Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - NWS vs. KBM Game #1

Najin White Shield vs. Kabum! E-sports Game #1
Standard Lanes

Jinx Alistar
Maokai Lee Sin
Zilean Twitch

1. Zed 2. Kayle
3. Khazix 2. Lucian
3. Thresh 4. Ahri
5. Corki 4. Elise
5. Ryze 6. Janna

Lane Match-ups – Najin White Shield

Top -
The early match-up top lane will go even, with both Ryze and Kayle farming in lane safely. Ryze can bully Kayle at level 1, but Kayle will sustain through it from level 2 on with his heal and pots. Around level 6 and Ryze tear/catalyst, the match-up will swing heavily in Ryze's favor. The much higher burst of Ryze will allow him to really bully Kayle, as Kayle's power spike does not really come into play until he reaches Nashor's tooth + Needless Rod or Recurve Bow; even then Ryze will be able to out-trade with his spell combo and backing off after he uses his snare. Kill pressure is unlikely though after 6, as Kayle's ultimate and heal speed will keep him safe. Ganks from Khazix can be successful if their damage is high enough. Getting Ryze's Rune Prison right after Kayle use's his heal will net better results.

Mid -
A very even match-up in mid lane. The winner will be determined by skill. Zed has a lot of mobility with his shadows to dodge out on Ahri's skills and both have good farming and poke abilities. Zed should play out the lane, getting CS, poking with his Q, and absolutely dodging out on Ahri's charm. Getting charmed will turn the match-up. Things will get explosive once level 6 is reached as the kill potential for both champions is very high. Zed must remember that where he shows up after his ultimate is completely predictable and expect a Charm to be en-route. However, if Ahri's Charm is ever down, Zed has the opportunity to go completely all in without fear of much repercussion. Should be safe against ganks, as long as he keeps his shadow up when SSB does not know where Elise is.

Bot -
A fairly even lane. Corki will be able to give as good as he gets with Lucian and should look to get as much poke and bullying done as possible, especially before Lucian picks up his dash, making it harder for Thresh to land hooks. NWS, though they may not win trades, do have the advantage of not having to worry about dieing. KBM's duo has no lock-down, where as NWS have great catch ability with Thresh hook. NWS should look to play aggressive and land Thresh hooks as they will be able to just back away if things go sour.

Jungle -
Khazix needs to farm to 6 and avoid Elise. Khazix will be weaker in a 1v1 fight, though he will offer good damage in a counter-gank. Should not bother to look for ganks before 6, but seek to get a CS lead over Elise and to just watch out for her and try to counter-gank if she shows up. Other than that, the only real possibility that can be forced will be top.

Lane Match-ups – Kabum! E-sports

Top -
This lane will be a farm lane for Kayle. Primarily Kayle has been picked for his late game potential and for his ultimate use on Katarina and Khazix when they dive into AHQ's team. In lane Kayle will get bullied, but will be able to sustain through Ryze's damage. It is unlikely that Kayle will pull a large enough advantage to put kill pressure (or any pressure) onto Ryze. On the same side, it is unlikely that Ryze will be able to put kill pressure onto Kayle at anytime during the laning phase either. If Ryze is pushed up to Kayle's tower, a gank from Elise could secure a kill with a well timed stun and then slow from Kayle.

Mid -
A very even, skill based match-up. Both Ahri and Zed have even amounts of farm, harass, and all-in potential. The deciding factor will really be how well Ahri can land Charms and how well they both play with their ultimates, especially with Ahri charming Zed after his ultimate.. Getting help from Elise can really turn this match-up, but getting in on Zed will be hard.

Bot -
An even lane, though NWS are running a higher kill potential. Janna and Lucian must make sure to dodge Thresh's hook and to use Janna shield with Lucian harass to take control of the lane. KBM are able to push out Corki, however they must always be wary of Thresh's hook, as it will completely turn the tide of the lane. Requesting an early gank from Elise, by way of NWS' jungle should be beneficial.

Jungle -
Elise should remember that she has the bully potential in the early level's over Khazix, with her spiderlings blocking Khazix Isolation damage. After her buffs, she should look to take over one side of NWS's jungle, pushing Khazix out and then looking to make ganks on the two near lanes.

