Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - EDG vs. DP Game #2

Dark Passage vs. Edward Gaming Game #2
Standard Lanes

Rengar Nidalee
Orianna Alistar
Maokai Syndra

1. Ryze 2. Zilean
3. Lucian 2. Khazix
3. Braum 4. Irelia
5. Pantheon 4. Tristana
5. Jayce 6. Thresh

Lane Match-ups – Dark Passage

Top -
Ryze can bully Irelia, though it might not be so wise. With Irelia lower than Ryze, it will put Ryze at risk to be ganked easily by Rengar. Harassment should only be done when he knows that Rengar is on the other side of the map and must be wary anytime his presence is not accounted for. Be especially mindful of low hp ranged creeps and the ability of Irelia to double gap close in those situations. If possible, try to keep the wave slightly on DP's side of the river, giving more time to chase Irelia in a gank, since she has built in tenacity to deal with Pantheon and Ryze CC, and because Ryze will need a short escape route if he gets ganked.

Mid -
Jayce should win this match-up. He has range, poke, and all-in potential against Zilean. He must just make sure that he does not take bomb damage without trading back. Jayce should focus on pushing hard, keeping Zilean stuck to his tower and try to land as much poke as possible onto him. Keep Zilean stuck and do not let him make plays around the map. Jayce's damage will be much higher later on and offer great long range damage before fights. Try to save the knock-back hammer for after Zilean ultimate for greater kill potential.

Bot -
Very strong lane and much stronger than EDG's. Lucian/Braum have amazing synergy and DP should look to bully the lane from level 1 on. The only real fear that DP's duo has is a Thresh hook into tower and everything else should go in their favor. Push hard, get all the poke you can, and get early pinks and sweepers to make sure that Irelia cannot TP to a ward behind you.

Jungle -
Strong early game gank ability. Should look to utilize this with Jayce or the bot lane early on. If bot can get EDG's duo low, a tower dive is highly possible with the double stuns and Pantheons ability to block tower shots. Pantheon should look to gank as often as possible in between jungle camps.

Lane Match-ups – Edward Gaming

Top -
Irelia will get bullied by Ryze early and will be reduced to surviving and farming. It will be rough for a while, but being lower than Ryze will keep his kill potential almost non-existent during the low levels, as well as providing Irelia with an easy way to set up a gank through the long duration of her stun. Once Irelia reaches and 6 and picks up a Sheen, she will have more control over the lane than Ryze. Her all-in onto Ryze will be superior while Ryze is scaling up with his tear/catalyst. Every opportunity after this point should be used to push Ryze out of lane and potentially kill him. Jungle with Khazix will be extremely potent and should be a priority.

Mid -
Zilean is going to have a rough match-up in this middle lane. He cannot fight or even trade harassment with Jayce. He will have to look to farm while hiding behind creeps and use bombs to keep the lane pushing. Mainly Zilean is going to try to say even in the lane and let his passive help out the side lanes and then transition into teamfights with the power of his ultimate.

Bot -
EDG are in for a rough time. They are the inferior lane with a jungler who is weaker in ganks early on. They will have to survive and grab the farm that they can. A lane swap would be possible, but it will put Irelia behind and she needs to stay on par to be relevant. Expect to spend a decent amount of time at their tower and hope for a solid hook into tower range.

Jungle -
Khazix is going to have to look to out-farm Pantheon. Pantheon's ganks are much stronger at the early levels and much easier to pull off. With Zilean as the mid laner, Khazix should hard farm and make use of the experience advantage, showing out of the jungle when he has a level and item advantage over Pantheon. Early options will most likely reside in top lane, though only if they can 2v1 Ryze.

Team Composition/Strategy – Dark Passage

*Win Condition – Win lane, Win game.

Dark Passage have drafted solid champions in all the lanes and with Pantheon are going for heavy early game pressure. Jayce and Ryze will scale more than their opponents, though Ryze will dip below Irelia in the mid game, while Lucian will be very strong early, and only slightly weaker than Tristana later on. DP are looking to run with strong lanes, early game jungle power, and then turn that into a lead that they can snowball into the win. If they can get a solid lead, then a 5 man push using Jayce to poke and then having him and Lucian whittle down turrets will be the optimal strategy.

