Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - TSM vs. SSW Game #2

Team Solo Mid vs. Samsung White Game #2
Standard Lanes

Zilean Orianna
Rumble Alistar
Thresh Lee Sin

1. Maokai 2. Janna
3. Jarvan 2. Khazix
3. Nami 4. Fizz
5. Corki 4. Twitch
5. Zed 6. Singed

Lane Match-ups – Team Solo Mid

Top -
Maokai cannot really do anything to stop Singed in this lane. Singed is just too tanky for Maokai to threaten and is able to wave clear fast while ignoring him. Maokai is going to have to look to do the same, go heavy into pushing the lane and be prepared to take creep damage. Good regen for both mana and hp will be important. Would love to see Maokai pick up a flask for the start, or on an early back, and to level up his Q first. Otherwise normal build will be fine if TSM expect Singed to run around the map.

Mid -
Mid will be a very brawl centric lane. With two mid lane melee assassins in the mix, poke, trades, and fights will be almost constant. The rush to level 2 will be very important. If one or the other can definitively reach level 2 first they can all in to grab early lane advantage. Zed will have an easier time harassing with his skillshot Q and his AoE E. Neither of these will pull creep aggro while Fizz will have to auto early on for his harassment. Zed should be stronger at level 2, slightly, and then Fizz at level 3, evening back out after until level 6 upon which Zed should have the advantage. Zed has several ways of dodging Fizz ultimate, be it his own ultimate or shadow play. Fizz on the other hand, can only dodge Zed ult through his pole hop. After 6 if at anytime Fizz's pole hop is down, Zed should go all in.

Bot -
Corki/Nami are much much stronger than Twitch/Janna, both Corki and Nami being stronger in poke, trades, all-ins and disengages than both of their counterparts. They need to bully the lane and should from the very start. This lane should also continually stay in TSM's favor throughout the entire laning phase.

Jungle -
Comparable farming speed with Khazix, with stronger early ganks. Would love to see Jarvan try to make some plays on Bot lane early, maybe even a dive. Otherwise try to catch Fizz in a bad play. If nothing shows itself available, farm up and get tanky early to live through Singed's poison and then tank up Twitch.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Singed can pretty much ignore Maokai in this match-up, which means the lane is really whatever he wants to make it. Singed can clear the wave, pushing it against Maokai and then run off, or Singed can even proxy, putting more pressure onto TSM's top lane. The power of Singed, especially against an opponent who cannot control or harass him, is his ability to quickly wave clear and then disappear and I expect to see SSW utilize this.

Mid -
Mid will be a very brawl centric lane. With two mid lane melee assassins in the mix, poke, trades, and fights will be almost constant. The rush to level 2 will be very important. If one or the other can definitively reach level 2 first they can all in to grab early lane advantage. In an even level 2 however, Fizz will be at a disadvantage, as his skills will force the all-in where as zed can provide poke as well as all-in potential. At level 3 though, Fizz will be able to harass with his full kit. Either by dashing in at Zed and hopping out, or by hopping in behind Zed, then dashing through him back to Fizz's side of the lane. Once level 6 comes around, the lane becomes much tougher. Fizz must hold onto his ultimate and his pole hop, otherwise Zed will have the advantage with his ultimate up.

Bot -
A much weaker lane than TSM's duo. There is not a lot to say, just farm safely, don't make aggressive plays, and wait out the laning phase. You will come behind, however Twitch can still make his pick plays with his team once the lane ends. Just don't lose the lane, and get your CS. Possible to run a 2v1 lane, however Singed will have a much rougher time and is a pick to fight against Maokai.

Jungle -
Khazix has almost all of the advantage in this match-up, mostly due to the lanes. Fizz and Singed should be extremely safe against their match-ups, while the bottom lane almost has to be ignored. Khazix can just look to farm and counter-jungle with Singed and Fizz watching his back during them.

Team Composition/Strategy – Team Solo Mid

*Win Condition – Get small skirmishes during the mid-game, and turn them into a lead and snowball that lead into a win.

