Horn Royal Club
vs. Edward Gaming Game #3
Lanes, SHR Top
Maokai Rengar
Alistar Zilean
Khazix Janna
1. Lee
Sin 2. Ryze
Rumble 2. Lucian
Nami 4. Evelyn
Twitch 4. Thresh
Orianna 6. Syndra
Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club
Top -
has a rough time against Ryze as Ryze is able to easily harass him.
Rumble must wait until level 2/3 before he can even attempt to fight
back. Must land harpoon and slow Ryze to keep him in Flamespitter
range if he tries to snare Rumble. A hard lane for Rumble, he will
need to just survive until level 6 and his power-spike before trying
to fight Ryze.
Mid -
cannot fight Syndra in an all-in, but will be able to easily farm and
keep Syndra in lane, or against her tower. With the protection of
the ball, she will also be able to farm jungle camps while Syndra is
occupied. In all-in engagements, while Orianna will lose and be
pushed back, it is unlikely that Syndra will be able to kill her,
only bring her low. As long as Orianna is wary of ganks and does not
take poke from Syndra, she will scale into her strong mid-late game
team fighting.
Bot -
weaker lane for SHR, this time though there is some CC protection and
sustain, though less trade potential. Should look for the 2v1 and
let Nami roam/help the top lane and let Twitch get an earlier level 6
from the solo experience. If the 2v2 lane happens, then they need to
be safe and farm, trying not to lose the lane too badly. Thresh
hooks onto Nami will be very dangerous, but if Twitch is hooked, then
Nami is able to offer some protection by slowing and attempting to
stun Lucian.
Lee Sin
is going to have to work hard to keep up with Evelyn, but this is
everyone versus Evelyn. Early invade to try to catch and kill her at
one of her small camps can be huge, and put her behind. As the
match-up progresses, Lee Sin should get his Sight Stone early and get
the wards into Evelyn's camps. For ganks, the best is once again
going to be with Rumble, against Ryze.
Match-ups – Edward Gaming
Top -
Ryze is
a lot stronger than Rumble early on and should look to abuse this
fact. Constant harassment will put Rumble behind and as long as Ryze
is able to dodge harpoons, should be able to do so without fear of
retaliation. At level 6 he must be aware of Rumble's all-in power
and respect it. Beware of ganks from Elise.
Mid -
has a pretty easy time against Orianna. She has much higher kill
potential, especially at 6, and has decent wave clear. Though
Orianna will push the wave into Syndra faster, Orianna cannot go
all-in against Syndra unless ahead. Syndra stun + burst will deter
Orianna from using her higher sustained damage. Just needs to make
sure she does not get out-farmed.
Bot -
is much stronger, and though this time around SHR has sustain, they
have a weaker trade/all-in potential and Lucian should feel even more
free to dominate and bully this lane. Lucian should save his dash
for Nami ultimate/bubble, and just be close enough for when Thresh
hits a hook or flay. Alternately, Lucian can dash forward and then
lantern away from Nami bubble if Thresh is on the ball. Bully the
lane, keep SHR's pushed back and low.
Evelyn how we hate you. Eve should just look to farm and gank pushed
lanes. She has such an easy time getting in, that whenever a lane is
pushed into EDG's towers, she should be looking for the gank
opportunity. Rumble will make the easiest target and when level 6
comes into play for Syndra, Evelyn can provide that extra damage to
guarantee the kill on Orianna.
Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club
Condition – 5v5 team-fight and get solid AoE damage down with their
ultimates. Get picks with Twitch.
team composition is pretty simple here, but will require a great
amount of skill and positioning prowess. SHR want to 5v5 team-fight
in the mid-game and the late-game to utilize their strong AoE
ultimate damage. Orianna pulling EDG together for Rumble and Twitch
to unload their damage onto. That's the nutshell of SHR's team. Get
to dragon, win fights. When dragon is down, try to find picks with
Lee Sin and Twitch. Wait for the next dragon. Fight back if EDG try
to 5v5. Same as the last game, but this time SHR must watch out for
EDG getting picks with Eve/Thresh/Syndra and remember that Twitch is
more vulnerable to burst without Janna.
Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming
Condition – Win lane, win game. Use Eve to get lanes rolling and
picks with Syndra and Thresh later on. Get flanks for the 5v5 to
reduce the Rumble damage.
once again have an early-game focused team, but it has been working
out for them until they mess it up. This time, they have great map
control with Evelyn early on, putting pressure on all the lanes just
by being Evelyn, and they have strong kill potential without having
to send someone (Zed) all in in the form of Syndra. During the
mid-game especially and throughout they will have strong pick
potential with the (my favorite amount for pick comps) 3 potential
hard CC's of Syndra/Ryze/Thresh. EDG just need to get a lead early,
and turn that in map rotations and picks. In 5v5 fights, Syndra can
provide strong CC and Evelyn can flank, disrupting SHR and hopefully
messing with their AoE ultimate combo.
Notes -
take a very early dragon this time, bringing in 4 instead of 3 and
having Syndra pushed to provide a warning system.
move to top/support vs. ADC. Nami gets ganked, 3v1 but is able to
escape without having to burn any Summoners.
move once again to Standard Lanes.
Lee Sin
moves to gank top and it looks good, but the damage is just slightly
too low as Evelyn comes in for the counter-gank and First Blood + 1
goes to EDG.
having pushed bottom out when Lucian backed, moves to gank mid.
Syndra backing in the middle of the lane gets her killed and a kill
onto Twitch.
SHR's duo moves back to lane, EDG catch them out in the tri-bush and
get a kill on Nami.
EDG are
once again ahead in the early-game and ahead with a solid 2.5k lead.
Ryze has a large lead, and should be able to destroy Rumble now and
as I type this, Evelyn shows up top and Rumble dies again.
the very early Sorcerer Boots that allow Ryze to bully and dominate
A great
bubble on Twitch's 6 nets SHR a kill on the bottom lane, as Lucian is
afraid to fight after having just seen Lee Sin. Smartly too, since
Lee Sin shows back up and almost kills Lucian anyways.
SHR are
a bit low now, and Syndra/Evelyn collapse bottom and clean up 2
kills. EDG then turn for a very dangerous dragon. Orianna and Lee
Sin to attempt to stop it, SHR steal the dragon but Orianna dies.
Total is 3 for 1 in favor of EDG but SHR get the dragon.
double gank attempt on the bot lane ends up with a 1 for 1 trade on
kills and turret. SHR does pull the TP from Ryze though, allowing
Rumble to get some farm.
setup a great pick as Orianna comes back from getting blue, Thresh
and Syndra kill her. The Flash from Syndra was way unnecessary
though. Syndra is able to get the turret after.
SHR are
still pressuring bot lane with Lee Sin, but EDG have started to play
it safer and take resources in other lanes.
is super shutdown this match.
pushes way too deep and gets caught, by 4 members of SHR and they
wait to give the kill to Twitch. Lucian was pushing too hard w/o the
other lanes pushing to take advantage.
attempt dragon, and they do need the gold and to force something, but
they are so far behind and Rumble is too weak for his ultimate to
make a big difference, he is only level 9. EDG get a great flank and
pincer and it pulls SHR off dragon and traps them, without their
ultimates, on EDG's side of the map. EDG now can look for picks,
while Ryze, at full HP, prevents SHR from retreating. EDG end up
getting the ACE for 0 and then take dragon.
start to pressure top T2 and Baron. Lee Sin is able to get a flank
and SHR get a kill on Thresh, but are so far behind that EDG charge
through and get a trade kill on Nami, and then take the T2 top
turret. SHR burned all of their ultimates, but EDG only burned
Lucian ultimate.
stick around the same area, picking off Rumble. When Evelyn backs,
SHR make a strong play with Twitch stealth and get 2 kills for 1.
