Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Semifinals - SHR vs. OMG Game #5

Star Horn Royal Club vs. OMG Game #5
2v1 Lanes, OMG Top.

Alistar Rengar
Jayce Lee Sin
Twisted Fate Twitch

1. Ryze 2. Janna
3. Lucian 2. Khazix
3. Maokai 4. Rumble
5. Pantheon 4. Corki
5. Thresh 6. Orianna

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Jarvan to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Khazix damage will be much higher.

Mid -
Ryze can look to bully Orianna in the mid-lane, but he will have to be careful when running in, as Orianna's ball has better range and can be used to zone Ryze. If Ryze can get in to Orianna, particularly when her ball is far away from her, then he can get off some good trade damage before Orianna is able to fully capitalize on his aggression. As the match goes one, Ryze can become an even stronger bully, once he gets some tankiness and his level 6. He must be vary of Orianna's sustained damage before Ryze is able to move into his own powerful sustained damage.

Bot -
Lucian/Thresh will have a slight advantage in this lane able to get good bully damage and if Thresh is able to land a hook or get in for a flay, this will only increase. Lucian dodging Corki's Q will be huge in winning the lane, as it will be a lot of missed damage for OMG, especially when Janna's shield is on Corki. At 6, they will have to watch out for Corki missiles and be wary of the disengage from Janna if they try to go all in.

Jungle -
Pantheon has strong early-game, even more so against Khazix and he should be looking to use it. Every lane has great follow-up to a Pantheon gank, with CC and solid damage in each lane. Pantheon has tons of options of where to go, be it pre or post level 6, even when tower diving.

Lane Match-ups – OMG

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Khazix is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Orianna is going to have a difficult time against Ryze, not because she is at a disadvantage, but because she has to use her ball well to keep Ryze from getting off his easy damage combo. Proper ball zoning will be essential, and Orianna should look to use the ball more as a zoning tool than anything else, farming with her auto attacks and keeping Ryze's down because of his short range. As some AP comes into the picture for her, Orianna can look to fast clear waves and then roam or pick up extra CS in the jungle.

Bot -
Corki/Janna can go even with Thresh/Lucian, as long as they play offensively and use Janna's shield for it's damage and not as a defensive tool. Janna will also have to be on point with her Tornado's to deny Thresh's engage if he gets a hook, and to just disrupt Lucian when he tries to harass. Mostly this lane will just go even, with skill determining the winner. At level 6, Corki can sit back and get poke onto Lucian and Thresh, but they must be ready and wary of Lucian going for the all-in fight as soon as he is able to.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to have a rough time against Pantheon, not because he cannot fight him 1v1, but rather because Pantheon has such strong ganks, and has great follow-up in every lane. Khazix cannot predict where Pantheon will go and will have a tough time finding his own ganks or counter-ganks. It may be the best of a bad situation to just protect Rumble, and then use his power to take dragon and other objectives.

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Phalanx, forward march! Show a strong early-game with Pantheon and transition in the mid/late-game with brute force of this massive 3.5 man front-line. Get picks with every lane.

I really love SHR's team composition here. They are such a beefy front-line on top of having solid damage in Ryze and Lucian, burst in Maokai's ultimate, and huge huge huge pick potential. SHR went from 1 hard CC last game, to a potential 4 hard CC's. There are tools to catch people out and lock them down on SHR that just were not present last match. SHR have everything they need to win this match. Their strategy should be, look to get a strong early-game with Pantheon, as it moves to the mid-game, vision control and pushing multiple lanes will allow them to catch OMG in rotations and get kills. With the early gold lead, SHR can move this into dragon fights. As long as SHR do not dive deep onto Rumble/Orianna before solid MR comes out, SHR should be fine. If OMG try to engage on them, SHR can simply engage right back and move out of the Rumble ultimate that was used for engagement. With enough of a lead, SHR can just brute force their way to anything they want.

Team Composition/Strategy – OMG

*Win Condition – Poke and disengage. Desperately try to use the power-spike of Corki/Rumble to get a mid-game lead at dragon.

