an early lead and keep it, being the strongest point of FNC early on. However they must respect Evelyn and the power of Nami. Lulu will especially need to respect Evelyn, as she is against Irelia. FNC need to just farm, and give up or trade for the first and second dragon. Get close to level 11 when Lulu and Kassadin will be getting strong, and then make a judgment call on what would be the best strategy.

Fnatic will then have the choice to either, fight as 5 if they are slightly behind or running even, or run a 1-1-3 split-push if they are ahead enough to put on the pressure. Send Lucian and Thresh to push against Irelia while Lulu takes on Zilean and Kassadin keeps a side lane pushed or cleared against Kog'maw. Then Fnatic can use the mobility of Kassadin and Lulu to find weak points of OMG's spread team to attack.

Game Notes -

Lucian is using a lot of mana to push into OMG's turret. Lucian and Thresh back super early, before level 3, coming back with a pink and a second Doran's.

A great setup by Fnatic earns them First Blood onto Khazix, by killing Nami as she tries to defend a pink ward. Fnatic had this planned.

Lulu is too pushed against Irelia and Evelyn ganks getting the kill. Lulu not picking up a pink ward on her first early back is what gave up this kill.

I get the first early back by Lucian/Thresh, however when he backs the second time, he is short the cost of that second Doran's blade for a BF Sword. Lucian ends up with Pick-axe and boots.

Khazix leaps on to Kog'maw in a gank attempt bottom, however Evelyn is there. Khazix gets stunned by Nami bubble and dies quickly. If you are going to leap in or dash in against a Nami, be prepared to flash away from the bubble. The gank was too forced really.

Zilean out-plays Kassadin as he tries to go all-in against Zilean.

Thresh throws out his hook really late against Kog'maw and misses out on a kill.

Kassadin goes too aggressive again against Zilean, during a 2v2, but does not have enough damage and the aggression puts him in a spot that he cannot get away from.

Miss-communication on Teleport ends up with Lulu dieing unnecessarily.

Fnatic are getting run around at this point. They look desperate to get something, and keep getting caught under turret or out in the river by OMG. Vision control is highly in OMG's favor.

At this point, OMG are very ahead and will have control of the game for the next 10-15 minutes. As long as they don't wait too long, and do not make poor dives, OMG should be able to continue to grow their lead. Taking the outer ring of turrets, and then transitioning into Baron control or sieging inhibitor turrets.

OMG should be sending Irelia to split-push. She could easily take the top turret if no one shows up, while the rest of OMG siege.

Fnatic smartly back off the so called “death” turret when OMG pull the trigger to take it out.

Lulu gets caught and OMG brute force down the mid inhibitor turret. Good use of a power play as Lulu's ultimate is the only thing that would keep Kassadin or Lucian alive against a dive.

With the exposed inhibitor now open, OMG will shop, and then brute force it down with their 10k gold lead.

With the mid inhibitor down, OMG do not actually use the opportunity to close the game. It's not until Fnatic gets themselves caught outside of their base that OMG make a move onto FNC's base. OMG needed to use the mid inhibitor death to either push hard for bottom inhibitor, creating strong pressure away from Baron, or pressure the top turret and jungle of Fnatic until they can vision starve FNC and then take Baron. OMG are lucky that Fnatic get themselves caught, otherwise the power play time that OMG had would have been completely wasted.

End Game Notes -

OMG only close out the game, after mistakes from Fnatic, not on their own power.

Fnatic play way too aggressive early on, especially with the champions they have and without knowledge of Evelyn. It puts them way too behind and they cannot do anything to stop OMG.

What Fnatic should have done -

In champ select, Fnatic could have taken Corki over Lucian. It would have given them similar early power and bully ability, while adding on long range poke and wave clear, something Fnatic were lacking. I don't think this is that big of an issue, but not having range really in any of their lanes, Fnatic have to realize that they must either dive into team-fights and go all-in with Lulu ultimate or split-up and spread OMG thin, getting them to make mistakes.

In the game, Fnatic were doing great at the start, but not respecting Evelyn and 4 over aggressive plays that FNC essentially forced put them too behind to really contest anything OMG was going to do.

1. Lulu not getting a pink ward on her early back really comes back to bit her in the butt, and the whole Fnatic team.

2. Khazix aggressively leaping in for a gank and not immediately flashing out when it went sour.

3. Kassadin trying to 1v1 Zilean when the farm was already going even.

4. Kassadin going again for a kill onto Zilean during a 2v2, best case scenario he gets a kill but dies anyways, worst case Zilean lives and Kassadin dies.

Fnatic really lost the game with these plays, putting them too behind to be able to perform their win condition and not having a way to get back into the game either.

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