vs. LMQ
Game #2
Lanes, LMQ top
Twitch Zilean
Jarvan Ryze
Rumble Alistar
Maokai 2. Thresh
Khazix 2. Lee Sin
Lucian 4. Lulu
Orianna 4. Kog'maw
Janna 6. Xerath
Match-ups – OMG
Top -
end up a very farm heavy top lane. Maokai is tanky enough and has
the sustain to survive Lulu's harassment but does not have the damage
to all-in Lulu. Going all in would allow Lulu to place a lot of
damage onto Maokai so it is ill advised unless it is to set up a
gank. Maokai should just focus on farming, using his TP to set up
plays mid lane and bottom lane. Very safe against ganks from Lee
Sin, able to Twisted Advance onto him if he comes from behind, or to
knock-up his Sonic Wave dash. Must be careful though if he is pushed
up far. Should have very solid ganks against a pushed up Lulu with
Mid -
a passive farm lane. Orianna should avoid taking poke as much as
possible. I would suggest an early boots pick up to do so, and to
let her play more aggressively. While it will be hard to get in
range, Orianna is able to all in Xerath. Her damage output will be
plenty superior as well as being much harder for Xerath to dodge if
she is in close. The one counter to this would be if Orianna gets
hit by Xerath's stun. At level 6, Orianna will have even greater 1v1
all-in potential, her ultimate being useful in the fight where as
Xerath's will not. If at any point Xerath's flash is down and her
flash is up, Orianna should play aggressively and flash his stun to
go all-in.
Bot -
fairly even lane, the ball really rests in OMG's court to take
control. Properly using Lucian's harass with Janna's shield can win
them the lane, while using her shield defensively or Lucian getting
hooked will result in them losing the lane. As long as they play the
match-up right, they can control the pace of the lane, however if
they play it wrong, LMQ are going to take control.
Lee Sin, Farm. Get to your level 6 and then make plays with Lulu or
Xerath. If Maokai is ever pushed, he will be a good gank
opportunity. Bot lane will be more difficult but not impossible.
Expect mid lane to be near impossible. Xerath hitting his stun in
mid lane is rather difficult.
Match-ups – LMQ
Top -
has little to fear in this match-up. She will be able to put down
harassment without having to worry about repercussions. If Maokai
attempts to all-in, Lulu's shield will prevent a large portion of the
damage while allowing her to deal out more to Maokai. Killing Maokai
1v1 will be almost impossible though. Lulu can either push extremely
hard and keep Maokai at tower, or focus on keeping the lane even or
pushed towards her by only auto attacking creeps and try to have Lee
Sin gank when there is chasing distance on Maokai.
Mid -
a farm match-up, both champions being picked for the team fight and
turret control. Xerath can poke easier, but will lose trades or
all-in fights unless he can land his stun. At 6 Orianna will
definitely have the fight advantage, however Xerath will be looking
to avoid it and just long range farm. Good kill potential with Lee
Sin, if the stun can be hit or Lee Sin flanks behind Orianna.
Bot -
are on the back foot in this match-up, but it is one that they can be
able to win. Kog'maw is going to need to be very wary of taking
harassment from Lucian, especially when Janna shield is up. If
Thresh can land a good hook while Janna's shield is down, then
Kog'maw should be able to get some good damage onto Lucian. Hitting
this hook however, is going to be difficult against Lucian and his
dash. All-ins should be avoided unless there is a solid advantage,
as Janna/Lucian can deal out a lot more damage in the all-in or
Lee Sin, Farm. Get to your level 6 and then make plays with Lulu or
Xerath. If Maokai is ever pushed, he will be a good gank
opportunity. Bot lane will be more difficult but not impossible.
Expect mid lane to be near impossible. Xerath hitting his stun in
mid lane is rather difficult.
Composition/Strategy – OMG
Condition – Move from a strong laning phase into strong 5v5
team-fighting. Use the power of your 5v5 team-fight to bully and
push through OMG.
team has some very strong team-fighting capabilities. As 5, they can
either engage with Maokai/Orianna or play a more protective
death-ball with the entire composition. More likely, they will have
to be the ones engaging, as LMQ has the ability to poke from a long
distance. Getting a catch onto Xerath or Kog'maw should provide very
strong engagement and the team-fight win. In the early game, all the
lanes should be fine, with Maokai being the only lane that might end
up behind. Transitioning this into early-mid objectives such as
dragon, or second/third jungle buffs will be key, especially if OMG
can pull this off before Kog'maw nabs his Trinity Force. Once a lead
is gained, and Maokai/Orianna reach their second items, any 5v5
team-fight should go in the favor of OMG.
Composition/Strategy – LMQ
Condition – Make it through the laning phase safely and move into a
5v5 poke squad. Be extremely careful not to let OMG engage.
LMQ has
created a poke composition with their last pick Xerath.