I'm unsatisfied with the OMG team. They are a little scattered in their plan, though they have good disengage. Unfortunately, that will require SHR to make the dives, and OMG do not have enough poke to really force SHR to make that move. If they can bait SHR into an engagement, then Orianna/Rumble ultimates can create huge damage, allowing Corki and Khazix to clean up. OMG have to play defensively and wait for SHR to make a mistake. I wish OMG had picked up Ziggs in the mid lane, or even Xerath/Jayce. They need some way to deal with the brute force and pick potential of SHR, without getting near them, and that still allows them to play aggressive. OMG could have had great poke and disengage with a different mid lane champion. As it stands, OMG are going to have to rely on SHR to put themselves in a bad spot, rather than creating one. The best hope is going to lie at the early dragons, and in potentially just, taking over one side of SHR's jungle and committing everything to forcing them through there.

Game Notes -

I wish Orianna was Ziggs. Ziggs has great long range AoE against a dive/death-ball composition as well as providing wave clear and zoning.

Remember how last match OMG had all the CC and the tools to make plays. Now the roles are reversed and OMG is on the back foot.

Ryze trades ghost in mid for Orianna Flash. This gives a huge gank opportunity for Pantheon in mid now.

SHR's duo push Rumble out of lane, making sure that he cannot get ahead of Maokai.

Rumble returns to the bot lane, even though OMG have 3 and 1 mid to the guaranteed 2 bottom, and the possibility of 4. Rumble ends up giving First Blood to Pantheon.

With the lane pushing towards OMG's top lane, Pantheon looks to protect Maokai up top. Maokai is able to escape, but has to burn Flash.

Corki moves to the 2v2 lane with an unfinished item, where as Lucian returns with a pick-ax. Bad timing for OMG.

SHR make a 4 man dive onto the bottom turret, they get collapsed upon, but because of their timing advantage, and all of their lock-down, SHR come out ahead with 3 to 1. CC vs. no CC coming up huge.

A great setup from SHR earn them the kill on Khazix. Watch where Pantheon ultimates, cutting off Khazix.

SHR are able to turn this into dragon, OMG move to fight and it goes 2 for 2, but SHR do get dragon.

All the cards are in SHR's favor now, and its up to them to win or throw the game, not up to OMG anymore.

Not sure what more is going to be worth commenting on from this point, but lets see.

Rumble ends up pushing the top lane too far and gets picked off by SHR. As SHR move to middle from top, OMG do get a quick kill on Thresh, and back out.

SHR make a dive on top, which does cost them Thresh, but they get 3 kills and the turret out of it. Thresh should have flashed up, not down and away. I don't think it would have made the difference though, but it would have been close.

SHR play the game well, rotating for towers, looking for picks, and just growing into the point where they have enough defenses to ignore OMG's damage.

If I was OMG, I'd say its time to just, make a super desperate and unexpected move. Find a point in the match, where you can rush bottom as a 5 man team. Say when the lane is already slow pushing. Dive into the jungle of SHR, ward up, take the bottom turret, and the force SHR to either fight in the jungle or the T2 death turrets, or to just simply trade objectives. They can't simply do nothing, or they are going to lose 100% guaranteed.

SHR even make some bold and honestly bad plays that leave them vulnerable, but they are so far ahead that it doesn't matter and gets them an even stronger lead.

SHR are drawing this game out, but it is super safe this way, instead of diving into OMG. SHR could make some riskier turret pushes and dives, but there is no reason for it. They will scale better, they can control the map, and OMG have nothing they can really do.

End Game Notes -

Again we see the strength of picks and CC against a team who has none, and who has not built to avoid them.

What OMG should have done -

They got a bit baited by the Ryze/Maokai picks, expecting to be able to get Maokai. After seeing the picks from SHR, OMG really should picked up a more poke/AoE oriented mid laner. They needed a way to force SHR to dive before they could dive without worry. Without a solid form of siege, the disengage from Rumble/Janna is pretty useless.

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