Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Finals - SSW vs. SHR Game #2

Samsung White vs. Star Horn Royal Club Game #2
2v1 Lanes, SSB Top

Lucian Alistar
Lee Sin Zilean
Maokai Ryze

1. Rengar 2. Thresh
3. Twitch 2. Jayce
3. Janna 4. Khazix
5. Talon 4. Corki
5. Rumble 6. Mundo

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Rumble should be fine, if not stronger in this lane match-up, but it will be close. Rumble can bully Mundo early, getting good slows and flamethrowers, however as the lane progresses it will be harder for Rumble to bully Mundo, especially when Spectre's Cowl comes into play. Rumble should look to bully as much as he can, and transition into a stronger mid-game before Mundo can take over the lane.

Mid -
Talon is a great pick against Jayce, able to get in and deal a ton of burst damage, circumventing the poke of Jayce and forcing the fights. On top of this, Talon deals almost all his damage up front, preventing Jayce from stopping the engagement with his knock-back. Talon will have to wait until level 6 to really hit solid trades/all-ins, however with his general build of Crystalline Flask, he should be safe to farm in lane and sustain through the poke of Jayce. At 6, Talon should be looking to all-in and use his ultimate as often as possible against Jayce, even if it only gets him some damage and not the kill, it should be plenty to push Jayce out of lane or put him on the defensive.

Bot -
Twitch/Janna are going to want to look for the 2v1, as they will lose the 2v2. Twitch's harassment ability is much weaker than Corki's while just one Thresh hook or flay can really push SSW's duo out of the lane. If SSW do try to fight the 2v2, Janna is going to need to be on her game with protecting Twitch. Using shields to block some of Corki's harassment and well timed Tornado's to stop Thresh from creating engagements. SSW will come out behind in the 2v2, but at the very least they should be able to get some CS to stay alive.

Jungle -
Rengar should once again look to heavy farm and reach level 6. In this match-up however, Mundo presents a juicy target, especially with the damage potential of Rumble. If possible, find the gank or even the tower dive onto Mundo around the level 2/3 mark and keep him down, letting Rumble get an item or two before Mundo picks up his MR. At 6, Rengar should switch his attention to mid lane, taking out Jayce with Talon, or alternately looking to help out the weaker bot lane, now that Twitch has his strong ultimate.

Lane Match-ups – Star Horn Royal Club

Top -
Mundo is going to get a bit bullied early one, Rumble having high sustained damage from the get go. Mundo however, should be safe enough to get his farm, or even just cleaver farm if necessary. As the lane progresses, Mundo will have an easier and easier time, especially when level 6 and first items come into play. Spectre's Cowl and Spirit Visage will give Mundo an edge against Rumble and he will then be able to start bullying Rumble in the lane.

Mid -
Jayce is in for a rough time against Talon. While Jayce can poke Talon and hit him from range, Talon's damage is completely front-loaded so that Jayce will be unable to prevent any of it with a knock-back. Up until level 6, Jayce should still be able to fight Talon, and even win some trades, but once Talon get's 6, his damage is just going to be too quick and too much burst for Jayce to be able to deal with. At this point Jayce should just give up the lane and long range farm with Shock Blasts while stacking up his tear and preparing for team-fights.

Bot -
Corki/Thresh can dominate this bot lane and should use early wards to find their duo opponents. In the lane, Corki can offer strong harassment against Twitch while Thresh can put on the kill pressure. Level 2 will offer the greatest strenght for them and should be rushed, with Thresh immediately going for the flay/hook on either Janna or Twitch. Follow them around the map and force the 2v2, using the early/mid game power to keep SSW's duo behind.

Jungle -
Khazix should look to farm till 6, picking up his spike rack so that his team has an easier time spotting out Twitch and Rengar and stopping their engagement. Early on Khazix should look to protect Mundo as he is a very juicy target for SSW. When Talon hits 6, it might be wise to wait mid for him to try to all-in Jayce and then counter-gank, however he must be wary of Rengar if he is 6 already. Even if Mundo does not get ganked, he will be able to provide solid support against Rumble, so long as Khazix/Mundo are not low and can kill Rumble through his damage.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Take the huge mid-game power-spike to Dragon control and force through SHR. Outside of dragon, find picks and skirmishes in the mid-game, especially in the jungle. Hard engage if SHR try to siege.

