Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Finals - SSW vs. SHR Game #3

Star Horn Royal Club vs. Samsung White Game #3
Standard Lanes

Alistar Rengar
Jayce Lee Sin
Zilean Lucian

1. Maokai 2. Twitch
3. Braum 2. Thresh
3. Ryze 4. Fizz
5. Tristana 4. Jarvan
5. Rammus 6. Singed

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Maokai cannot really do anything to stop Singed in this lane. Singed is just too tanky for Maokai to threaten and is able to wave clear fast while ignoring him. Maokai is going to have to look to do the same, go heavy into pushing the lane and be prepared to take creep damage. Good regen for both mana and hp will be important. Would love to see Maokai pick up a flask for the start, or on an early back, and to level up his Q first. Otherwise normal build will be fine if TSM expect Singed to run around the map.

Mid -
Ryze is strong against Fizz, especially if he decides to pick up and early Negatron Cloak. With Ryze's snare, he can guarantee that his full combo lands and Fizz is unable to pole hop away from a Q or an E. Ryze should be looking to harass Fizz at every opportunity, running in to snare/Q and then backing away before Fizz can retaliate. Things will become more dicey for Ryze at level 6, as Fizz will be able to throw his fish when Ryze snares to ensure that he can follow-up when the snare wears off. Ryze may want to consider Flashing away from the fish and then going for an all-in on Fizz. I would suggest Tear → Negatron Cloak or requesting a gank from Rammus to get ahead in lane.

Bot -
Tristana/Braum is a decently strong lane in this match-up. Braum puts a lot of threat out with his passive which Tristana can almost guarantee to proc, using her jump to stay in range, if SHR's duo decide to go for an all-in. Braum is also able to keep up with Tristana if she jumps, and provide the wall she needs to keep Thresh from locking her down. While they may not be able to fully bully the lane, they have the option for these strong trades when/if Braum lands his Q onto Twitch. At level 6, Braum will be able to negate Twitch's ultimate, while Tristana can also simply blow him away. As long as they avoid the Thresh hook at this time, they should be safe, and able to capitalize well on any opportunities.

Jungle -
Rammus has a strong early-game, provide good CC and strong gank abilities. In this match-up though, his real strenght is going to be in the team-fights, which is normally rare to say about Rammus. Before then, he will be best suited to look for ganks on the bot lane against Twitch/Thresh, especially if Braum is able to block Thresh's hook and get his Q slow down. Mid lane will also provide solid gank opportunity, with Ryze able to easily set Rammus up with a snare onto Fizz.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Singed can pretty much ignore Maokai in this match-up, which means the lane is really whatever he wants to make it. Singed can clear the wave, pushing it against Maokai and then run off, or Singed can even proxy, putting more pressure onto TSM's top lane. The power of Singed, especially against an opponent who cannot control or harass him, is his ability to quickly wave clear and then disappear and I expect to see SSW utilize this.

Mid -
Fizz is going to have a rough time, especially before level 6. Ryze can keep him at bay with snares and then retreat with free damage. Fizz will have to choose between playing defensively or preemptively pole hopping towards Ryze when he comes in for harassment, allowing Fizz to be close enough to follow-up after the snare. At 6, Fizz can use his fish from snare to ensure the ability to engage Ryze after the snare. With enough tricks, Fizz can outplay Ryze, but it is going to be very difficult.

Bot -
Thresh/Twitch are running into a bit of a rough match-up. Once they can win, but it will be an uphill battle for them. Braum provides a lot of strenght against both Thresh and Twitch, while Twitch having no escape naturally makes him vulnerable to strong trades/all-ins with Tristana making use of Braum's passive. In the lane, Twitch should look to get any damage he can get freely onto Braum while letting Tristana be, as he can't really bully her. Getting Braum to burn his sustain, and then getting him hurt will severely hamper the all-in potential of SHR's duo. Thresh can look to hit hooks or flays, but SSW's duo should avoid the all-in until they are sufficiently ahead. At 6, a solid hook onto Tristana can lead to an all-in kill, but Thresh will have to stop Tristana's jump with his Flay for it to be successful.

Jungle -
Jarvan is somewhat lacking in any solid gank opportunity. Unfortunate as he is a strong early gank jungler. One of his best opportunities will be found against Ryze, as there is no escape in his inventory. Unfortunately Fizz cannot help set up the gank until level 6. Jarvan might be best utilized invading Rammus' jungle, particularly on Singed's side as he will be able to support quicker than Maokai can. At 6, he should focus on middle, helping Fizz reach his strong points while keeping Ryze down.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Bulldozer wall moving forward as Tristana shoots from afar.

This composition tickles my fancy. I like it a lot. SHR get Maokai and Ryze, something that game up huge for them in the semi-finals. On top of that, they have Rammus, another strong wall with AoE and peel, and who is a curve-ball pick. Ryze will get beefy as well. SHR just need to get to the late-mid game portion, once both Rod of Ages are stacked up and Tristana is at two items and they can pretty much, roll, over SSW's team. There is a lot of peel, and a lot of lock-down on SHR's team for Tristana, and if SSW tunnel vision Tristana, then all the incidental AoE damage from SHR will add up. This composition, as long as they don't get behind and don't get picked off by Twitch/Fizz in rotations, should be able to just, brute force and bulldoze their way through SSW's team.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Outplay SHR.