Team Composition/Strategy – Najin White Shield

*Win Condition – Get through the laning phase with a lead or staying close, stretch out the laning phase until you are ready to 1-3-1 split-push. Use the 1-3-1 and solid roaming to get stray kills with number advantages in the side lanes or jungle.

NWS have a very strong 1-3-1 or 1-4 split-push team. Ryze and Zed are both strong split-push champions once they get rolling while Khazix and Corki offer a lot of wave clear and poke while able to stay safe with escapes. Thresh provides pick potential and some disengage if the 3 man team gets picked on. If NWS come out ahead in the laning phase, they will have massive control over the game with several options. 1-3-1 and pressure all lanes. 1-4 for pressure on a single tower. Or even 1-1-1-2 with Corki holding his own lane while Khazix and Thresh roam for picks and towers.

Team Composition/Strategy – Kabum! E-sports

*Win Condition – Win lane, win game. Get picks with Ahri and Elise.

Kabum have drafted champions on which they are comfortable with, though they don't have a giant synergy with each other. Elise and Ahri can chain CC to pick off a target, while also have the option of Elise and Ahri diving into NWS with Kayle ultimate, creating a pseudo, but weak front-line to protect Kayle and Lucian. Janna can do some decent disengage against Zed and Khazix jumping in. KBM really have to win the laning phase though, otherwise they are going to have a really rough time against the more solid split-push composition of NWS.

Game notes -

NWS's duo is able to put down a lot of damage onto KBM's duo when Thresh gets a double flay.

KBM's duo never properly use Janna's shield, always using it defensively and never offensively.

2 Solid hooks in a row onto Lucian net NWS's duo lane 2 kills in a row on Lucian.

KBM's duo is able to make an even trade, though behind, when Thresh misses his hook.

NWS play a very patient gank in mid, burning Ahri's ultimate, and then coming back soon after for the kill. Corki is able to farm bot without Thresh. NWS are able to take the dragon.

Elise is spending all her time top, which makes sense against the only champion without a natural escape, however top does not really need it and nothing is gained by this.

NWS hare already 5k ahead from 1 dragon and lane advantages. KBM have lost the laning phase and it will be hard for them to come back into the fight, with NWS ability to 1-3-1 push getting closer and closer.

NWS can bully lanes or just roam and put pressure in number advantage situations. Corki is able to be left alone against Janna/Lucian, as there is nothing to lock him down.

*Note – Watch how Elise uses her Rappel against Zed ultimate. Takes no damage from the ultimate application and dodges the spin slash.

Kayle goes through the top jungle, after the turret falls and gets caught by Ryze/Thresh. Needed to go the safe route since KBM had no control of the jungle.

Gold lead is 10k at 19 minutes. KBM's only way to get back into the game is to stick around Ahri and Elise and look for picks. However NWS have no need to play into this with their split-push composition.

End Game Notes -

Not much to say, NWS had the better composition and the stronger players. The game was very reminiscent of a solo queue match rather than a World Championship one.

I would have rather seen Zhonya's as a second item onto Ahri, getting more AP earlier to be able to push out the creep waves in lane and keep Zed at tower. Ahri needs AP early on to be able to properly use her damage capabilities.

What Kabum! E-sports should have done -

Picking Elise in the jungle really needs fast push or chain cc compositions to really shine. I liked the Ahri a lot, but would have rather seen Janna changed into Nami, Thresh, or Morgana. Alternately, a strong front-line support in Braum or to a lesser degree Leona and Elise building full tank would have given Kabum a solid front-line to engage onto NWS. Elise and the support going in with Ahri getting Kayle ultimate as she dashes into NWS. KBM almost had 2 decent team compositions but got a little stuck somewhere in between.

Inside of the game, Elise needed to be a little more aggressive and definitive in her gank attempts. There was a good amount of time she spent, waiting and hoping for one, rather than making it happen. Some of this was due to communication issues with Kayle over lane management.

KBM's bottom lane also lost pretty hard, mostly noted before in never using Janna' shield aggressively in the early stages. The AD buff is necessary to trade evenly and they needed to use it in tandem with Lucian harass.

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