SSW have a great team to fight against the siege/wall power of SHR. SHR try to play the composition that SSW have been dominating on, but SSW already know how to destroy it. Talon and Rengar will dive in to hard engage, Twitch will unload from a distance, and Rumble ultimate will tear through and cut off SHR's team. SSW have countered this siege wall composition with massive hard engagement. On top of the hard engagement, their team is able to have great dragon control and great ability to find picks in the jungle or in rotations and assassinate targets. SSW will be looking to do these three things, and throw themselves at SHR whenever possible

Team Composition/Strategy – Star Horn Royal Club

*Win Condition – Siege down SSW's team during the mid-game and the late-game, disengage from SSW's hard engagement.

SHR are playing a composition very similar to the one SSW has been running and SSW are ready for it. SHR are going to have to play extremely well to be able to overcome the hard engagement that SSW is playing with. SHR should be ok in lane, minus Mundo, and can transition into the siege/wall composition that SHR have. SHR will have to play to their siege composition, however I would recommend that Khazix hold onto his W whenever they do not have vision on Rengar, as that wide area slow will be necessary for SHR to be able to disengage. Also key will be vision on the sides of whatever area they are pushing as a team.

Game Notes -

The ward that SSW walk over allows Twitch to pull off a lane freeze where as Corki does not. Does not really lead to anything.

SHR are able to get Twitch into the 2v2 lane after a bit of work.

Rumble sense tingle and he checks the lane bush, saving his life.

A ward spots Talon out, and it lets SHR's duo escape, and then go aggressive right after, pushing Twitch away from lane.

Not much has happened so far, but now the ultimates are going to come in.

A 3v3 starts in bot lane, both top laners moving down and both mid laners having to run to the fight. The whole fight goes 5 for 4 in SSW's favor but First Blood to SHR.
From Start to Finish -
Talon is in the river before Jayce, Jayce cannot really fighting Talon 1v1 right now, so Talon has the lead.
Rengar opens up on Khazix, stops the counter-gank, but I think it would have been a better opener on Corki or Thresh, closer to Rengar's duo lane.
Both TP's come in, and Janna/Twitch get pincered.
Rumbles ult goes across four and deal a lot of damage
SHR chase, get the 2 kills onto the duo, but now Talon is here.
Talon ultimates for the speed, flashes and then does his silence port, allowing his ultimate to come spinning back into all 3 members of SHR. (very key)
SSW are able to get 3 kills here, but are now low themselves.
Jayce comes in and they get Talon, Rengar gets away because of creep blocking.
SHR split targets instead of focusing Rumble. They do get Rengar, but Rumble gets 2.
The two major points are, Rengar starting on Khazix is bad. And then the second is SHR splitting the focus at the very end.

SSW make a very sloppy dive on Mundo up top, and Mundo is able to delay for a kill, but Rengar beats Khazix top and the fight goes 2 for 1 in SSW's favor. Misplay by SSW not killing the turret, and by SHR for chasing too far.

A great Janna ultimate heals up Twitch and separates Corki away from Thresh. Prevents a ton of damage onto Twitch and heals back so much.

SSW are starting to take over and are creating skirmishes. SSB should not be fighting them, but should be turning into the team-fight at this point in the match.

Janna for the super save again.

SSW are just running away with the game now, constantly creating small fights and never letting SHR move to play their team composition properly.

One thing to really take from this, is that SSW are ganking the strong lane. Rumble gained a lot from the first big fight, and SSW return to it shortly after as 3, not just 2.

The Rumble ultimate on top totally missing Mundo was a little over confident, cutting Mundo off but doing no damage.

SSW are going to take a few towers, take baron, and then just hard dive down middle with their hard hard engage team.

End Game Notes -

It was going well for SHR, however the moment that SSW hit their ultimates, they make a huge play in the bot lane and do not let up. They transition the strength that Rumble gained into the top lane and the jungle and continue to find picks and skirmishes in the jungle and lanes and grow a lead that cannot be stopped.

What Star Horn Royal Club should have done -

Their team composition was good, but it was one that SSW has been playing for several games and they know the hard engage counter and play it well. SHR needed a stronger disengage to stop them, say Nami or Janna instead of Thresh.

In the game, after that big first fight, SHR needed to come together and start their 5 man siege, catch SSW off guard by sending all 5 middle right after that fight and start the push/siege. You have to pull SSW into your composition and not let them tear yours apart.

Going forward, I'd like once again, to see jungle mass bans and Insec pull out something crazy. Outside of that, pick a more aggressive team. Tried the late-game, tried the siege, but they need to make a team composition that can bring the hurt from 6 minutes on. Get out of that lane as soon as possible.

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