Unfortunately, it does not really work on this team, as there is very
little disengage. With the team composition they have though, LMQ is
going to need to survive the laning phase, as each of their lanes is
equal or slightly inferior to OMG's. Once the laning phase ends, LMQ
are going to need to group up and poke from a very safe range. When
Kog'maw hits his Trinity Force, this will be the best time for LMQ to
group up. Xerath and Kog'maw can poke down OMG, however they are
going to need to keep at it for several minutes before they can force
down an objective. LMQ will have to be very wary of flash
engagements from Maokai, or Khazix stealth jump. If OMG get into
LMQ's team, they will win with their superior team-fight and as
stated, LMQ have almost no disengage. LMQ are going to have to keep
OMG at the turrets, forcing the 5v5 and poke, keeping OMG from
engaging and controlling the map.
Notes -
take a sneaky red steal with their trio, but get trapped by the LMQ
team and baited hard. Beautiful play by LMQ, sneaking into the blue
buff as OMG delay invade red. LMQ take First Blood onto Kog'maw in
the first 2 minutes. This is all due to LMQ's warding spotting OMG
out, and their sneaky route into the blue buff.
Teleports bottom and then goes to check their blue, pushing Khazix
away from the steal.
end up in a 2v1 with LMQ top.
early game is beautiful by LMQ. They get a freeze onto top, allowing
Thresh to head bottom to 2v2 lane with Lulu while Kog'maw gets free
make a good move to 4 man dive the bot lane. The play goes wrong
though, Janna gets executed and Khazix dies, but they do get 2 kills.
So a 2 for 1, plus exp for LMQ.
TP's top for the wave and this lets LMQ move 5 people to dragon.
gets a great pink ward into LMQ's jungle and will provide so much
information for a long time this game.
A very
patient gank by Khazix gets a kill on Lulu.
OMG try
to dive bot again and it backfires, Janna getting killed after being
collapsed on.
gets caught out again, trying to put a deeper trinket ward, but
Khazix is already in the bush.
has made good use of the double kill at the bottom turret dive.
take dragon with vision control, nabbing it before LMQ can respond,
however LMQ do get a solid fight and push OMG to healing. LMQ nab
the middle turret while Lucian for OMG finishes off the low hp bottom
OMG do
respond by pushing mid as 5 when LMQ split to control lanes and they
get the mid turret.
OMG set
up a trap at the top turret, and it goes great, however the get a bit
over aggressive and end up trading 3 for 2 instead of just going 1
for 0 and taking tower.
is doing a great job to have much more presence than Xerath. Knowing
Xerath cannot fight her 1v1 she pushes hard and rotates a lot.
make a very slopping play. They see OMG move into the banana bush
near dragon and never see them leave. They should know that OMG are
near but instead they walk right up to the jungle bush and get caught
control vision at dragon and get another pick.
keep walking into OMG's team even though they are behind and have a
much weaker 5v5 fight.
cannot really siege LMQ's turrets, but they do not need to. As the
stronger team composition, OMG can simply starve resources in the
jungle and bait Baron until it is successful. OMG will continue to
scale until they reach the point where they can dive LMQ. OMG have
the win at this point in the game without actually having to do much.
Khazix bottom, LMQ clear out baron vision and get their own going.
But Khazix is able to get a lot of farm. OMG out rotate LMQ when
they back away from vision and OMG get a ton of turret damage onto
the mid T2.
A two
man baron bait by OMG ends up forcing Lee Sin to have to check and
Lucian and Khazix dash over the wall and kill him. More slow
whittling down of LMQ.
should have picked up a Scrying Orb quite awhile ago, instead of
holding onto his trinket ward.
OMG get
a little impatient and force Baron, going for the 50/50 smite. It
works out though and OMG get Baron, 2 kills, push into mid, and ace
LMQ, getting the mid inhibitor and the game. It has to be said that
even if they lost the smite war, OMG could have won the ensuing fight
Game Notes -
Khazix, you carried this game.
did great making Xerath useless.
LMQ should have done -
I think
Xerath was an awful choice into the OMG team. LMQ was able to see
the entire strategy of OMG, which was 5v5 team-fighting with heavy
engagement in Maokai and Khazix, with Orianna ball delivery and
Lucian brawling up close. LMQ needed to make a choice here. Either
pick Yasuo and use the synergy with Lulu, Lee Sin, and Thresh to have
a very brawl oriented mid game, or to pick a champion like Ziggs in
the mid lane to deal massive AoE damage and zone control against
OMG's heavy dive team. Both champions would have offered strength in
this game, where as Xerath really showed nothing.
being said, LMQ had a great early game, and they could have turned
that into a very solid tower siege in the early-mid and mid game.
However Lulu died way too many times, ruining the early game start of
LMQ and letting OMG get to the point where LMQ had lost all control.
If Lulu had not died and LMQ had done a better job of staying safe
and not let Khazix run rampant. LMQ then could have turned on their
tower siege composition, before Maokai and Khazix were able to laugh
at their damage.
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