Tuesday, November 11, 2014

League of Legends Worlds Analysis, Quarterfinals - C9 vs. SSB, Post-Game

  C9 vs. SSB Quarterfinals

Balls vs. Acorn
1. W – Ryze 5/2/6 1. L – Nidalee 1/4/2
2. L – Maokai 2/6/2 2. W – Rumble 2/0/21
3. L – Rumble 1/5/3 3. W – Maokai 2/2/11
4. L – Rumble 5/4/10 4. W – Maokai 2/4/17
Meteos vs. Spirit
1. W – Khazix 1/0/12 1. L – Elise 1/4/3
2. L – Elise 1/5/1 2. W – Khazix 8/1/9
3. L – Khazix 1/2/4 3. W – Lee Sin 7/0/9
4. L – Lee Sin 4/5/8 4. W – Rengar 4/4/13
Hai vs. Dade
1. W – Syndra 7/4/12 1. L – Jayce 1/5/3
2. L – Zed 1/10/1 2. W – Twisted Fate 9/2/11
3. L – Syndra 5/6/1 3. W – Jayce 7/2/3
4. L – Talon 5/7/7 4. W – Yasuo 8/3/11
Sneaky vs. Deft
1. W – Lucian 15/0/7 1. L – Tristana 2/5/1
2. L – Corki 2/3/1 2. W – Twitch 9/2/9
3. L – Graves 3/4/4 3. W – Corki 5/2/7
4. L – Corki 5/5/11 4. W – Twitch 9/4/10

LemonNation vs. Heart
1. W – Morgana 1/1/24 1. L – Thresh 2/11/3
2. L – Morgana 0/5/3 2. W – Thresh 1/0/20
3. L – Janna 0/4/16 3. W – Braum 0/4/16
4. L – Braum 0/5/14 4. W – Nami 3/4/18

End Series Notes -

Cloud9 lost this series due to pick/ban mistakes in all 3 of their losses. Even when playing from behind Cloud9 make some great plays to keep the games close.

SSB look to have several weaknesses in the early and mid-game, and going forward against Samsung White this is going to be a huge huge problem.

SSB need to come up with a solid level 1 plan and stick to it in their semi-finals and possibly look to dropping turrets faster and moving into the team-fight phase before SSW can pick them apart.

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