That's all there really is too it. There are several potentials for picks with Fizz and Twitch and Jarvan and Thresh, and they should look to get them. However, there is no real synergy in team-fight situations and it will be up to individual skill to win any 5v5 fight. If I wanted to win as SSW with this composition, into SHR's, I would fast push a lane in 2v1, open the map, and then brute force down another turret in an unexpected way. This would force open SHR's jungle, allowing SSW to find the picks they need. If they can't do this, then well, they are going to have face a bulldozer.

Game Notes -

A great gank by Rammus, and a great escape by Fizz. Also a great retreat by SHR when the ward spots out Jarvan. That ward by Rammus is huge in letting SHR know to retreat.

A great hook by Thresh, threading through creeps, gives SSW the needed damage to stop SHR's bullying.

Braum shows off what being a man is about.

Twitch roams middle, instead of heading to bottom, and is able to gank mid for the First Blood, but only barely.

SSW try to dive Ryze, but they miss Fizz's ultimate and it comes back to bite them big when Rammus counter-ganks. Singed runs to the fight while Maokai TP's. Jarvan locks himself and Fizz in with Ryze, Rammus, and Maokai. SHR come out with a 2 for 1, almost a 3 for 1 and then almost a 4 for 1. With the HP and man advantage, SHR take dragon.

Singed is out attacking a pink when blue buff is spawning for SHR. SHR ditch the blue and pincer Singed. Maokai throws his sapling to cut off the one avenue of retreat and Singed has no where to go and falls down.

First turret to SHR's duo lane, bringing the gold lead to 3.4k

A beautiful flash by Ryze, ends with a trade kill in the middle.

A gank top goes awry as SSW are there with Jarvan and Singed TP's in. SHR are able to stick around after to take the top turret, while the bottom turret gets taken by SSW.

SHR's Rod of Ages are about half full for both Ryze and Maokai, they are ahead and getting tot he point of bulldozer.

SSW go for dragon, get it, but SHR go in for the fight. Jarvan locks down Maokai, but this positioning is what loses SSW the fight. He locks himself in range of Tristana and is stuck separated from his team, giving her a free kill. The Cataclysm does keep the AoE protection from Maokai away from the rest of the team though. SHR goes 3 for 1, but over chase and split, letting it turn into a 4 for 3.

SSW are starting to run out of time and have made very few plays this game. It's looking good for SHR as their team scales even more into a bulldozer with Tristana riding it.

Beautiful out play by Ryze against Fizz.

SWW need to run the split-push, but its hard with Ryze beating Fizz and Maokai beating Singed now. The options for SSW are almost out. They have to catch SHR in a mistake.

Twitch 1v1's Ryze, scaring Ryze by making him think he had backup, Ryze doesn't even fight back. The mind games. I guess that is an option, crazy Twitch picks.

SSW start to set up some baron vision/control trying to draw out a fight and mistakes from SHR. And.... Fizz blows his caviar onto the support Braum. SSW dives in to save Fizz when the fight turns onto him, and SHR's massive front line just says, thank you very much, lets fight. Tristana goes and hangs out on the outside, chasing Fizz and making a nice circle hopping around the fight. SHR get 4 for 0 and then take Baron. Whoops Fizz. SSW even knew that all of SSW was around. Just a bad choice.

SHR are now in the position to win and SSW can't do anything to stop it.

SHR take mid and bottom inhibitor and then start to push in to top. SHR get a little too close without Tristana near, and SSW lock them up under the turret. Fizz is able to go straight for Tristana, pushing her back out again as SHR just, tank under the turret. With the help of the turret, and without Tristana being able to fight, as her front-line is all distracted, SSW are able to go 4 for 1. SHR just got slightly too close, and just slightly away from Tristana. That was an oops. But the game is still in hand for SHR, they just need to make sure to stop Fizz with their tank wall.

SHR head back to SSW's base and take both inhibitors again. SSW make a fight, but this time SHR are able to lock down Fizz, and there is just too much tankiness for SSW to deal with while Tristana fires away.

End Game Notes -

I love this version of the protect the ADC composition. I'm going to call it Protect the Quarterback, the permutation of this composition. Instead of using a lot of shields and buffs to give your ADC safety, you instead create this massive front-line that just holds the other team back and allows the ADC to free-fire from behind. Such a NA football team.

This game was just, a strong showing for SHR. They pulled out a super solid composition and played it really well into the composition that SSW chose.

What Samsung White should have done -

Woo! Second time I get to say this.

SSW chose a composition to show off, have a little fun. Rumble would have been such a great pick into SHR's composition, but Looper wanted to play Singed. SSW thought they could win this off individual skill and team play, even though they were play a losing composition into some losing lanes as well. But hey, that's what you get when you let your guard down just a little bit.

In the game, SSW didn't make enough plays, they should have hard pushed a lane in a 2v1 at the start, opening up the map, and then taking another turret somewhere else as well. This would have let deeper wards and more opportunities for picks in the jungle and in rotations with Twitch/Fizz.

SSW kinda of just let this game go, though they did try in game, they could have done more in the early early stages to secure them a much stronger chance.

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