They then chase Lucian but Orianna loses the chase by speeding up
Twitch instead of herself. Was a great play for SHR to make from
catch Twitch and dive a bit too deep lining up for SHR's AoE and the
fight goes 3 for 2 in SHR's favor, even though far behind.
EDG are
still far enough ahead that the one lost team-fight does not matter,
they come back and take dragon for free.
should have been pressuring Baron/mid this whole time. Take the
Baron vision and pressure, then wait for SHR to move in and get
picked by Syndra/Thresh/Ryze. They really should have and need to
use this to draw SHR out into a bad spot.
Lee Sin
gets caught by Thresh, and Twitch blocks off Lucian ultimate damage
to save Lee Sin, but gets caught and killed by Syndra.
EDG now
have a 5v4, with the jungler at almost no HP. They can turn and take
Baron for free, however they push through mid, take the mid T2 and
start to hit the inhibitor turret, however EDG dive, get in a bad
spot with Orianna ultimate and the tower wreaks havoc as EDG fight in
SHR's base. EDG get ACED and only get 2 kills. EDG turned a free
baron into a 2 for 5.
SHR are
still behind by 9k gold though. EDG can still control the game and
they still have tons of pick potential and the ability to control
Baron, if they would finally do it.
crazy Baron movements end up with EDG and SHR switching sides. EDG
has a huge wave incoming top and they will move to it after Nami's
ultimate misses EDG. EDG pressure the top inhibitor turret. SHR try
to make an engage, but they end up losing the fight, giving up 4
kills to only get 2. EDG are able to take the top inhibitor and the
fifth kill onto Nami for the delayed ACE.
and Ryze back off from their Recall bush after seeing Twitch, even
though Twitch backs off. This saves both of their lives.
EDG try
to flank SHR, but SHR disengage but do end up on SHR's side of the
base. SHR have to recall, as super minions take both their Nexus
turrets and EDG finally take Baron.
push bottom with no Nexus turrets??????????????
EDG go
to take the top inhibitor when it respawns, but Lucian walks into the
Orianna ball, gets hit by Shock-Wave, and then Lee Sin knocks him
back into SHR's team. SHR win the fight, again, when EDG should not
be letting this happen.
crazy part is, the game hasn't hit 40 minutes yet. So much fighting
has happened, but EDG still hold a huge gold lead. But in another 10
minutes gold lead won't exist due to 5/6 items.
top inhibitor fight leads to SHR chasing EDG far, and the fight goes
super close, but Orianna completely misses her Shock-Wave, trying to
hit 4 people. EDG take 4 for 1 and then win the game.
Notes –
I would
have really liked to have seen Nami pick up Aegis instead of
finishing her T2, especially her T3 gold item and her Mobility boots.
Really needed the Aegis or Mikael's for Twitch against Syndra and
is the Locket from either team?!?
Game Notes -
again win the early-game and play the mid-game better, generating a
huge huge lead. They do not however play the late-mid game,
particularly the Baron bait/dance (never doing it).
though the fights sometimes go in SHR's favor, they can never get
anything off of it and EDG are able to constantly take dragons and
occasionally turrets which keeps their gold lead.
EDG can
solidify their win ability better by some better baiting/baron
control. EDG seem to lose how their team compositions shine as the
game heads to the late-mid point.
EDG are
over focusing Uzi and completely ignoring Corn's Orianna.
Star Horn Royal Club should have done -
really needed to respect the Evelyn more. Evelyn provided so much
pressure and so much dominance this map as well as messing with SHR's
composition by her flanking power. Rumble also got so denied that he
almost might not have been in the game. SHR lost this match early
and hard. Especially at that dragon fight that SHR had no reason to
be fighting, especially in that position and with that Rumble
ultimate being used as a slow down and a distraction. Was a very bad
play by SHR and was the nail in the coffin.
before that, SHR didn't respect the pick potential of
Syndra/Thresh/Ryze either.
forward, SHR should really move to a strong early-game team as they
are highly outplaying EDG in everything but the start.. Switching up
bans, add in Evelyn or a Syndra instead of the Zilean.
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