Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - C9 vs. SSB Game #3

Samsung Blue vs. Cloud9 Game #3
Standard Lanes

Lucian Yasuo
Alistar Zed
Thresh Zilean

1. Lee Sin 2. Syndra
3. Maokai 2. Janna
3. Braum 4. Rumble
5. Corki 4. Khazix
5. Jayce 6. Graves

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Maokai will be able to bully Rumble early and will be extremely safe. Will not be able to kill Rumble early though. Must build early MR to outlast Rumble's all in damage as it grows, especially when Rumble gets his double Mpen items. Needs Lee Sin to gank for the kill, great CC on both and enough damage. Needs to be wary of the counter gank, as Rumble/Khazix damage will be much higher.

Mid -
Jayce against Syndra is an interesting match-up, and one that can be even. Jayce has slightly longer range and a much faster projectile to hi Syndra with, while having the ability to fast push against her, as long as he is willing to get in range of some of her skills. Primarily, the lane will be one of farm, and attempted long range harass. If Syndra uses her stun and misses, Jayce can go for the all-in or for trade damage, having a lot more potential against her when she cannot stun. Ultimately, farm, poke with Shock Blast and go all-in when the stun is down. Once level 6 comes into play, Jayce will have to be a lot more careful, as Syndra's kill potential skyrockets.

Bot -
Corki/Braum are going to run into an even match-up against Janna/Graves. Both sides have good burst and all-in potential. Trading or harassment will have to be done around Janna's shield, avoiding Graves when it is up, and getting poke off when it is down. There is no real plan of action here, just the need to outplay. Once level 6 comes into the equation, avoid the all-in until Corki is able to get down a solid amount of poke. Remember, Graves/Janna are going to have huge burst at level 6.

Jungle -
Another Lee Sin vs. Khazix. Lee Sin should look to farm primarily, and make ganks onto pushed lanes. Lee Sin can turn any of the lanes into SSB's favor, if he is able to get in successfully, however all the lanes also run the risk of a strong counter-gank. Vision and trying to control Khazix's jungle will be very useful in controlling the ganks.

Lane Match-ups – Cloud9

Top -
Rumble can attempt to bully Maokai early, but should not have too much success. Maokai will heal a lot from his passive due to Rumble's spell spamming. Rumble does win the all-in trades at the early levels, but since he lacks sustain Maokai will come out on top over time, this does however, mean that Maokai does not have kill threat on Rumble unless Rumble is significantly lower on HP. Once Rumble is able to get his double Mpen items (Sorcerer's Boots and Haunting Guise) he will have kill potential on Maoki, especially so if Maoki does not get early MR. Very vulnerable to a gank, but very high damage output if Khazix is there for the counter-gank.

Mid -
Syndra's toughest time in this lane is going to be pre level 6. Syndra can farm from a safe distance, keeping creeps between her and Jayce. She should focus on simply Csing until level 6 and hold onto her stun until then. Syndra and Jayce will have similar poke/fight potential, but if Syndra's stun is ever down before level 6, then Jayce has the ability to all in her. Once level 6 hits, kill potential lies with Syndra and she should seek to be a strong bully in the lane while staying away from Jayce's poke ability.

Bot -
An even match-up in lane, Janna/Graves are going to have to rely on Janna's shield into Graves Buckshot while working around Braum's shield wall. The good news though, is that with Braum close, Graves will deal a lot of extra damage. The lane should go even, with both sides able to fight/harrass/trade with the other. Once level 6 hits, the lane will shift some, with Janna/Graves having huge all-in and burst damage potential while Corki/Braum will have poke damage for going for them. After 6, C9 should look to get into fights quickly, but safely (when the location of Lee Sin is known) to avoid extended poke damage from Corki.

Jungle -
Khazix should be looking to farm most of the time against Lee Sin. Get to level 6 quickly before joining the team at objectives. Khazix will be most successful mirroring Lee Sin and attempting to counter-gank when he shows up. Outside of that, ganking Maokai if he is pushed or low will be successful and a Syndra stun can potentially lead to a strong gank in mid.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Play the game. Group up together as a team after the laning phase and push primarily turrets and to a less extent dragon. Poke and protect and whittle Cloud9 down.

Samsung Blue have all the advantages this game. No lane is weaker than the other and their team composition is far superior to Cloud9's. All Samsung Blue have to do is not get behind in the laning phase. Afterward, they can come together and let Jayce and Corki poke Cloud9. If they get C9 low enough, then SSB can engage, however they don't even need to. By poking, SSB can force C9 to have to engage onto SSB's much stronger front-line that can easily protect Corki/Jayce from the weak engagement abilities of Cloud9. Get to the 15 minute mark without falling far behind, then just push into C9's turrets and keep C9 on the back foot.

Team Composition/Strategy – Cloud9

*Win Condition – Force mid-game team-fights and snowball them into a win. Rumble will be essential here.

I want to start off by saying, that I'm not a fan of the Rumble/Janna picks because they don't give CC chain/multiple pick potential with Syndra, OR I don't like the Graves pick as C9 have a disengage team and he is such short range. There is almost an anti-synergy on C9's team, especially when looking at SSB's.

