Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - TSM vs. SSW Game #4

Team Solo Mid vs. Samsung White Game #4

Zilean Orianna
Rumble Alistar
Ryze Maokai

1. Thresh 2. Yasuo
3. Khazix 2. Lee Sin
3. Lucian 4. Braum
5. Ahri 4. Twitch
5. Mundo 6. Kayle

Lane Match-ups – Team Solo Mid

Top -
Mundo is going to have a rough time against Kayle and can expect to spend most of his time against the turret. Getting onto Kayle alone will be almost impossible against Kayle's speed-up and his slow and any attempt at Mundo to do so, pre-6, will most likely end up in failure. Mundo will have to get his farm with cleavers and then just seek to become the ultra tank later in the game. Must be worried about dives from Kayle and Lee Sin, as Mundo is vulnerable to tower dives.

Mid -
Ahri has a pretty even match-up against Yasuo, able to farm safely and to harass without too much worry of a response (though if Yasuo can get it it will be a heavy one). If at anytime Ahri can land her charm, then she can put out a ton of damage onto Yasuo. At 6, she will have the 1 on 1 advantage as long as she does not get knocked-up by Yasuo, however getting the kill will be hard while staying safe, as his Wind Wall can block her out. The biggest threat in this lane will come, not from Yasuo, but from Lee Sin ganks at 6 and the amazing synergy he has with Yasuo. Ahri should look to get early AP and seek to clear the wave in 1 or 2 spells, then play safe or move to side lanes.

Bot -
Once again TSM have the stronger lane. This time however, Braum can protect Twitch in an all-in. The best plan will be to focus on harassment and have Lucian dodge Braum Q with dash. Thresh can land hooks to give Lucian the chance for free damage, however going in with the hook should not be attempted unless there is a clear advantage and Lee Sin is known to not be near.

Jungle -
Khazix vs. Lee Sin. Khazix as always in this match-up should look to farm up and mirror Lee Sin for counter-ganking while avoiding Lee Sin in the 1v1. Kayle can offer an opportunity to gank, as he will most likely be pushing his lane. Otherwise focus on getting 6 then be prepared for Lee Sin to gank middle.

Lane Match-ups – Samsung White

Top -
Kayle has the definite advantage over Mundo. Range, slow, and speed-up will keep Mundo at bay while Kayle can also fast push with his AoE auto attack to keep Mundo under the turret. Needs to be mindful of Khazix ganking him if he is pushed, however a good slow and speed-up should get Kayle away safely.

Mid -
Yasuo is going to have a difficult time against Ahri, but not one of a big disadvantage. The match-up is just trickier for Yasuo. He has to properly use his dashes to get into Ahri, while avoiding damage and especially Charm. If he can do so, he can trade solid damage, and possibly come out ahead. Wind Wall will be essential later on to protect him from all of Ahri's spells.

Bot -
Braum/Twitch are weaker than Lucian/Thresh, but not by too much. If they choose to 2v2, they can play defensive to allow Twitch to get farm, as Braum will be a good deterrent against the all-in play from TSM. As long as they avoid taking too much harass/poke, SSW's duo should be able to keep close in CS numbers.

Jungle -
Lee Sin just really needs to farm against Khazix and then reach level 6. At six Lee Sin will have huge gank/skirmish potential with Yasuo and can abuse TSM together. Watch the lanes, don't let Khazix get a good gank off, and just farm to 6 and take control.

Team Composition/Strategy – Team Solo Mid

*Win Condition – Get picks in the mid-game and snowball them into a lead.

TSM have a good composition to get picks and against SSW's to poke. Thresh/Ahri can toss out Charm and hook to lock-up a member of SSW while Mundo and Khazix can throw out poke to keep SSW at bay and whittle them down. TSM should look to take the extended siege fights and not go all-in against SSW. Force out Kayle's Intervention and then back off, reengaging after it ends. Remember, SSW's two objectives. Twitch/Kayle ultimates and Lee Sin/Yasuo ultimates. TSM do not need to rely on their ultimates and can poke/pick to draw out SSW's, then engage when they are down. TSM need to realize that SSW's engagement is weak and using warding/sieging to take control and play the turret game.

Team Composition/Strategy – Samsung White

*Win Condition – Use the two synergy's of Lee Sin/Braum/Yasuo and of Kayle/Twitch to create the proper skirmishes and fights. Force fights at neutral objectives to draw TSM in.

SSW have a composition that has two strong points, and their entire fight/ability to win will rely on that. Kayle allows Twitch, with the right positioning, to get out a massive amount of damage in a team-fight with their ultimates. If Twitch can flank, and find the right line of attack, a 5v5 team-fight can be won during Intervention. The other avenue of attack is the synergy between Yasuo and Braum/Lee Sin. The right setup by either of them can lead to a very strong Yasuo ultimate and the engagement that SSW need to get into TSM. SSW in the mid-game will need to use these synergy's to take the fight to TSM and break through TSM's pick/poke. In the late-game, Yasuo and Kayle will both make very strong split-pushers.

Game Notes -

SSW put on heavy pressure early, burning a flash from Khazix. TSM do respond though and secure 2 buffs. TSM are able to get a sneaky ward into SSW's jungle.

