Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Group Stage - SHR, Main Page

Star Horn Royal Club

Top – Cola
1. Win – Ryze 3/2/7
2. Win – Irelia 8/1/12
3. Win – Ryze 5/4/7
4. Win – Irelia 4/2/7
5. Loss – Ryze 1/7/10
6. Win – Ryze 3/0/2

Jungle – InSec
1. Win – Khazix 4/1/9
2. Win – Rengar 3/2/11
3. Win – Lee Sin 4/3/7
4. Win – Rengar 5/2/6
5. Loss – Khazix 3/3/6
6. Win – Lee Sin 1/1/5

Mid – Corn
1. Win – Orianna 4/4/6
2. Win – Zilean 4/1/11
3. Win – Yasuo 4/1/10
4. Win – Orianna 4/0/10
5. Loss – Fizz 4/4/10
6. Win – Orianna 3/1/4

ADC – Uzi
1. Win – Caitlyn 4/1/4
2. Win – Tristana 10/1/10
3. Win – Tristana 13/1/5
4. Win – Vayne 6/1/7
5. Loss – Caitlyn 7/3/4
6. Win – Lucian 6/1/6

Support – Zero
1. Win – Nami 0/2/9
2. Win – Janna 0/0/19
3. Win – Janna 0/3/21
4. Win – Janna 0/1/16
5. Loss – Janna 0/4/11
6. Win – Nami 1/2/11

Banned Against Banned By
Fizz – 2 Nidalee – 5
Lee Sin – 1 Maokai – 4
Lucian – 3 Alistar – 5
Rengar – 4 Elise – 1
Zilean – 3 Zilean – 1
Maokai – 1 Aatrox – 2
Alistar – 2
Zed – 1
Ryze – 1

Group Stage Notes -

SHR are looking extremely strong in the group stages.

Their bot lane, especially is very strong and willing to be very aggressive. It's worth noting that this can leave them vulnerable to ganks.

Cola has only played two champions in the top lane, it may be worth it to fully target top lane with bans and force him onto something else.

Corn's Orianna is extremely strong and he has dueled several assassin mid champions and won.

SHR have shown the knowledge to push down turrets and bases, ignoring baron when they are ahead. They know how to close out when they get a lead. It would be a good idea to not plan on coming back from behind and to stay even or get ahead of them throughout the game.

There are some communication problems on SHR's team, with the differing languages, however if the call is ever made to go in, they will go in without hesitation.

SHR have shown a variety of strategies at the low levels, from standard set-ups to level 2 ganks, buff invades, 2v1 lanes, freezes and fast-pushes.

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