Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - OMG vs. NWS, Post-Game

  NWS vs. OMG Quarterfinals

Save vs. Gogoing
1. L – Kassadin 1/4/2 1. W – Irelia 5/2/4
2. L – Nidalee 0/5/2 2. W – Ryze 7/1/11
3. L – Maokai 3/6/4 3. W – Ryze 12/4/7

Watch vs. LoveLing
1. L – Khazix 1/2/2 1. W – Lee Sin 2/1/7
2. L – Khazix 3/4/2 2. W – Rengar 5/1/12
3. L – Lee Sin 2/5/2 3. W – Khazix 5/1/9

Ggoong vs. cool
1. L – Zed 2/3/2 1. W – Ahri 1/1/6
2. L – Zed 3/6/1 2. W – Jayce 4/1/14
3. L – Orianna 1/6/6 3. W – Zed 5/3/7

Zefa vs. san
1. L – Corki 1/1/3 1. W – Lucian 5/0/4
2. L – Corki 0/6/4 2. W – Lucian 9/1/13
3. L – Kog'maw 3/3/3 3. W – Corki 2/1/10

GorillA vs. Cloud
1. L – Morgana 0/3/4 1. W – Janna 0/1/10
2. L – Braum 0/5/4 2. W – Janna 1/2/21
3. L – Nami 1/4/6 3. W – Janna 0/1/16

End Series Notes -

*Note – Dada777 has been subbed out for Cloud in the support role of OMG

OMG step up massively in this series. They are able to get a lead and keep it, go even and win, and come from behind to win. They have shown a huge amount of growth from the Group Stages.

The support change has worked out very well.

Gogoing should probably be banned from playing Ryze.

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