TSM's team has their strongest point in the bottom lane and they really need to utilize it. Maokai/Jarvan/Zed can all go even against their match-ups and have similar or slightly greater strength in the mid-game. They should focus on going even with SSW and then moving into the mid-game around levels 7-9, and/or first items. Mid/Top/Jungle going even, will allow Corki and Nami to use their very strong lead in bot lane to control neutral objectives. In the mid-game TSM have the poke advantage with Corki and his power-spike. Maokai/Jarvan/Nami can play a heavy disengage focus at this time, letting Corki do his job as they protect him from Fizz, and letting Zed deal with Twitch when he shows up. TSM will need to get to this point, and grow from it, as late in the game it will be hard for TSM's team to deal with Fizz and Singed.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Be the better players and brawl brawl brawl.

I don't really like SSW's team composition, they don't really have much going in terms of working together, other than all of their champions, and just their team style, want to be in the fight and brawl. Singed can run into TSM and disrupt them while the rest of SSW pick apart the split up TSM. Singed will have to play a big part in just, being a distraction and disruption in TSM's line, attempting to protect Twitch by distraction and letting Fizz and Khazix dance around the fights. As the game gets later, SSW will out-scale TSM in every lane except top (but Twitch will do better against Maokai than Corki will against Singed), so they do have this fall-back option if things go wrong. The most dangerous spot for SSW will be Corki's power-spike with Trinity Force, and if TSM are able to group and play with this spike correctly. Singed can split-push during this if necessary, to pull TSM apart.

Game Notes -

Attempted invade onto SSW blue ends with TSM backing off. SSW delay around it, while getting their lanes in position. Get jungle speed and TP advantage. SSW turn this into a quicker jungle route, stealing TSM's blue buff. With the TP advantage SSW are able to trap and collapse onto TSM as they once again try to invade SSW's blue. SSW come out with a 3 buff lead and 2 kills, including First Blood.

TSM dominate bottom lane, but mid and jungle are getting heavily outplayed.

Dyrus TP's late to a fight at the mid turret. And SSW execute an amazing dive, killing TSM's mid and jungle. Khazix gets into the jungle from a great leap and sneaky play.

TSM get out of synch in mid, Jarvan goes deep onto Fizz, but Zed has already backed off.

A turret dive from SSW ends up going 3 for 2, TSM play well getting the kills.

Dyrus gets caught in top lane. But draws SSW down into the river, and TSM at least trade getting 1 kill and giving up 2 deaths.

SSW have such a lead, that the game is really already over. TSM do not have a way to come back into this game. Running with a generic composition into a generic composition means that TSM getting behind means they will stay behind.

SSW look for picks, take objectives, and take vision control of the map. Stand play when so far ahead, turning into turret dives and pressure when they get a kill.

SSW turn their lead into tower diving to move into and take TSM's base.

TSM do engage a fight, while down 15k gold and do go 3 for 4. A really good fight from TSM.

SSW take a long time to close this game. It should have been over 5 minutes earlier than it is. This gives TSM time to recoup their mentality and make some fun plays. If TSM come back to win the series, this is the moment that SSW loses it.

End Game Notes -

Good play early by SSW earn them a triple buff start again and get 2 kills. They fake the Blue Buff defense, pull out a TP advantage, get a quicker jungle route and take TSM's Blue, then set a trap for TSM at their own blue.

From here TSM is really behind and just get outplayed. Khazix really takes control of Jarvan, and mid/jungle get destroyed.

TP usage by SSW is 10x better in this match than TSM's was and really was a key factor in winning the early game and continuing to snowball a lead.

*Note – SSW should force Bjersen onto a brawl/assasin champion again. Ban Xerath/Syndra/Orianna and then pick away either Lee Sin or Ahri. This will throw a wrench into what TSM will most likely to to fall back to next match.

What Team Solo Mid should have done -

Committed to the level one invade. They did a great job getting there and starting it and already had 5 men there. They needed to take the blue buff, even if it had to be heavily forced and dictate something to SSW. TSM have still not dictated a single thing against SSW in both matches.

Drop the Zed pick, it really isn't working for TSM and they should try to bring out one of their one-dimensional, extremely strong focused compositions. SSW have already shown that they can and most likely will dominate TSM when TSM tries to play SSW's game.

If Zed had been Syndra or Ahri, TSM could have had an even strong mid-game team that could poke and punish Fizz/Twitch when they try to engage.

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