Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - TSM vs. SSW Game #3

Samsung White vs. Team Solo Mid Game #3
2v1 Lanes, SSW Top

Orianna Alistar
Lee Sin Zilean
Rumble Maokai

1. Khazix 2. Ryze
3. Tristana 2. Thresh
3. Morgana 4. Jarvan
5. Mundo 4. Lucian
5. Kassadin 6. Yasuo

Lane Match-ups – Team Solo Mid

Top -
Ryze has a major advantage over Mundo and while it will be hard to kill him, Ryze will be able to bully him away from lane while having almost 0 fear of Mundo being able to fight back and kill him. Ryze should be very happy farming up and scaling his mana items safely and potentially getting a kill with Jarvan ganks.

Mid -
Kassadin is going to have a rough time against Yasuo simply because, Yasuo can out-trade and out dps Kassadin. Kassadin can look to double burst though, waiting for his Force Pulse to charge and then knocking through Yasuo's shield with it and his Q. This will cause Kassadin to lose some CS though, as he could be using them to nab CS from range. Will be especially vulnerable when picking of tear and may want to grab an armor item first.

Bot -
Tristana/Morgana are slightly weaker than TSM's duo, mostly because Lucian can pretty easily bully Tristana. Thresh also has the kill pressure where as Morgana does not. (Morgana getting a binding does not mean Tristana can go in, as she is weaker than Lucian, where as Thresh landing a hook does mean Lucian can go in). Should look to farm safely, and use Black Shield to stop any form of engage from TSM. The other option is to go Explosive Shot on Tristana and Tormented Soil on Morgana and hard push from level 1 to get the level 2 advantage, and keep the lane in their favor from there. Does mean they will have to stay pushed up into TSM's tower though.

Jungle -
Mostly a farm game for Khazix. Will not find much success in early ganks unless one of TSM's lanes is pushed up against a SSW turret. Should focus on hard farming and mirroring Jarvan around the map.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Mundo has a rough time against Ryze early on. He will get bullied in lane but at least he will be able to regen over time and get CS with cleavers. Once Mundo gets Spectre's Cowl things will turn around a lot and Mundo will be really safe in the lane. It will be hard for Mundo to get in against Ryze with Ryze's snare, but if he can land a cleaver during a gank, Mundo and Khazix should be able to kill Ryze. Mundo's biggest focus will be to farm up and be a massive tank in the late game.

Mid -
Yasuo is going to have the advantage in this match-up, able to bully Kassadin with strong defense and offensive abilities in the melee range. Yasuo will need to watch out for Kassadin stacking up his Force Pulse to deal burst trade, as this can be Kassadin's strongest point to fight. Just look to get any damage he can onto Kassadin and try to keep him away from the creeps.

Bot -
Lucian/Thresh have all the advantages in this lane. Stronger bullying ability from Lucian will keep SSW's duo from being able to make any kind of engagement. This will let Lucian get off all the harassment and trade damage he wants, and allow Thresh to make any picks or engagements he can with hook and Flay. TSM's duo should bully hard and look to take any fights that they can in this lane.

Jungle -
Jarvan can focus on farming and getting to 6. His lanes are all strong against their opponents and he will not need to gank. However, if any lane is low or ever pushed, he will have a great opportunity to get a kill. Once Yasuo hits 6, look to make plays with him. There is great synergy here.

Team Composition/Strategy – Team Solo Mid

*Win Condition – Take the early game and snowball it into a lead. Strong lanes against weak mid-game champions on SSW will give TSM a big advantage in the mid-game.

TSM have a team that is very strong in the mid-game, with back up in Ryze for the late-game who also has the saving grace of scaling at the same speed as Mundo. TSM can put huge pressure onto SSW with Lucian/Thresh and Jarvan/Yasuo in the early and post level 6 game. Their mid-game is much stronger and with the synergy of Thresh and Jarvan with Yasuo, TSM can pretty much roll around the map and do what they want during the mid-game. TSM need to recognize this and not let up once they start. Take the early dragons and then push turrets, forcing SSW off them with their lack of wave clear and their weaker team in the mid-game.