SSW initiate a lane swap again.

TSM and SSW are both Triple jungling, but SSW get a catch onto Mid. TSM did not expect it, but SSW did.

A crafty catch setup for SSW does not pay off, burning a lot of time.

TSM are letting this set-up dilly dally for too long. Mundo will be useless without farm but Kayle can still provide his ultimate at 6 onto the free farming Twitch. TSM should be forcing this situation to end by fast pushing bottom all the way into SSW's base and forcing them to show up.

Braum stays near top, hiding to prevent TSM from starting dragon. However TSM catch out a misplayed ward by Braum and then pull the trigger and take dragon.

TSM take bot turret, the first, but SSW take top soon after.

Lustboy totally fakes out SSW and chases Twitch off, but SSW 5 man collapse on TSM's aggressive play, gives SSW a double kill. This will be a key point towards SSW's victory.

TSM take mid turret, but a great collapse from SSW do get them a kill onto Thresh. TSM do get top turret too, trading their bot turret.

SSW start to set up for dragon a full minute before it spawns.

A pick attempt from Twitch and SSW ends up creating a 3 for 3 kill trade. SSW's kills however go to Yasuo.

TSM push and take Mid T2 surprising SSW.

SSW take dragon and make a great dragon fight. Twitch gets a pentakill even though the fight goes 5 for 3 in SSW's favor. TSM needed to just do some poke then back towards the lane, not up through the jungle. The funnel really turns the fight with Twitch's ultimate.

A bit of over-aggression from SSW earns them a turret and some kills, but TSM turn it around to go 3 kills for 2.

Unfortunately, Yasuo is super strong against Mundo and takes him out 1v1. TSM do collapse and get a kill onto Twitch, but do lose Thresh. 2 for 1 and dragon in favor of SSW.

Huge skirmish in the red jungle of TSM ends up with lots of damage but a disengage and no kills.

TSM vastly out rotate SSW, and take mid inhibitor for their Top T2 turret, get out safely, and stop SSW baron. This is a testament to NA LCS season and variety of play-styles and strategies.

*Note - TSM also had the option at this moment, to give up Baron and to head bottom to take T2 turret and possibly the inhibitor turret as well. This would have put a bit of weight onto SSW shoulders, as the determining factor for TSM getting just the T2 or also the inhibitor would be on how fast SSW could make a call.

TSM move top and take top inhibitor turret.

SSW get a great catch mid, TSM disengage but are too low to stop Baron, SSW take baron. This could close the game.

At this point, 1 catch from TSM can clench them the ability to take inhibitors, however a won teamfight from SSW will end the game.

A good catch results in too much commitment by TSM, getting them a kill but trading and losing them mid inhibitor. Thresh lantern was late.

At this point, from TSM lose pressure and lose another Baron. TSM setup for a sneaky inhibitor kill. However the play was a bit sloppy and impatient when Khazix shows himself way ahead of his team.. This loses the attempt and will lose the game.

Item Notes -

Would prefer to see Hurricane from Kayle in this setup. It would provide great deterrent to TSM fully committing to a kill on SSW.

Mundo should have given up on getting Spirit Visage and nabbed Randuin's Omen. There is far more AD damage on SSW and the AS slow would be good against Kayle anyways.

End Game Notes -

TSM make some great rotational plays and once again a North American team is able to push around a Korean team even when 8-10k gold behind. This turret play and map movement play is so effective, but still it is never pulled out until the team is already far behind.

A few impatient plays get TSM into very bad spots, particularly the first dragon fight and then the end inhibitor attempt.

What Team Solo Mid should have done -

I feel that TSM's composition and pick/ban phase was good, though they did let Yasuo/Lee Sin go.

There were four distinct points in my mind that this game could have been turned out differently.

1. The lane swap really lasted a bit too long in my mind. I would have liked to have seen TSM fast push bottom and force SSW to defend, and closing down that long drawn out early game. Mundo needed to get some gold/exp to keep relevant, especially early, and Twitch needed to not be left alone to free farm.

2. The first dragon fight that gives Twitch a pentakill was due to TSM making a team positional mistake by running up into the jungle and funneling for Twitch ultimate. On top of this, TSM had no need to engage, they could have poked and looked for picks with their team composition. Just because they landed a Charm/Hook did not mean they had to go in, they just needed to whittle down SSW and draw out the Intervention, waiting for it to end.

3. After taking the mid inhibitor, TSM could have gone bottom and forced SSW to have to make a quick decision on Baron. TSM could have POSSIBLY gotten the bottom inhibitor in trade for Baron, but this is a bit risky, perhaps one TSM should have made being so far behind? Either way, they did stop Baron and things were looking better than before. If they had gotten the inhibitor, that would have given them the ability to push top with two inhibitors down.

4. Khazix jumps out too early and gives away the entire TSM plan. If he had not been so far ahead, all of TSM could have sneaked into SSW's base and taken the mid inhibitor. This would have forced SSW to make a quick decision, with SSW being farther down the lane. Base race or turn around to try to stop TSM. TSM could have take mid inhibitor and top inhibitor before SSW could get back, and then tried to escape through top. If SSW had decided to base race, it would have been really close and Mundo could have tanked the Nexus turrets.

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