Team Composition/Strategy – Edward Gaming

*Win Condition – Use Zilean to allow Irelia and Khazix to fight without worry, diving into DP's team to make plays that otherwise cannot be made. Use the fight strength of Irelia and Khazix to build a lead in the mid-game and then scale with Tristana and Khazix into the late game.

EDG have built sort of a solo carry team backed up by Zilean. With their triple threat composition (Zilean doesn't quite make it a Quad Threat), EDG are looking to use Zilean to keep the focused target alive long enough to deal damage and let the other threats deal the damage. EDG should look to use Irelia's power spike with Trinity Force to control some area of the map. Be it top lane, DP's jungle, or the dragon area. Good use of the mid-game power against Ryze should generate a lot of opportunities for EDG. As the game goes on, EDG should begin to out-scale DP's team, provided Lucian or Ryze do not get out of hand.

Game Notes -

Pantheon tries to get a sneaky ward into EDG's blue buff, but gets hooked and is forced to flash away. Really hurts his early gank ability.

Tristana starts with Explosive shot, cause her to lose CS early.

HolyPhoenix on Lucian very rarely uses his double shot procs and this costs them a lot of pressure in this match and others.

DP's duo walks into Flay range and a lantern gank with Khazix earns EDG First Blood and 2 kills onto DP's bot lane.

EDG chase Jayce into DP's jungle, burning lots of flashes. DP's duo lane collapses from their respawn and gets 2 kills in response to Jayce's death, and then EDG lose dragon. This was a chance for EDG to let Jayce go after the flash, back out, and then take dragon 4v3.

Roam by Zilean earns EDG a kill onto Ryze, Ryze loses a lot of CS as the wave is at the turret. Jayce does get a good amount of damage on the middle turret. EDG use the man advantage to take DP's blue buff, after DP takes EDG's.

EDG puts a lot of focus top, helping Irelia get to the point where she can take on Ryze alone.

Ryze chases Irelia after a good gank, but she barely gets away.

DP stick around their bot turret, outnumbered and run in 1 by 1 into 4. DP lose the turret, give up 4 kills and lose dragon. Massive gold swing and now EDG are in full control.

DP do not have much they can do to come back. It could be worthwhile to group as 5 and surprise EDG with a push on the side lanes. Without a solid team composition outside of lane phases, DP can't really fight in 5's. Do crazy pushes, poke with Jayce, try to force EDG around the map and take what you can in the meantime.

For now, it will be another slow whittling down of DP by EDG.

Item Notes -

Jayce goes early Brutalizer instead of Manamune. The early power is good, but it really hurts Jayce's ability to push hard and harass without mana.

Jayce doesn't get a tear till near the 20 minute mark.

End Game Notes -

Lucian lost a lot of damage by rarely using his passive on EDG's team.

Ryze got behind from all the pressure put top while Pantheon put less pressure out than Khazix.

Jayce's item build was not optimal and really hurt him in pushing power and fight ability.

Once DP fell behind, they played completely defensively without having scaling power and got whittled down.

EDG once again take longer than necessary to close out a game.

What Dark Passage should have done -

I have to put a lot of this loss on the individual play of DP. They had a much stronger lane and did not capitalize on it. Lucian lost a lot of damage by not hitting his double-shot on Tristana. This really hurt them when it came to having even HP during the Khazix gank.

Pantheon also makes a weak showing, making very few ganks early on and having little impact. Planning on the bot lane pushing and getting in place for a tower dive would have been ideal, if DP's duo had been better with their trades. Even if Pantheon had got caught at the jungle bush by the tower, Lucian and Braum could have both dashed up to fight with him in a much stronger 3v3 fight. Alternately, though harder, damage onto Zilean would have really helped.

If DP could have got the bot lane rolling well, then Pantheon could have shifted focus to top and protected Ryze from falling so far behind.

Jayce's needed to build his tear early. Going Brutalizer against Zilean does not really amount to much, as Zilean will be avoiding fights as much as possible. Stacking tear, having the mana to push hard and to harass later on was necessary.

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