On one last note. TSM finally have a team that has pick potential and lock-down. Ryze, Jarvan, Yasuo, Thresh all have some form of potentially hard CC.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Scale into the late-game, survive the rest of the game and somehow get to the 35 minute mark without a huge deficit.

SSW have crafted a team that is 100% late-game. That's all there is to their team. SSW must survive until the 35 minute mark where their champions can be forces on their own. There is no wave clear to draw out the game, there is no strong 5v5 fight or disengage/reengage there is only the late-game power spikes that will take a long time to be reached. SSW will have to play completely defensive, and perhaps even seek to trade objectives without challenge, just to keep the gold even.

Game Notes -

TSM go for an invade on SSW's red. SSW decide to take the fight, but TSM win the fight 2-0 then get the red buff.

Lanes move to 2v1. Lane swap makes it so that Khazix can get 2 buffs, and gets their bot lane away from the lane with both kills.

Great Wind Wall saves Yasuo at the last possible second.

TSM draw first turret on bot lane and pull off a lane freeze right after. They then move to pressure dragon with members against 3 and then eventually 4. SSW do get the dragon steal, but they lose 3 members and get 1 kill. Dragon to SSW, 3 for 1 kill advantage for TSM

Lucian really starts to bully SSW's bot lane. TSM are taking advantage of this match, pressuring turrets and jungle objectives.

TSM take top turret and get a kill onto Tristana.

Finally, in game 3, TSM start to make their own dictations to SSW.

TSM start to slowly push mid and setup for dragon.

Lucian makes an aggressive dash play into the jungle, immediately getting Thresh lantern out.

SSW do give up the second dragon. Morgana uses the time to get deep wards in the top TSM jungle.

SSW try to find picks, and get one in the top jungle with all the wards they have placed. TSM do not take anything in response. SSW have realized that they are getting beat at the moment and look like they are regrouping.

SSW pressure top and Ryze, TSM's weakest point, but TSM do react to it and catch Kassadin in his aggression.

TSM need to make sure they keep the advantage going, as SSW's team will scale hard. TSM take vision control and another dragon. Now they need to work on the T2 turrets.

TSM move from dragon to take bot T2. TSM are still dictating the game.

All of SSW's investment is in Top lane, but Dyrus is playing safe. This allows TSM to take T2 mid. SSW get a good flank, but trade 2 kills for 1, almost losing more.

TSM get a great catch in SSW's top jungle, while working on Baron vision. TSM get 2 kills when Kassadin goes in for harass. A great flag and drag flash gets the knock-up needed.

TSM show that they do not need as big a lead to control and close games that SSW do.

TSM strangle Baron and take it before SSW can respond. TSM get a kill and then take top lane inhibitor.

SSW take dragon, but it does cost them the mid lane inhibitor.

With 2 inhibitors down, TSM pressure bot lane of Samsung's base, dealying until super minions force SSW back and then dive and take the fight and the game.

End Game Notes -

Finally, TSM believe in themselves and make moves to dictate the game themselves and it pays out huge.

TSM take an early lead and continue to dictate the game.

SSW pick a very late game composition, being overconfident and get punished hard for it.

It is great to see that TSM took the game to SSW instead of playing to SSW's tune.

TSM play objective focus, instead of the kill game that SSW like to play and they win.

What Samsung White should have done -

Not pick a late-game team whose synergy is lacking. They have no way to drag the game out if things go bad, or even if they go good. Their power-points are all in the 35 minute area, and they together they don't have any group strengths.

In the game, they had to be defensive. Unless they could massively outplay TSM, they were going to lose throughout the mid-game. SSW should have looked to avoid TSM's team through map movements and rotations, seeking to trade objectives to keep the game gold going even desperately trying to reach the late-game.

SSW going back to their previous styles in the early games will give them a much higher chance of success instead of playing a late-game team and playing cocky.

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