Cloud9 is going to have to pull off an early win in this game and against Lee Sin this is going to be hard. Janna/Rumble/Syndra and to some extent, Khazix can all run some decent form of disengage, however C9 lacks both pick and poke potential. With Corki and Jayce on SSB, they have no reason to hard engage and all C9's disengage is a bit useless without some form of poke or long range turret siege. Cloud9 are going to have to draw SSB into fights at dragon and in the jungle corridors where they can use Rumble's ultimate to lock SSB into fights. Even then, the strong burst and protection that SSB can offer Jayce and Corki are going to make it very hard for C9 to get in.

Game Notes -

I'm not sure why Cloud9 give up Corki, Sneaky has been super strong on it and they had no need to lock in Rumble/Khazix as both of SSB's top/jungle were picked up.

Aggressive late invade without a tornado setup by Janna costs C9 and they lose 2 for 0. SSB try to respond after by heading to take C9's blue, but they get caught out and lose 1. Both junglers switch and steal each others red buff.

A great Tornado from Janna saves the C9 duo from death.

Laning phase goes rather slow. Will have to talk about lane match-ups and team compositions and how every game C9 is letting the top side jungle go.

Rumble TP miss-communication with Janna flash ends up with nothing gained. Cloud9 leave Rumble down, waiting for an opportunity and C9 draw out a fight, going 3 for 1. However they all get super low and SSB end up taking the dragon.

After getting the kill on Jayce, C9 head back into the jungle instead of just going middle, ends up with Syndra dieing.

Meanwhile the duo's fight in the bottom lane and C9 come out on top, 2 for 0.

Lee Sin duels and kills Rumble in the top lane.

The laning phase is starting to end, and both teams are at even gold. Compositions will come into heavy play now.

SSB have been picking on Rumble, smartly.

Hai tries to make a sneaky play, does draw out a TP, but why is he in the jungle behind the SSB mid T1 turret when they had just seen Lee Sin in their top jungle.

C9 are not respecting the Lee Sin this game. Syndra dies, and then SSB take the mid turret.

Talk about the TP advantage on Rumble, vs the 5 man advantage of SSB.

SSB, having made it through the laning phase, now start to dominate with their team composition. Case and point of the team composition difference is that massive hit onto Graves at the mid T2 turret.

Cloud9 cannot engage without losing the fight and SSB have no need to engage onto C9 as they have superior poke with C9 have little pick potential.

Cloud9 are able to lock SSB up in C9's jungle. Rumble's equalizer misses, coming out too early, but it does zone SSB. They are able to take out Jayce early, but are too far behind the for Equalizer to do almost nothing. The mobility of SSB and the use of the jungle wall allow them to turn the fight around, and SSB go 5 for 1.

C9 try really hard to get a pick, but at this point its just desperate and C9 lose in a 5v4.

Item Notes -

Corki's Brutalizer and Black Cleaver are great pick-ups in this match. The CDR, HP and shred are huge. SSB do not want to engage, so any chance to get more poke, and then increase the burst when C9 do try to engage are huge.

End Game Notes -

The team composition really wins this game. There was very little Cloud9 could do against SSB's composition and though they made good tries, they were just unable to overcome the team disadvantage.

What Cloud9 should have done -

Have a better pick/ban phase. The Janna pick was way to early, especially when C9 had already gotten Syndra. Syndra sets up one pick potential and when you grab a pick champion, you really need at least 2 pick potentials if not 3. There was an open door for C9 to pick up Corki, keep Deft off of it and keep Sneaky on one of his favorite and very strong champions. C9 could have later picked Janna, or Nami or Morgana, C9 threw away options here. Seeing the Maokai Braum pick on SSB's next rotation, C9 could have then picked up Khazix and their support, saving the top pick for either Ryze or Rumble. SSB's team looks very engage heavy, however they are also very strong at protection. By locking in Rumble for disengage and by not having Corki at this point, it let SSB see that, ok we can't engage against their disengage, but SSB still had 2 primary picks, and they choose Jayce and Corki, wrecking C9's plan that they can no longer change. C9 essentially said, here is our team, now pick your last 2 primary picks, we can't change our team. SSB were given 2 counter-picks, as Blue Side, to C9's entire team. C9 lost this game in champion select.

Inside of the game, Cloud9 needed to recognize how behind they were in team composition and picked a lane to absolutely camp and destroy SSB's lane. C9's bot lane shows their strength in game 1/2 so we are given 2 choices here. Absolutely stomp SSB's bot lane and focus tons of jungle ganks onto them, and try to shut Corki down or let Sneaky/Lemon do their own thing and completely ignore them, making heavy 3 man fights and ganks in either top or mid, and always on that lane. The other option would be to fast push in 2v1 lanes. Just, open up the map because C9 cannot fight and win in lanes, so the more options they can create in the jungle and for rotations the higher their chance to at least fight even.

Going forward, C9 should shut down Deft, I still feel this. The other lanes are going decently even, but the duo lane is winning handily every match. Get Corki first pick, take out Twitch and Lucian and Lee Sin. Don't waste bans elsewhere and remember how good mid Lulu is against Zilean. Prefer Balls to pick up Ryze or Maokai, and let Rumble fall in this next match.

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